Oct 202020

It’s a hectic week, here in the CatBox.  Today, I want to get as much rest as I can.  Tomorrow, WWWendy works at both her day and night job, and Dianna, my home palliative care nurse is on vacation, so Anne, my alternate home palliative care nurse is coming to change my patch.  Thursday morning, WWWendy is coming a day late to destink the raunchy TomCat, help with chores, and semi-goop.  It’s also grocery delivery day from Store to Door.  First thing Friday morning, WWWendy is taking me to the hospital for a CAT Scan, and we’ll pick up a pizza on the Way home.  Saturday morning is my regular WWWendy Day, and Tuesday morning  WWWendy is taking me for my next infusion or for Evelyn to tell me they aren’t helping (the news we DON’T want).  In any case, color me intermittent at best for a week.  Is that hectic enough?  It’s Tuesday so Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom to flush your Republicans!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:12 (average 3:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive maps

US Cases: 8,461,037
US Deaths: 225,285
Plus all the Trump*/GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding

Short Takes:

From SCOTUS Blog: A deadlocked Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower-court ruling that requires Pennsylvania election officials to count absentee ballots received within three days after Election Day, Nov. 3, even if they are not postmarked. In two brief orders issued shortly after 7 p.m., the justices denied, without explanation, a request by Republicans to put the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling on hold. Four justices – Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh – indicated that they would have granted the Republicans’ request.

The order came in a lawsuit filed by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party that challenged various aspects of the state’s absentee-ballot system in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Last month, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, citing a voting-rights provision of the state’s constitution, ordered several modifications to voting rules, including extending the deadline by which mail-in ballots must be received in order for them to be counted. Previously, that deadline was Election Day, but the state court ruled that ballots should be counted if they are received up to three days after Election Day unless a “preponderance of the evidence” shows that a ballot was mailed after Election Day. That means that ballots lacking clear postmarks may be counted if received by Nov. 6. [emphasis added]

If Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch had already confirmed Amy Coney Bullshit, some PA voters would have lost their right to vote, because Trump* delayed the delivery of those votes by postal sabotage. How many of our rights will we lose when 5 Republican Injustices always vote with SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitutional venereal disease)? We now have 4 always SCROTUS, 1 usually SCROTUS, 1 moderate, 2 center-left, and Bullshit SCROTUS on-deck.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Ex-GOP strategist on Trump’s GOP: ‘Burn it down and start over’


Cornhole Cornyn is just trying to duck his fair share of blame for all the Republican policies that he espoused long before Trump*, and that both he and Trump* supported. I half-disagree with Stevens. By all means, burn down the Republican Reich. But why start over? Burn it down, and leave it that way!  Build an entirely new party to the left of today’s Democrats, but as long as the Republican Reich exists, the Democrats are the ONLY sane choice!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge over Troubled Water (from The Concert in Central Park)


Ah… the memories! Protest like the 60s!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/20/2020”

  1. ‘Toon: A day of infamy!!
    TVU: On the upswing.  It might be possible that the midwest will find its right mind!  If they are not all dead, or dying, by election day!
    ST: Thank you, Mr. Roberts!  
    CNN: Hey John C., shove it!  “An infinite mind-set embraces abundance whereas a finite mindset operates with a scarcity mentality.”  We need this John to be scarce.
    BFP: We all need such a bridge, NOW!

  2. Cartoon: They’d love to…ugh! 
    TVU: Confirmed: 1945. Deaths 31. 
    CNN: omg…’Cornhole Cornyn’….I laughed and laughed at his new name. Both Cornyn (and Cruz) are both liars and hard ball sycophants to dt. They’ve lost their spines, imho.
    BFTP: Love this one. Good memories too! 

    Wow, yes, I sure hope and pray that all goes well for you. Yes, get your rest, as you have a very busy week ahead. Take a nap in between your ongoing chores too. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. Tell everyone HI for me too. 
    *This just in: “Major Trump RNC fundraiser, Elliott Broidy set to plead guilty to acting as unregistered foreign agent.” *WaPo. 
    2. “At least 670,854 first time voter have cast their ballots, more than twice the number of first time voters who cast ballots at the same point in 2016, according to Target Smart Data.” ~ Bill Moyers ~ 
    3. “First Mexico was going to pay for the wall, now China is going to pay for a stimulus bill?? As Marsha Brady would say… ‘Sure, Jan!'” ~ Jacob J. ~ 
    4. “My uncle said he wouldn’t discuss trump with me unless I said one good thing he’s done. So I said, ‘he’s normalizing makeup for men and it didn’t go as planned….” ~ Daniel S. ~ 
    5. “The most important election of our lifetime is around the corner, and WI is a must win swing state. So. I’m thrilled to announce a #HappyDaysReunion to support WI Dems on October 25, 2020!!  ~ Ron Howard ~ 
    6. “I’m with him – Ron Howard.”  ~ Henry Winkler ~ 

    • TJI ## 5 and 6 – Good for them.   I always felt Winkler had undiscovered talent which stayed dormant behind the flashy image of the Fonz.  Maybe that was partly because he and I both love Shakespeare.  BTW, the West Wing is also doing a reunion.

