Dec 172020

It’s Horrible Hospital Day here in the CatBox.  Don’t be surprised if the next you hear from me is a “back to bed” Personal Update in the morning.  Hospital Horror Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:18 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): The Most Popular Christmas Songs Ever!!! Best Traditional Christmas Music Playlist 2020


If you spend an hour listening to this, you will enjoy it more than I will enjoy my morning. HUGS!!

33 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!


  8 Responses to “Personal Update – 12/17/2020”

  1. Cartoon: They probably fall off the boat like Devos did while drunk. Probably shoot dolphins, and deface the environment too! ugh! 
    BoC: I intend to listen to this music this afternoon. Thanks! 
    Hope that all goes well for you, and that when you get home, you w/have an opportunity to rest and relax! I know that you’ll need that comfort for sure. Take care, Tom! 

    *This just in: “You cannot disregard your friends, very good friends, in the manner that Lindsey G. did and then expect them to accept you back into the fold. Not only has Lindsey shown his lack of moral character, he personally went after Biden’s family, so that is contemptable. Biden is classy enough to not trust or treat him with contempt, but there will be no warmth or trust.” ~ Bev H. ~ 
    2. “You know…for a smart guy like Putin, he’s done some really dumb things. I suppose that’s going to happen when the only one you answer to is yourself.” ~ John P. ~ 
    3. “As long as the Orange Turd can milk his blindly stupid donors, he will. He will go to his grave never acknowledging he lost the election contending it was rigged for Joe and Kamala Harris.” ~ David S. ~ 
    4. “Mar-A-Largo neighbors taking legal action to force Donald Trump to live elsewhere. NIMBY.” *pb* 
    5. “Bill Barr tests negative in integrity.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~ 

    • TJI #3 – Even if he can’t milk his voters – even if they all see through him (unlikely in the extreme, I knw), he will cling to his version of reality. He will never give it up. He isn’t capable of giving it up.

    • I’m going to be closely following Trump’s neighbors legal action.  Looks like they have solid legal footing WRT Mar-al-Lago should NOT be legally able to be claimed both as a domicile and a Club. 

  2. Just Three Scaramuccis to go?

    Prayers and everything else coming your way. From all of us. Hope it helps.

    Cartoon – What! Those yachts are WAY too small!

    Blast – Nice playlist. I’m celebrating Beethoven’s birthday here, but it’s nice to know that’s there.

    A couple of headlines …

    “President-elect Joe Biden will choose to nominate Michael S. Regan, who heads the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, as the next Environmental Protection Agency administrator, according to two individuals who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it has not yet been formally announced. Regan, 44, would be the first Black man to run the EPA.”

    “This week Microsoft took a series of dramatic steps against the recent SolarWinds supply chain attack. In the size, speed and scope of its actions, Microsoft has reminded the world that it can still muster firepower like no one else as a nearly-overwhelming force for good.”
    This is to complex to quote enough to make sense, so here’s the link.

  3. BoC: I bookmarked it on YouTube to listen to later.
    Hoping that your visit to the hospital went smoothly. No chaos this time That the road trip was nice too. That you make it home safely and on time for your other appointment. 
    Keep us posted. Take care. Thanks TomCat

  4. “Back to bed” is always a good refrain.

    Keep us updated.

  5. I would think any day visiting the hospital is horrible, so your outlook on today must have been really terrible. I hope you’re resting now and things didn’t turn out as bad as you expected.

    But “back to bed” is a good option too; do whatever you feel is best for YOU.

    3:00 Doesn’t look tasty at all.

    Cartoon: Those yachts are last year’s model. They a lot bigger this year.

    BOXmas: Thanks for posting, but even an hour will not get me into a X-Massie mood here in hot and muggy Australia.

  6. Thanks and exhausted TGIF Hugs to all! 19

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