Oct 172020

It’s a groggy day here in the CatBox.  I slept poorly last night, but I took a nap this morning and just woke up.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update, as it’s a morning WWWendy day and we lave lots of semi-gooping and chores to do.  Have a great weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive maps and charts

US Cases: 8,296,249
US Deaths: 223,730
Plus all the Trump*/GOP murders Republicans are covering up

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, continues to be a tremendous waste of Senate space and one of the reasons why America Is Going To Hell Right Now…

…Yeah. Yeah, that’s the takeaway from the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, which should not have been held due to multiple members of the Senate committee testing positive for a deadly disease. The hearings that were scheduled on such a rush basis, in order to beat the upcoming election, that the nominee for the Supreme Court appeared to have done absolutely no preparation for whatsoever, whether it was in the disclosure of past political advocacy, the review of her past legal opinions, or skimming through the Constitution of the United States a few times so that she could answer basic questions about what is in it. The hearings that did not require the nominee to take “notes” because there were no questions asked by the United States Senate that the nominee felt compelled to further contemplate or return with fuller answers on.

It was the best. Why can’t we handle all impossibly consequential, history-altering nominations to the nation’s highest court with no preparation and knock through them in two days? Maskless hugs all around!

As much as I hate to say anything bad about a Democrat, even a barely nominal DINO, on the eve of an election, I could not be more frustrated with DiFi’s lick-spittle approach to Amy Coney Bullshit and Lindsey Poo when neither warrants more than condemnation in the strongest possible terms.  She is up for reelection in 2024.  Remember this then!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): QAnon and Trump: Hear what his supporters think

Barf Bag Alert!!


Why should criminal Fuhrer Trump* denounce QAnon? Anyone stupid enough to believe their garbage are stupid enough to vote for Trump*? The problem is that these idiotic GOP Sheeple are far more likely to vote than the majority of Americans.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence (from The Concert in Central Park)


Ah… the memories! Protest like the 60s!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/17/2020”

  1. Thanks TC.  I would’ve much preferred the sound of silence than most of what was heard and seen from DiFi.

  2. Love to WWWendy. Hope you and she get all chores done smoothly.

    My ballot was picked up from my home mailbox on Tuesday. Yesterday, Friday, it was received by my County Election Department. I was not expecting them to be able to verify all the signatures before Monday, but I got another email last night that mine has been.
    so that’s it. I have voted!

    Sad story, happy ending

    Apropos of nothing, I am so frustrated with people and organizations saying they are “disappointed” by whatever atrocity Republicans are perpetrating at the moment. Saying you are “disappointed” implies you expected something better, and if you expected anything better from Republicans, you are not very smart, and why the heck should I listen to you anyway

    And Merriam-Webster has a word first used in 1834 which is perfect for Republicans today: misology (practitioner misologist) – hatred of argument, reasoning, or enlightenment.

    Cartoon – Indeed.

    TVU – Now that’s embarrassing – Brazil doing better than we are.

    DK – She needs to be primaried. Damn. I’m old enough (and native Californian enough) to remember when she was smarter than this.

    CNN – Yeah. This is a prime example of why we need the word “misology” (and “misologist”.)

    Blast – Very (no pun intended) sound lyrics. And a haunting tune (which seems appropriate for October.)

  3. Cartoon: Oh, but of course! ugh! 
    TVU: We have gone up, county deaths are at 31 now. 
    Daily Kos: I can’t add to what you wrote for your comment. I saw that! Unreal.
    BBA: Wow! Scary that people actually believe this. 
    BFTP: Excellent song! Another one that I played over and over.

    Early HI’s to WWWendy! Hope all is good with you. Hope that you have a good, relaxing day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “So the question now, isn’t whether Joe Biden will pack the Supreme Court. It’s IF – and how – he will unpack the Court.” ~ Robert Reich ~  h/t  Joanne D. ~ 
    2. “Senator Jodi Ernst – who sits on the Ag Cmte can’t name the price of soybeans. Ernst answered $5.50, well below the actual price of $10.05.” A Senator from Iowa should know the price of soybeans.~Theresa Greenfield
    3. “Trump keeps promising that the solution to the virus will come by Election Day. In actuality, the solution to the virus will come ON Election Day.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~ 
    4. “Donald Trump talks more about Joe Biden’s son than he does about any of his.”  ~ Windsor Mann ~ 
    5.  “Trump repeatedly claimed he was very “very underlevered,” four or five times in a row instead of ‘underleveraged’. It’s likely the result of aphasia. (anything beyond two syllable words can give him trouble nowadays). ~ Eric C. ~ 
    6. “17 days until we begin the healing of America.” ~ Lincoln Project ~ 

  4. At this point (assuming we take the Senate), I’m for making Sen. Whitehouse the Majority Leader – and NO Chairmanships for Feinstein!

  5. Trump Virus out of control…only way to solve it….Vote, Vote Blue, Vote BidenHarris!

  6. Cartoon: I would certainly hope so. Once tRump is out, we shouldn’t have to worry about the issue.
    TVU: It’s starting to get out of control here in San Diego. They’re warning us that we may be leaning toward the Purple Tier again. I don’t understand why people are following the rules?? Like they’re listening to tRump. Our local businesses are facing closures again. 
    DK: I agree with your comment. We need ones in there that do their jobs, not just collect their weekly paychecks.
    CNN: It’s very disturbing to read how these morons believe tRump and this crap. Sick minded fools.
    BFTP: Great tune. Big fan of Simon and Garfunkel.
    Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Hope the rest of your day was better. 
    Tell Wendy “Hello” for me. Hope you both gets your tasks taken care of with no problems.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. Good to see that you’re adjusting your daily schedule to your body’s needs, TomCat.

    3:36 Such majestic birds.

    TVU: Countries in Europe, seeing the error of their ways, are going back to more restrictions. America’s infection rates are on the increase again too; any chance it’ll go back to further restrictions or mandatory mask-wearing?

    DK: If I remember correctly Dianne Feinstein’s actions were questionable in 2016 too, but being part of the Democratic establishment Hillary was/is part of, she kept her seat,  her senior position in the party. Getting rid of the old-boys(-and-girls) in favour of real progressives was not in the cards, no matter how much Bernie tried to rejuvenate the party in 2016. If Democrats do not clean house after these elections of DINOs like Feinstein, president Biden – not a progressive himself – will not bring more change other than stopping Trump turning the US in a totalitarian state.

    CNN: 0121

    BFTP: May the beauty and truth of this song never be lost.

  8. It’s amazing the idiotic things people believe when they are poorly educated, as well as brainwashed into blind obedience. These are the sort of people who make atrocities possible.

  9. WWWendy returns all greetings and adds her own.

    Swampes Sunday Hugs! 26

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