A New Miracle Drug

 Posted by at 1:36 pm  Politics
Aug 292020

I came across this commercial for a drug whose time is now.  Even if it is not for you, I’m sure you know people – possibly even family members, who absolutely could benefit from it.  You will thank me for sharing this commercial message:


Are you bored and disinterested in things that used to seem important like the President using his levers of power to ensure reelection? Ask your doctor about Notnormalzol®. Notnormalzol® is a prescription strength slap to the face that will leave you renewed and reminded that crimes are illegal. Notnormalzol® has also been found effective against thinking that treason is no biggie, also known as Bill Barr syndrome. Here’s how it works: Notnormalzol® contains fast acting Slapicin®, which penetrates the outrage fatigue cortex to stimulate your dormant whatthehellabellum. Side effects of Notnormalzol® may include bruising and not shutting up about the Postmaster General saying he’s optimizing the Postal Service. (“Is that what stealing mailboxes and stacking them like cordwood means? HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK i AM?!! What’s happened to my country!! I can’t take this any more!! [slap] Ow.”) Ask your doctor if Notnormalzol® is right for you. And ask him who he voted for. Warning: Notnormalzol® should always be taken with alcohol.


  6 Responses to “A New Miracle Drug”

  1. omg. I’m not a drinking person, but … in this case, I’ll take a few bottles of booze if it helps. 

    Since seeing this ‘ad’, I am definitely going to call my doctor to get this prescript, as my ‘dormant whatthehellabellum’ needs immediate help. 

    This is hilarious, and LOL !!! 

    Thanks, Joanne for this one, loved it !!  

  2. Thanks for the welcome giggles Joanne!

  3. Hilarious. 
    I seen this the other night on the late show that I taped from the night before. Had to have something else to watch than the RNC.
    I like Pat don’t drink, but sure do know of ones who do who could use a few bottles of this.
    Wish I could order extras and sent the stinking Repugs a bottle or two, to wake them up from the horrible cult that they seem to be affiliated by their master tRumpy.
    Thanks Joanne

  4. I hope this drug will come to Oz soon because we could do with some slapping of dormant brain parts and faces too.

    Thanks for a wonderful belly laugh on s Sunday morning, Joanne!

  5. Dang, JD!  Someone needs to give Trump* a quadruple dose of that! 14

  6. I love Colbert!  Thanks!  

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