Video Thread 9/11/2020

 Posted by at 2:34 pm  Politics
Sep 112020

The Lincoln Project. Breaking a tradition of suspending political advertising on 9/11 out of respect for the dead … because this ad pays that respect.

Meidas Touch also includes paying respects in their ad.

VoteVets has made a lovely ad for Doug Jones

This is for everyone who is condemning Bob Woodward for not revealing the tapes at the time that he made them. Journalists do know a little something about people – at least the good ones do.

I often see remarks in comments and even in articles to the tue of “Democrats need to act more like Republicans,” and I invariably cringe. Republicans are so corrupt! But they use their corruption to run right over us, and that does need to stop. This is not a new problem (only the names “Democrat” and “Republican” are new, and, though this will come as a surprise to many if not most people, there is a textbook to teach nice people how to prevail against the corrupt while staying as nice as possible and with a minimum of corruption. That textbook is “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli. Yes, I know, you’ve been trained to think of him as pure evil and his advice as pure corruption. Two groups have a vested interest in keeping you believing that: purity freaks, and Republicans. I know when I first read it I was astonished at how free from malice it was. Here’s a better explanation than I can give.


  8 Responses to “Video Thread 9/11/2020”

  1. NO surprise – LP delivers yet another powerful jab at Trump.

    (Truth be told: I fear for the time that these Republicans again gain control of the GOP, and they aim their artillery at us Democrats.  They are very capable!)

    I read Machiavelli’s “The Prince” back in high school.  I now wonder how much impact it had on me in becoming a rabid LIBTARD!

    • I was actually in the Marine Corps by the time I read it, but knew about it and had been told it was a manual for tyrants.  So it was very far from what I was expecting.  I still wasn’t comfortable with it … but it certainly wasn’t addressed to would-be tyrants either.

  2. LP honoured the 9/11 deaths and slapped Trump at the same time. Powerful.

    MT: I’m still not sure if you need Biden per se, but that you need a Democrat who isn’t mad nor senile and who wants to put in the hours to resurrect the country, putting it, i.e. all its people, before himself, is abundantly clear.

    VV: Good to see that not all ads are against Trump or for Biden, but endorse other politicians too. Just voting Trump out of office isn’t enough, all his enablers should be thrown out of office too.

    Beau: Spot-on analysis of Woodward’s impact. Woodward provided a timeline of Trump trying to impress Woodward with his knowledge on the public health issue at hand and then playing that same issue down, denying it or ignoring it repeatedly over time. This timeline shows how engrossed Trump is with himself while not caring one iota for the nation. Had Woodward brought this out then, the interviews would have been terminated, Trump would have brushed his own remark aside and nothing would have changed in his approach of the pandemic.

    Machiavelli: Nice (English?) production and a lot can be said for its interpretation of The Prince. Now I’m eagerly awaiting the sequel which tells the nice guys how not to cross the line while using dastardly tactics and become dastardly themselves and end up in the Power Corrupts category or worse.

    • There are numerous ads being done for candidates by big groups, and also,individual campaigns are being financed by big groups. I showed one yesterday or the day before and noted it was only one of four put out the same day in four different swing states. Also, what I haven’t said, is that there are national groups raising funds for state campaigns (yu might call it a political redistribution of wealth). Daily Kos is only one; there are others. I showed the one for Doug today because I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers all that went into getting him elected against Roy Moore (and also Carrie B lives in Alabama.)

      And yes, a sequel is definitely what we need. But we’d best not wait for it too long without starting somewhere.

  3. LP: Hits close to home, and in hearts everywhere. 
    MT: Excellent, liked the ending…
    VV: Amen. Amen!!
    Beau. Spot on Truth! Excellent points. 

    Thanks, Joanne for vids. 

  4. I read “The Prince” last year, I believe, and found it interesting but not “Machiavellian.”

  5. Thanks!  Way Late Hugs! 26

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