Nov 012020

Really American

The LincolnProject – “Cancer”

Vote Vets – “Walk” Ooo-rah!

Bruce Springsteen

SNL The Raven

Beau on the Stanford study

Keith must have felt guilty about missing Wednesday, because this just went up … about the time the clocks were changing. (and it even has CC!)


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 11/1/2020”

  1. All good. 
    Jim C. was great on SNL…
    Excellent post. 
    Thanks, Joananne. 

  2. All nice!
    We are almost at a tipping point, tipping one way or another.

  3. Great ones again, Joanne.
    Wishing and Hoping that Tuesday night brings our country Positive news that Biden/Harris wins this election.
    Thanks Joanne

  4. Thanks, Joanne. I’m going to miss these after November 3rd. Well, hopefully…

  5. Great batch, JD! 35

    Actually, Trump Did deliver something! ðŸ’©

    I bet Trump want to have Military votes opened and to count only the fools that voted for him.

    Springsteen is off on one item.  There is one pet in the White House: Memania.

    Thanks for SNL, Beau, and Keith!

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