Nov 132020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  I did not sleep well last night.  I texted with Nameless at suppertime and early this morning.  He is feeling much better and is off the BIPAP machine.  He hopes to be released on Sunday, and their current best guess is that he has atypical pneumonia.  Please keep him in your thoughts, best wishes and prayers.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a brief Personal Update from me.  It’s a WWWendy day, and we have a notary service coming to finalize my will.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:08 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


It’s That Day Again:

Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Turnbull said the media giant had delayed global action to address climate change by turning scientific fact into an issue of “values or identity” and countries were “paying the price”.

Source: The Guardian

Malcolm Turnbull says News Corp has become an organisation for “pure propaganda” that has done enormous damage through its promotion of climate change denial.

In a heated exchange on Monday night’s Q+A, the former prime minister and the Australian’s editor-at-large, Paul Kelly, clashed over the media organisation’s treatment of climate science.


Turn about is Fair play. We’ll take Lona, and Oztralia can have Murdoch back!  RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: President-elect Joe Biden could obtain all the classified intelligence he needs simply by hanging out in the public dining room at Mar-a-Lago, members of the international espionage community recommend.

“Biden shouldn’t worry about getting official intelligence briefings,” a foreign spy, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said. “He should just reserve a table at Mar-a-Lago, and he’ll hear everything he needs.”The spy offered his own methods for obtaining classified intelligence as a possible roadmap for the President-elect. “Get a table near Trump, order an omelette, and turn on your recorder,” he said.

Dang Andy! This isn’t satire. It’s true!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): Michael Moore: Joe Biden’s Presidency Will Be The Polar Opposite Of The Last Four Years


Michael Moore is representative of the most progressive segment of the left. For him to recognize how much closer a centrist like Biden is to us than he is to Trump* sets an example we should all follow instead of whining that Biden isn’t progressive enough.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast at the Reich): When The President Talks To God

This is certainly appropriate for Crawford Caligula, Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich, for whom it was written.  How much more does it apply to the Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich, Trump*?  Neither of them talk to God.  They talk to Republican Supply-side Jesus, the polar opposite of the real Jesus.  RESIST!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/13/2020”

  1. Best tp you and WWWendyWW tomorrow. other than doing what you’ll be doing with her, it doesn’t sound like fun

    A pictorial guide to Republican grief processing.

    Cartoon that really puts things in perspective (linked due to copyright)

    Cartoon #1 – Happy birthday, Colleen! And many mpre!

    Cartoon #2 – There are probably people who would take the horse gladly! Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.

    Cartoon #3 Because we started with 13 colonies, many of our national symbols still include the number 13 – and many important events of the Revolution and formation happened on Fridays.

    C&L – “Values and identity” – I haven’t heard it said better. (I don’t think Lona wants us to “take her” if it means bringing her to the US.)

    Andy – Isn’t THAT the truth! I read somewhere that this is not the first delay in a President-elect gaining classified access; that it in fact happened to Shrub. But of course, then, it was working, so it wasn’t as critical. (I got the impression the Shrub team wasn’t ready for it right away, but Joe’s is. Joe’s team is ready for anything.)

    Late show – I expected Moore to still be wringing his hands about Trump* not leaving. I’m glad he’s a little calmer now. Trump*’s regime was so awful that I’m not sure it’s possible for a mere human being to establish an exact polar opposite, but Joe’s will go a long way in that direction. (And see Beau in the Video Thread today.)

    Ideally, prayer should not be talking to God – or at least not just talking to God. There should be a larger component of listening. But regardless, it won’t work if you are in fact talking to Republican supply-side Jesus instead of the real one.

    A day early for this because today’s already half gone:

  2. Cartoon #1: Hi, Colleen! Enjoy your very special Day! Hope that you have a wonderful, and Happy Birthday ! 
    Cartoon 2. Ain’t that the truth? 
    C&L: Great smack-down! Climate change is alive and well, unfortunately. IANA scientist, but one (for instance), can see and feel the effects of the weather with no rain for months, or a hurricane flooding land, homes and the environment. It’s real, and very sad. The bee population is another. We must leave our footprint on earth in a healing fashion, rather than razing the environment, and saving it for our future generation(s). 
    NYer: I couldn’t stomach being in one of his hotels, or eating establishments…I cringe just thinking about it. Excellent information to pass on though, thanks, Andy. 
    LSC: Hadn’t see Michael in a while. Very refreshing to listen to, good video. 
    BATR: Wow! Holy Moly! What a song! Buh-Bye, dt!! 
    Good news about Nameless! and w/continue to pray for his recovery. Early HI’s to WWWendy too! I didn’t sleep good at all last night either, so I see a little teeny weeny nap in the p.m. for me. Hope that you get a chance to nap, and rest too, Tom. Take good, good care, and Thanks!! 

