Dec 112020

Georgia – Jon Ossoff – Breaks my heart, but MUST be said.

Meidas Touch – getting a little giddy – but I love it (full screen to read captions)

Chris Hayes – Very clearly stated and supported. Not really anything we don’t know, but it needs to be said.

Dr. Fauci – Please not he is not willing to go farther than “some degree of normality that is close to where we were” by the end of next year if 75-80% of the population is vaccinated. IF.

Henri – Cat Litterature [sic]

Beau – Texas. I think he’s wrong about Trump supporters as a group. Some will, yes. Not all. Probably not even a majority.

Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Greek) Yesterday’s was so fun and silly, today’s is more serious.

Keith is running so late now I think I’ll always be a day late. But he doesn’t get old, so…


  7 Responses to “Video Thread 12/11/2020”

  1. Georgia: It does need to be said, and it is sad.
    MT: Mitchie Tightass Blowing a Gasket.
    MSNBC: Trump is a symptom of a cancer in the country, and when he is excised, the cancer will remain, indeed!
    Fauci can not, in all good faith, claim that we will be “Just phenomenal,” by any particular time, even if he believes it. I’m thinking that if his probably conservative pronouncement is where we wind up in that time frame, we will need to be thankful, and move on from there.  
    Henri is funny.
    Beau is right, as usual.  “End the United States as we know it.”  Gee, what ever happened to the Republican Rubicon regarding “State’s rights?” 
    Keith: “Traitors” is correct.

  2. The Dr. Fauci video unfortunately did not have CC.  I appreciate your including the intro/abstract.  But I was surprised to see that the hoped for herd immunity vaccination level is now up to 75%-80%.

    I can remember at the very beginning Dr. Fauci said 60%-70%.  We’ve obviously learned since then that COVID is much more easily transmitted.  There’s not one “absolute” number for herd immunity – it depends on contagiousness.  For example, measles requires 90% because it’s so easily transmitted.

    WRT Henri, I have good news and sad news.  The good first:  His line in this one of “I longed to empty my head of my thoughts.”

    And then he spies the white cat, known to his fans as ‘l’Imbecile Blanc” – he  reconsiders: “Well, no … not quite THAT empty.”  Is just hilarious!

    The sad news: Henri crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, apparently yesterday.

    We are très désolé to report that YouTube cat-video sensation Henri, le Chat Noir has died at the ripe old age of 17. His collaborator Will Braden, aka the “thieving filmmaker,” announced Henry’s passing in a moving Facebook post. Apparently, Henri had a deteriorating spinal condition and had been rendered largely immobile as a result. Despite the pandemic, a local vet made a home visit to “help him pass peacefully, surrounded by those that loved him,” Braden wrote.

    The link says there’s a moving tribute to him at his Facebook site – but apparently you have to belong to view it.  And I don’t.

    • Bless his furry little heart.  I was afraid of that, since it’s been a long time since a new YouTube video has been posted (I wouldn’t go to Facebook either.  Perhaps someone at one of the sites I do visit will share all or part of the tribute.)

  3. JO: Let’s hope voters in Georgia think the same way.

    MT: Cute way of saying goodbye to McConnell.

    CH: Hasn’t this been on PP before; in TomCat’s blog perhaps? Worth repeating, though.

    AP: Fauci is very cautious, as he should be.

    Henri: I should have stayed in my box… There are days I can relate to that so well.
    I was sad to read in Nameless’ comment that Henry has passed away yesterday at the ripe old age of 18 cat-years and that Will Braden didn’t let him suffer even when his continued appearance in videos and books could have made a lot more money for Braden. I doubt “l’Imbecile Blanc” is graced with such existential thoughts as Henri was. I’ll miss you, Henri.

    Beau: This is one of the few times I don’t agree with him. In the four years of a never-ending stream of lies and after an impeachment, Trump’s followers refused to accept the truth that Trump is nothing more than a con artist who was out to scam everyone. If they didn’t accept it then, they won’t do it know. Those who saw the light have already taken their vote to Biden.

    Lovely hymn.

    KO: I can fully understand Keith’s frustration over Republican’s getting away with sedition (again) and being left in the knowledge that it will get only worse and will continue after Biden takes over the helm. Republicans can continue their destruction of democracy knowing that Democrats will not do anything for fear of starting a civil war. By not reacting to these treacherous acts Democrats let Republicans further fan the flames. Democrats keep on believing that Republicans will come to their senses and are instead fueling the infighting in the Democratic Party itself. When is the Resurrection going to start, and which Ressurection is it going to be?

  4. All good, excellent! Really. 
    RIP Henri, you will be missed. 

    Thank you, Joanne for posting. 

    • Might I add, I feel same with KO and his remarks. So spot on. 
      Hopefully, with President Biden in office next month, Keith will have a chance to relax… knowing that Joe is is at the helm, taking care of the US of A, and our people. 
      Woo Hoo! 

  5. Georgia – Amen!

    MT – LOL!  However, it would be more effective if she barfed.

    Hayes – there’s that ditch again.

    Fauci – I wish I would get to see it.

    Henri – Literate kitty litter.

    Beau – already a dead issue.

    Mortal Flesh – Good one!

    Keith – to the extent that it is supported and propagandized by Putin [R-RU] it is not just seditious.  It’s treasonous!

    Good one JD! 03

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