    • I’m glad you like Cornhole’s Name! 14

      OMG!  I actually remember Marsha and Jan Brady!  ARGH!

  3. OMG, you ARE busy! Stay safe out their, and be sure to get your rest in between everything!

    The New Yorker has an article on stolen valor, and apparently it’s nothing new. It was mentioned that one historian estimates that 12 out of the last 12 Confederate veterans to die never served at all. And I thought,gee, they’ve been liars for at least that long. Wouldn’t you know.

    Cartoon – The Committee was formed in 1938, started hearings in 1947. It had nothing to do with McCarthy, who was a Senator, but was heavily influenced by him. It hung over my head, and the heads of children my age, as a bogeyman until about the mid-sixties. Its name was changed in 1969, but it still existed up to 1975, when its documents were absorbed into the Judiciary Committee. But it’s at least arguable that it IS back, this time in the Executive Branch, under DHS.

    TVU – We have a new crop of green counties, but who knows how long that will last. Statewide we are rising. our Governor and his public health officials are working on it, though – not ignoring it.

    SCOTUS Blog – makes it very clear, doesn’t it.

    CNN – Disillusioned Republicans (an oxymoron, I know) are never going to built a new party to the left of the Democrats. In order to get to the left of the Democrats, anger and fear must be rechanneled through compassion, and where are these ex-Republicans going to find any?

    Blast – Shall I listen to it and deal with the tears? Or shall I pass to keep up what’s left of my strength? Maybe I should come back to it later.

  4. Cartoon: Crazy, it seems we have those type of Un-American actions coming directly from tRUmp.
    TVU: Had another 380 new cases yesterday bringing us up to 52,735 cases. Still at 853 deaths. Why people can’t follow the rules??
    SCOTUS Blog: tRump tries all these evil actions to help him win. I applaud the court for knocking his request down. 
    CNN: Agree with your comment.
    BFTP: Great song. We can relate to with these troubled times.
    You sure have a busy schedule this week, with so many changes too.
    I’ll be praying that your Cat Scan goes well and that it shows that your infusion treatments are working in a positive way,
    Hope you have a good restful day. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. That’s an incredibly full task calendar – wish I could help you out.  But please pace yourself!
    Trump is literally begging AG Barr to reincarnate as McCarthy and indict Joe Biden.  Donnie is obviously drenched in desperation flop-sweat!
    I wish I could say that I was able to have already voted, but Missouri makes it practically impossible to vote early or by absentee.  But it’s really never been a problem at my polling stations.  (They moved the one that was at an evangelical church to a public grade school next door.)
    The longest line/wait was 2008 for Obama.
    The only hassle was 2006 when Amendment 2 (Stem Cell Research) was on the ballot and the polling station was in the church.  I wore a “Science Saves Lives” t-shirt, and the poll person (she IDed herself as a congregant member of the church) made me either turn it inside out or zip up my jacket (I zipped).
    The voting booths were in the narthex, but in the nave – clearly visible from the narthex voting booths – were huge anti-stem cell research banners.  The poll person didn’t take kindly when I asked about why the banners were allowed.
    The next vote in 2008 was moved to the school – and has been ever since.

    • Does not belong in a church!

    • I’ll give McCarthy the credit to think he would not have indicted anyone without evidence.  Not that he wouldn’t ruin a person without evidence, but he preferred the “La Calunnia” method (destroy their lives with slander and innuendo), as long as he could make it work.  Barr can’t make it work, and he knows he can’t.  I don’t thunk we’ll see any indictments.

      In most states – certainly in mine – the poll worker would have been right to make you zip up – but wrong not to do something about those signs (were there doors which could have been closed?)  Both the shirt and the signs come under the general ban on “electioneering.”  I don’t see a problem with voting in a church IF the church follows the rules.  I do see a problem with voting in THAT church.

  6. Lots of things planned for the coming week, TomCat. May they all have the desired outcome.

    2:50 Lush English landscape.

    Cartoon: I had to make sure what it was short for but it’s no wonder that the House Un-American Activities Committee was known only by its abbreviation. 🤮

    TVU: Plus all the Trump*/GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding? 275,000 according to Trump who said “Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths.”

    SCOTUS Blog: Without explanation, eh? Looks like Roberts is getting more uncomfortable in his ‘Republican’ position by the day. This isn’t the first time he has voted with the lefties; the man seems to take a tiny bit of pride in being an independent Justice instead of a mere extension of Trump & McConnell. It’s no wonder Republicans are pushing for Amy Coney Barrett to be confirmed; Roberts isn’t reliable enough.

    CNN: “Build an entirely new party to the left of today’s Democrats” I do like your suggestion, TomCat! Move the whole American political spectrum back to the left a bit again; progressiveness has been waning since the seventies and the planet and our young people need a more progressive outlook if we’re all to survive. But that new party needs to be build by progressives and not by desillusioned Republicans; they’ll never change.

    BFTP: I’m dealing with the tears right now. Got to go.

  7. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all! 🐪

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