Fuhrer Trump* Goes Bat Shit!

 Posted by at 11:06 am  Politics
Jul 152020

Do you remember Michelle Bachmann, aka Bat Shit Bachmann?  Michelle is about to lose her title.  Yesterday in an unethical campaign event, masquerading as a news conference, in the Rose Garden, criminal Fuhrer Trump* made Michelle green with envy by giving all present an unforgettable demonstration of Bat Shit!


President Donald Trump clearly misses holding rallies filled with thousands of his fawning supporters hanging on his every self-aggrandizing word. So on Tuesday, at a press event ostensibly staged to discuss his new executive order withdrawing recognition of Hong Kong as independent from China, he decided to indulge himself by launching into a meandering campaign-style monologue for the reporters in attendance.

He leaped from topic to topic, sometimes in a single run-on sentence, and often failed to complete thought. He took aim at his election opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, attacking a laundry list of the Democrat’s policies that he twisted and distorted. Recalling a campaign theme he has long ignored, Trump called out Biden’s son, saying: “Where’s Hunter?”

And he returned to many of his favorite topics, such as immigration. He boasted of his relationship with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and warned that a President Biden would tear down the wall he has started to build on parts of the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Probably never been a time when candidates are so different,” Trump said.

There was no consistent thread or argument to his ramblings, aside from his own supposed greatness. It was pure stream of consciousness, supplemented by factoids apparently printed on notes on his lectern. He claimed to be the defender of African Americans at one moment because he favors school choice, but then slipped into attacking low-income housing and saying he’d preserve the suburbs — an unsubtle code for protecting white neighborhoods… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

In the process of my research I came across a complete video of criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* diatribe.  Consider yourselves blessed that I am far too kind and compassionate to inflict that on you.  Instead, here is a description.

Trump Gives Subdued, Rambling Campaign-Style Speech In Rose Garden

He appears to be coming apart at the seams, and in the process, pulling the plug on both himself and the Republican Reich.  Pray that I’m right.




  10 Responses to “Fuhrer Trump* Goes Bat Shit!”

  1. Those 52/53 minutes must have been torture for those reporters. 
    With dt talking, and those being out in the sun…nope, I know I wouldn’t have signed up
    to listen to him!!
    He’s incoherent, as he rambles on…spews lies sentence after sentence. ugh! 

  2. I do indeed pray that you are right.

    Mark Sumner at Daily Kos called the speech a “scatological break with reality” on account he “could not stop making sh*t up.”  Sounds accurate to me.

  3. Alternet:  I saw that yesterday, or this morning, who the hell can remember with the amount of crap constantly spewing from his upper anus!  But, this is a public site, of sorts, and using words that include Bachman may be too scatological for some people’s tolerance.
    Trump’s already vastly compromised ability to deal with the world beyond his solipsistic mind* does seem to be coming apart at its seams.

  4. Pretty fitting that in the same week that *Rump breaks the 20,000 Lies mark he gives a faux rally masquerading as a “press conference” and goes completely bonkers.

    This man is very sick – and that scares me … GREATLY!  Like a cornered animal, who the hell knows what he’s capable of.

    At any rate, here’s the White House transcript of his jeremiad:


    As the saying goes: Read it and weep!

  5. I went to put it on, thinking it was going to be about Covid-19 and was stun to see it was a flipping rally speech belittling Joe Biden. 
    He was just rambling on making no sense what-so-ever. I was getting ready to turn the crap off and CNN anchorman Wolf Blitzer immediately broke away from it commenting that he had gone into some sort of rage… attacking Biden.
    If I would of been one of these reporters, I would of gotten up and walked away, hoping others would of follow suit.
    He needs to be removed from office, since he doesn’t do a flipping thing for our country.

  6. A(us)BC had the whole rambling whatever-it-was, which I skipped, late as I was, so thank you for your compassion and posting the “highlights” of this bad campaign rally only, TomCat.

    PoliticusUSA called it out for what it was too: “Trump claimed that he would be holding a press conference, but after luring reporters to the White House, he is ranting like a campaign rally.

    CCN’s Acosta did much the same: “CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta called out President Donald Trump for executing a presidential bait-and-switch, promising the press corps a “news conference” on China, but then taking only a few questions after giving a nearly hour-long, campaign rally-like attack on Joe Biden, protestors, and China.”

    I believe even Faux News had something similar to remark, but that probably because it stings he’s no longer using them as his propaganda/campaign channel.

    So, a lot of brouhahas there but next time he’ll call a press conference they’ll all be there and cover his Sound & Fury as they did every time before.

    • ” next time he’ll call a press conference they’ll all be there” – because they really can’t afford not to.  I do feel sorry for them all.  I think if they continue to report there is no “there” there, that’s the best we can hope for.

    • I agree with JD! 04

  7. Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all. 24

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