Nov 112020

Meidas Touch doing what the Lincoln Project got (temporarily thrown off Twitter for doing

Now This News features Pobert Reich

The Lincoln Project – Veterans Day

Trying not to forget about Georgia (besides, Lawrence is always watchable.)

Ad then there’s Rev Warnock – also on MSNBC – a little long, but I don’t want to be forgetting if I can help it.

Beau on the difference (stick with him. It may help someone, some time.)

No Keith yet and he’s already late.  If he shows up, I’ll either add him here, or add him in tomorrow.

Petition for Trump* to concede
Daily Kos
Recusal petitions
Fight for Reform
Daily Kos for National Dem. Training Committee
Petition to release transition funds
Move On
Daily Kos


  9 Responses to “Video Thread Veterans Day 2020”

  1. Appreciate you getting this out here.
    All good vids.  

    Thank you, Joanne for post. 

  2. A good group of good material!
    It is nice to see LP doing something to commemorate the vets, and to try to help the country to move on from the chaos that Dumpy is working hard to create.

  3. I’m not sure Stephen Miller’s hair transplant added anything but the MT video was brutally hilarious. Apparently some employees of the law firms Trump uses already have expressed some misgivings, so now they are likely to quit…and be replaced by some other Republican and loyal lawyers.

    That’s what I love about Robert Reich, he’s already looking to the future and the things that need to be rectified if America wants to become a truly democratic country under Biden.

    May the force be with Ossoff and Warnock, they both sound like good people wanting to represent their people and not just a political agenda and big money. Goodness knows the Senate could do with a few more people like them.

    Beau always surprises me with the depth of his insight, even if “it’s just a thought”.

  4. Robert Reich on the EC — To even out the apportionment of electors and senators, would it not make sense to have a system similar to that used in the House?  I am not suggesting the exact same numbers but rather a similar formula based on population and adjusted periodically. Would that require a constitutional amendment? — Never mind about the electors!  I figured it out.  But my question still stands about the number of senators.

    From Wikipedia: US Constitution

    Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

    Good vids JD!

  5. Of course the Reich on the left is right.

    Do Ossoff and Warnock!

    Thanks, JD! 03

  6. Great videos, JD.
    Enjoy listening to RR speak such truth about the EC. Remember signing tons of petitions  to do away with it in 2016 after tRumpy won all because of the EC votes. 
    Love the video from Lincoln Project. God bless all that have ever served and to the ones who sacrificed their lives for our country. 
    Maybe since Georgia is having to recount by hand, maybe a couple of more democratic senators will end up winning??
    Thanks Joanne

    • I’m pretty sure the hand counted ballots won’t change the fact that there are going to be two runoff elections in Georgia on January 5, and that we need to get out the vote for them.

  7. petitions signed.

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