    *This just in: “It’s worth pointing out that after 4 years of housing Donald Trump, Washington, D.C. decided to legalize psychedelics.” ~ John Fugelsang ~  h/t Joanne D. 
    2. “Donald Trump must be on some very strong drugs. Plus, his miraculous recovery from COVID-19 feels almost biblical.” ~ Iron L. ~ 
    3. “Vatican confirms Biden is President. White Smoke visible.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~
    *Biden, a lifelong Catholic receives Congratulations from the Pope.” ~ NYT ~ 
    4. “The President hides from the public and fights for a job ‘he has no apparent interest in responsibly performing'”. ~Brian Stelter ~ 
    5. “The WH called a lid today. Kayleigh tweeted it. No one cared.”  ~ Kathleen B. ~ 
    6. “Miss Cholla Catcus is reserved for special people.” ~ anon ~ 

  3. And many more, Coleen!
    Turnbull rocks it!
    New Yorker: Yes, just like that Chinese lady of a while ago!
    Michael Moore: We will pay for it when the kids we’ve traumatized come back as our enemies!  We are so good at creating enemies.  That’s how Bin Laden got to where he was. That’s how Iran got to where it was, and is.  About Harris, “Who would do that?”  Ironically, or not, it is the kind of thing that Lincoln did, as when he stepped aside and gave his backing to a rival, in the 1855 campaign, when he was first running for the senate.  (See “Give and Take,” by Adam Grant.)  “Principles, religious, or not….”  I’m not a Catholic, and am not troubled by his being one, as so many were in JFK’s day, but his ability to choose Kamala seems to me to be an ethical stance, whether, “…religious or not.”  
    You Tube: GWB must have been talking to himself, or maybe to Irvin Baxter, the preacher who just died of the cover virus that he “knew” was sent by his God.  Pence has said he hears his God’s voice, and we all know that God put the Orange Pustule in place to fight Q’s war, right?  WE need to move the country to place wherein when a politician claims to be his/her God’s messenger, that one goes into medical treatment for Delusional Disorder, and is immediately disqualified as a candidate.  If the person believes it he/she has a problem, if we believe it we have a problem.  That’s how you spell “Manipulation.”
    TC, when you next text, or speak to Nameless, please give him my best wishes.

  4. THIS Just In: Biden has won in Georgia!!!!!!!  Thank you Stacey Abrams.

  5. Cartoon 1: Thanks for the kind wishes.
    Cartoon 2: Awful the direction they’ve taken.
    C&L: Agree with Pat’s comment.
    NY: So True. I top remember the Chinese lady. 
    Michael Moore: Enjoyed listening to Michael. We will all be happy when tRump is our of the W.H. It will be a blessing to have Biden. Hopefully our country can start to recover from all the damage tRump has done to our country.
    BFTP: Wild but good. 
    Hope you’re able to get some rest and start sleeping better. Have you ever tried drinking Chamomile tea? 
    Glad to hear that Nameless is doing better. Hope he can be released soon.
    Tell Wendy hello tomorrow.
    Thanks TomCat

  6. I’m sorry there’s too much to worry about to sleep well, TomCat. Thinking about your will? I hope there was no pain mixed into that too. It’s good news about Nameless, though. It’s not COVID-19 and he seems to be recovering from his pneumonia quickly. He’ll be in my thoughts for a while yet.

    3:01 Little more to say about it than it’s a puzzle.

    Have a wonderful day, Colleen!

    Cartoon: Remember the saying “Too little to live on, and too much to die”? Well, even if you die Republicans will take you for every cent that you had.

    Friday the 13th: It’s the 14th here now and I wouldn’t have known it was the 13th yesterday had I not seen this cartoon of a lovely black cat. Not much superstition going around here.

    C&L: Former PM Malcolm Turnbull was booted out of office by his own coalition parties because he was far too centrist for their liking. He’d fit your Democratic party perfectly. Discussions on how to battle global warming are rife here now that America is returning to the Paris agreements soon, putting current PM Scott Morrisson under great pressure to move too. Of course, Murdoch, who is, in fact, running the country, has no intention on budging. Hence the very interesting discussion on ABC’s Q&A that went much further than climate change, BTW.
    I have to decline on being swapped for Murdoch, though. Australia may have a very “Republican” government at the moment, but its democracy is intact and politically we’re more to the left in general than the US. Here only 10% would vote for Trump.

    TNY: I have to agree with you, TomCat, this isn’t funny at all. Trump has put the whole Homeland department to shame with his reckless behaviour.

    LNS: Do not confuse a higher moral standard with progressiveness. Yes, they often do go hand in hand, but there were (FDR?) and there are now (Malcolm Turnbull) conservatives with good moral standards who are not politically progressive.

  7. Thanks for keeping us posted about Nameless.  The progressives and unions, who did the grassroots community building over the past decade and drove voter registration and voter information Party efforts failed to do, deserve the credit for Biden’s win along with the two DEM Senators in AZ.  Moore has been proven right and he is saying Biden needs to do the progressive actions, especially those like The Green New Deal and Medicare for All, that have majority of each major party and of independents at two-thirds or more.  He managed to have some policies of this sort in his campaign and should go even bigger given how the Covid surge is happening will increase the economic and other needs of the people rather than the reverse.

  8. THanks and Hurry Hugs to all! 26

  9. New Yorker is wonderful……Happy Belated Birthday Colleen….Hope Nameless continues to improve… the 5 stages of repuglicon denial…….

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