Jul 242020

Here is the one hundred eightieth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is the idiot, hate-filled Congressman Ted “No No” Yoho [R-FL]. He is so honored for a bogus apology to the magnificent AOC after making vile misogynous slurs.

0724YohoIf you click on only one thing today, let it be Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Thursday morning speech, delivered from the House floor and directed to a fellow member of Congress, but really to us all.

“You can be a powerful man and accost women,” said the New York Democrat. “You can have daughters and accost women, without remorse. You can be married and accost women. You can take photos, and project an image to the world of being a family man, and accost women, without remorse, and with a sense of impunity. It happens every day in this country.”

Two days prior, on the steps of the Capitol, Ocasio-Cortez found herself in a heated conversation with Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.). He called her “disgusting,” he said she was “out of [her] freaking mind,” and when the discussion ended, Yoho allegedly uttered the words, “f—ing b—h.”

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Responds to Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL)

Kudos to AOC!

On Yoho the Yo Yo, the one thing that baffles me is how that Republican hatemonger and misogynist has escaped getting a parade before now!  I apologize for the delay!



  8 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–7/24/2020”

  1. What horrible remark(s) to make! 
    He … imho…should be censured and reprimanded for his language,
    and hateful behavior. Vile and disgusting. 
    AOC rocks!!
    She was composed, and spoke well, with regards to this incident. 
    Give her a round of applause, and standing ovation! 

  2. Not your fault.  There are so many parade-worthy Republicans and most of them have higher profiles than the idiot.  No need to apologize for the delay.  This is a perfect time/

    RESIST !!

  3. Hey, you can’t be everywhere, and the assholes seem to be there!
    AOC was rational, reasonable, and well spoken.  Yoho, appears to be just one more Floridian politician who is full of BS, just like his “Kiss up to non-thinking constituents” American Pie non-apology.  AOC is my favorite for the first female U.S. president!

  4. I had heard about it on the View this morning. 
    It’s despicable the way yOho spoke to AOC. He should be reprimanded for it.
    I applaud AOC for speaking out about the situation, especially in a calm orderly manner that she did.
    Power to her. 

  5. Kudos for giving Yoho his very much deserved parade but most of all kudos for posting AOC’s excellent speech in full. During her calm, eloquent and honourable speech, I kept thinking: there stands a future president of the USA.

    AOC, you rock, girl.

  6. Thanks, late hugs, and Amen to all! 17

  7. Rep Yoyo!  He has totally spun out!

    An apology from this yoyo would be meaningless.  Typical Republican — misogynist, stupid, vile and from the 19th century!  I hope he loses his seat in November.

  8. ironically, just finished listening to AOC’s speech

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