Sep 252020

Yesterday, I got my ID card and returned home safely.  I’m exhausted and am going back to bed.  TGIF Hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:07 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Bye, Bye Bill!


Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  8 Responses to “Personal Update – 9/25/2020”

  1. Home is good, safe is good.  Go back to bed by all means.

  2. Rest is good!

  3. Glad you got your ID card, good news! 
    Get your rest, TomCat, nap – sleep – nap all day/night long. Take good care too. 
    Joanne, like the pic, reminds me of Fleet Week. lol 

    *This just in: “Protesters who chanted ‘Vote him out!’ at RBG’s memorial, umm….why was dt hiding behind the column? *pb 
    “Incidentally…when asked by a reporter about these boos and chants later on in the day, on the WH lawn, dt claimed he never heard anything like that.” “Liar.” ~ Randall Y. ~ 
    P.S. – Fox News removed the chants of ‘VOTE HIM OUT’ from their broadcast. Should have showed both sides on the monitor instead. imho *pb
    2. “He’s trying to have the Constitution of the United States swallow Clorox! ~ Nancy Pelosi ~ 
    3. re: Lindsey Graham – “There’s a man without a spine – a spine kept in a box somewhere else, because he certainly doesn’t have it to exercise for himself.” ~ Elizabeth Warren ~ 
    4. “I’ve seen firsthand that being President doesn’t change who you are, it reveals who you are.” ~ Michelle Obama ~ 
    5. “Breonna Taylor should be alive today.” ~ Nancy Pelosi ~  

  4. Happy to hear that you were able to get your new ID taken care of. Hope that you get to feeling better. That you’re able to get all the rest you possibly can. That’s without too much pain.
    I like the photo Joanne posted. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. Getting your ID must have taken its toll on your energy resources, TomCat. Just rest for the weekend to prepare for your virus test on Monday.

    2:54 Happy times on the beach before CIVID-19.

    Cartoon: Something Trump claims he doesn’t know very well, hasn’t met etc…

  6. Thanks and Hugs to all! 17

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