Video Thread 10/8/2020

 Posted by at 2:35 pm  Politics
Oct 082020

Randy Rainbow and Patti LuPone fundraising for the ACLU

Meidas Touch – Strange … but effective.

Really American (This one is today’s hanky alert)

RVAT new ad, not new info …

The Lincoln Project

Keith is late today, or else he is skipping a day. I’ll keep checking back, but as I said, if lateness occurs, there’s always the next day. Update – Yes, he was about 45 minutes late.

Supreme Court petition updates
In case you haven’t noticed, Daily Kos has multiple petitions (and is making more) on the Supreme Court, each with a different theme. By signing all, we can at least distract Republican Senators’ staffs.
Daily Kos (gun safety)


  8 Responses to “Video Thread 10/8/2020”

  1. This is the best video I’ve come across demonstrating Trump struggling to breath.

    He automatically places himself in the “Sniff Position”: Lifting his chin up like he’s “sniffing” the air for something.  This makes your airway as straight as possible, and so decreases air resistance and facilitates breathing.  It’s the position you put a patient when you intubate them, because it makes the airway straight as possible.

    Besides the major breathing muscle (diaphragm) you can see he’s using his accessory muscles.  (Obviously we can’t see all of them, but the neck ones are visible.)

    I would be curious what his O2 sat was at that moment – I strongly doubt it was above 95%.

    • I agree with your diagnosis … (as if I had any credentials, which I don’t. but you make it so clear.)

      P.S. Did you see the headline I quoted in yesterday’s OT about the White House claiming that misleading the public is “a common medical practice”?

  2. All excellent videos. Love RR. 
    Signed petition. 

    Thanks, Joanne. 

  3. So many excellent videos again.

    Randy 🌈 and Patti Lupone: I’m not a fan of the genre at all, but this was brilliant. I hope it made ACLU a lot of money.

    RVAT: He does incite violence: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer accuses Donald Trump of encouraging ‘sick and depraved men’ in a kidnapping plot. Thirteen people have been arrested in a sweeping takedown of plots to kidnap the Michigan Governor, attack the state capitol building and incite violence.

    KO: Keith summed it up perfectly. There are two things that must happen if America is to survive as a Democracy: Biden must win by a landslide and the GOP must be wiped from Congress, and then they all must be procecuted untill the never see the light of day again. Go for it, America.

    • Randy and Patti – almost $18,000, of which about $5,000 is since yesterday afternoon IIRC. Mor would not hurt. Share the vid! (Which genre would that be? Broadway? Surely not parody?)

      • Broadway, musicals.

        No, I definitely do not dislike satire.

        • I am not up to date with Broadway after about 1990-2000, but have always considered it a form of opera and enjoyed it accordingly.  (The original of the “Covita” Lincoln Project song was premiered by Patti Lupone, and she’s, I’d say, considered a diva in the opera world, seeing as she was at the Met a couple of years ago reprising a role originated by Marilyn Horne.  I wish I could have seen it.  That’s not the only opera she’s done incidentally. I’ll spare you details.)

  4. Amen to all of the above! 04

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