Dec 162020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox, and I’m hurrying to get back to bed.  Tomorrow is gruesome hospital day.  Please expect no more than a very brief Personal Update.  Because of the notary appointment afterwards, I will probably not have the time or strength for a back and OK message, but if anything is wrong, I’ll text Nameless to let you know.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s campaign claims she had no idea she was posing for a photo with a former Ku Klux Klan leader who was once convicted of a violent assault on a Black man. Loeffler was photographed beaming alongside Chester Doles at a Friday campaign event.

“Kelly had no idea who that was, and if she had she would have kicked him out immediately because we condemn in the most vociferous terms everything that he stands for,” a campaign spokesman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. But Loeffler was at a September event for QAnon candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene that Doles attended—and was kicked out of. You’d think that someone being a no-go for Greene would stick in the mind. After that event, a Loeffler campaign spokesperson said Loeffler didn’t know who Doles was. But again, that was her opportunity to learn. Apparently she didn’t bother.

We need all hands on deck to win the Georgia Senate runoffs on Jan. 5, and you can volunteer from wherever you are. Click here to see the Georgia volunteer activities that work best for you.


Perhaps the reason she doesn’t recognize him in plain clothes is that, when they are together, both are almost always dressed in their sheets and hoods.  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: The U.S. government pays disability benefits to people with a serious condition that leaves them unable to work full time. But the Trump administration has been trying to cut the number of people on the program for a while, and now Trump is planning to redefine full-time work as 30 hours per week for purposes of determining whether someone is disabled. Many people would lose their meager benefits as a result. Via Huffington Post:


This is not Trump’s* sole doing. Stealing money from the needy to provide more welfare to greedy billionaires is what Trump has to do to keep a few Republican elected officials actively supporting his election theft and sheeple-fleecing operations.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): The First Noël


Beautiful! Ah… the memories. HUGS!!

34 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/16/2020”

  1. Yes, tomorrow will be gruesome. (I know this is cold comfort, but we still have traces of snow on the ground after 3 days of full sun, so it’s what I have – aren’t you glad the fire was Monday night and not tonight?)

    “TJI” – “So, actually, when you sing ‘Deck the hall with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, fa la la la,’ you’re actually filling in for a harpist that is missing. And so it’s worth remembering that if you ever want to do that you should really find the budget to hire a harpist.” – John Rutter

    Cartoon – and seditionists of sedition. And violent racists of racist violence. The conspiracies never end.

    DK – I know she doesn’t care, and I’m surprised she has anyone her staff smart enough to say she does. Thank you for linking to the ways people can help from home. They are all good and the skills used are skills most people have.

    C&L – Yes, this is very, very Republican. But in former times, even Republicans (or at least their staffs) realized moves like this resulted in a loss of political capital. Now they have none to lose, and I do point the finger at Trump* for that. Incidentally – Steven Schmidt – of the Lincoln Project – has now registered as a Democrat. Sadly, but proudly, or so I interpret his tweet.

    Blast – It’s a carol for the revolution in the same way the Magnificat is. Whom does God tell first? Poor people,and specifically, poor people close enough to act on it. By the time he gets around to telling rich people (and faraway ones at that), it’s been so long that the child is 2 or 3 when they arrive.

  2. Good luck, tomorrow, may all work out well.
    ‘Toon: Of course it is, waddya think?
    DK: There is always an excuse, and, Holy sheet, it must be very hard to see through those things.  
    C&L: Social Security has been on the radar of the conservatives since the day FDR forced them into agreeing to it, in what, 1933? The “poor” babies just can not get used to the idea that the people of the culture that allowed them to become rich might have some claim on financial support.

  3. Cartoon: You bet! 
    DK: Most R’s are deceitful
    . This one is trying to become flawless with her lies. ugh! 
    C&L: dt tries to mess with everyone, and this is a classic and very cruel example. People who need this, won’t be able to get the help they need. There’s nothing sadder than putting people down, rather than rising them up, he doesn’t care either. Sick!
    BoC: What a great song! 
    Hope that tomorrow goes by quickly for you, and going to and fro safely too. Get your rest, best to you, and take good good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “As Kayleigh McEnany was lashing out at the WH press, she was asked by Jim Acosta this question: “Isn’t it hypocritical of you to accuse others of disinformation when you spread it everyday?” She walked off. 
    2. “I am very excited to know that soon Donald Trump will never be able to fly or use Air Force One as a campaign prop.” ~ Don Winslow ~ 
    3. “Remember Pompeo’s Christmas party? He invited more than 900 guests to an indoor party. Seems only about 70 rsvp’d and even less than that showed up. Tells me people do not feel they owe him anything anymore as well.” ~ Bev H. ~ 
    4. “If Vladimir Putin has accepted the election results, but you haven’t, you might have a problem.”
    ~ Amy Klobuchar ~ 
    5. “A judge just ruled that the Trump Organization must turn over additional documents related to my ongoing investigation. We will continue to follow the facts wherever they may lead us.” ~ NY AG James~ 
    6. “Interesting that Moscow Mitch waited for Putin to congratulate Biden before he did.” ~ Andrew B. ~ 

    • TJI #2 – Don Winslow ha been very generous making ads paid for out of his own pocket. If anyone likes mystery novels, he has written more than one or two. (Barnes and Noble is not Amazon).
      TJI #3 – Also suggests people are starting to realize they can get CoViD and die from those parties.
      TJI #4 – Ain;t THAT the truth!
      TJI #6 – Very interesting – they happened so close in time I didn’t realize that was the sequence.

    • TJ3: I too feel people are wising up about going to these big party/gatherings…that there Not worth dying for.
      TJ4: Must still be crying, since now they’ll be expected to work not play.
      TJ5: Oh happy days are here again for us when they hit tRump hard the moment he’s no longer leader. 
      TJ6: Crazy to think that mItch the bi*ch had to wait till Putin excepted Joe’s election win. What does that tell us??

  4. The best of luck tomorrow, TomCat. I hope such a full and trying day it doesn’t wear you down too much.

    3:03 That is a gnome who could do with a thorough cleaning; must be a Republican.

    Cartoon: You may be right for once there, Inspector Goosestep. They are.

    DK: Of course Kelly Loeffler takes her cues straight from the boss; when caught meeting with some undesirable, always deny knowing them.

    C&L: WRT your comment, TomCat. I think even we would be surprised how little is Trump’s doing where policies are concerned; they’re all thought up by Republicans. Trump has never been more than a figurehead without a thought of his own and a very irrational and unreliable one at that because he likes to put his own spin to the little he understood of their plans.

  5. Cartoon: Yep, that’s the way the rotten R’s are.
    DK: She didn’t know….sure??? Like the flipping leader, all lies. can’t be trusted.
    C&L: Despicable the way they’ve tried to screw the people who worked their life and now have suffered with some sort of medical disability. This is their Thanks??? Shame on them.
    BoC: Great song. Always been a fan of Andy Williams. \
    Will be praying that everything goes well for you tomorrow. No chaos this time around like you were put thru the the last time.
    Hope that you got some rest today and sleep well tonight.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. “… but if anything is wrong, I’ll text Nameless to let you know.”

    Will this be a case of “No News Is Good News”?

  7. Horrid Hospital Hugs 🏥

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