Oct 092020

If you thought I would take advantage of the low-hanging fruit courtesy of Tuesday night’s Vice-Presidential debate between Sen. Kamala Harris and Mike Pence – you’d be correct.  And everyone agrees that the star of that evening was The Fly!

(I didn’t want to gross anyone out, but I’m sure you noticed it’s a photo of a creepy, annoying, disease-spreading pest … and the other is the fly.)

At first I thought Pence just got the dates confused, and thought it was “Bring Your Pet to Work Day”.  But then it dawned me that since we all know what flies are attracted to, it all made sense.  I mean, since Pence has had his head up Trump’s arse for four years, the fly would feel very comfortable.

Plus having a brain the size of a poppyseed, it’s natural the fly would be attracted to a kindred spirit.  Truth be told, I was amazed at the restraint Pence showed.  I fully expected him to flick out his reptilian tongue and eat the little guy on live TV!

But fortunately the critter survived and immediately made himself right at home.

In fact, lots of folks think he’s a natural for the next season of Dancing with the Stars.

The fly stayed on Pence’s head a 2 minutes and 3 seconds – so he did a better job of obeying the rules than Pence did!

In fact the fly spent longer on Pence’s head than Pence did working on Coronavirus Pandemic Task Force.

Not only did that fly setup a Twitter account (https://twitter.com/MichaelsFly), but he even wrote a poem about his experience:

I spy with my little fly eye

A pretty creepy white guy

Who let lots of people die

Given the length of time he spent on Pence’s head (converted from Fly-Time to Human-Time), it was decided he should be tested for COVID-19.

Unfortunately the test did not provide good news

And then suddenly, matters took a turn for the worse.

There was no doubt that Joe and the crack Biden crew were going to let this golden opportunity pass:

Right after debate “Truth Over Flies” fly-swatters ($10) went on sale online, and within a couple of hours the 35,000 swatters were sold out

If you’re wondering what the results of the debate were, Sen. Harris’ Kamala’s niece gave a very fair ranking:

Not really that surprising if you took a magnifying glass to study the fly closer – turns out he’s a smart little fly!

The fly generated literally thousands of Tweets and comments, so I know I missed a good many.  But someone put together a video compilation of most of the better ones.  There are some duplicates we’ve already covered, but it’s a pretty good compendium to close with:






  10 Responses to “Friday Fun: A Star Is Born”

  1. Thanks Nameless–the Fly did indeed score with providing some welcome stress relief for much of the nation.  And many surmise SNL will have a take on it, too, and are providing casting suggestion:
    SNL fans clamour for Jeff Goldblum to play fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head during debate  https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/snl-fans-clamour-for-jeff-goldblum-to-play-fly-that-landed-on-mike-pence-e2-80-99s-head-during-debate/ar-BB19Pyh3 

  2. Well done!
    Priceless. Just priceless. 
    28  18

    Thanks, Nameless. 

  3. Well, David Hedison is dead, and so is Vincent Price (who played his brother), but I can tell you Price would have had absolutely NO use for Mike Pence or anyone else in this administration.  He was a kind, courteous, and gentle soul.

    This is indeed priceless.  Even without the positive test results, I have great compassion for the fly.  Do you realize how many images of Pence he had to look at with those compound eyes?  Poor, poor thing!  Thanks, Nameless, as always!

  4. Wonderful!
    Life can take us on so many unexpected little side trips filled with joy!

  5. That POOR fly! 😹

  6. So appropriate and soooo good!

    The Fly got some press on Squatch’s Open Thread 9 October 2020 too!  We both should ask the Fly for consulting fees but they may be difficult to collect!  Oh well, all his income goes to the Biden Harris campaign!

  7. I hadn’t watched the debate as you might have guessed and the first headline I saw on my news channel was: “Fly lands on Mike Pence’s head during US election vice-presidential debate (yes, that is the story)”.

    In a country where flies are the number one pests after mozzies (waving flies away is called the Australian Salute) the expression “there are no flies on him” meaning the person mentioned is very quick and astute with early instances of this expression suggesting that it originated with reference to cattle who were so active that no flies settled on them. Well, there are flies on Pence and now everybody knows.

    But no sarcastic Aussie comment could hold a candle to your marvelous contribution, Nameless. Thank you, it[‘s wonderfully done and brought tears from laughter to my eyes. Usually, Pence brings quite different tears to my eyes.

  8. Editorial cartoonists and meme makers have had a field day with Pence’s fly. After all, we know what flies like to land on–

  9. I have to agree with the group that this was PRICELESS. The Fly knew exactly where to land. on the head of sh*t immediately.
    Nice to see that Biden’s campaign got some good out of the sales of the Truth Over Flies fly swatter. 
    Thanks again for the great post, Nameless 

  10. Poor fly….got his little feet stuck in the hair spray and couldn’t get loose!

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