Jun 262020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  This is today’s only article, because a Providence doctor will be visiting soon.  I don’t know whether or not I’ll have tome to finish and publish this, before she arrives, but I’ll do so ASAP.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,505,909
Deaths: 126,823

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an unexpected turn of events for the former New York mayor, a poll of legal experts has determined that Rudolph Giuliani is no longer the worst lawyer in America.

According to the law professor who supervised the poll, Davis Logsdon, of the University of Minnesota Law School, Giuliani’s dethronement from the worst-lawyer championship was all the more shocking because his claim to that title had remained unchallenged for so long.

“Giuliani had faced worthy competition from the likes of Michael D. Cohen and Michael Avenatti and dispatched them with ease,” Logsdon said. “But this new challenger left Rudy in the dust.”

Thanks, Andy! It doesn’t take a picture to know that the worst Lawyer in the country is Barrf!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (John Pavlovitz Channel): YES, PEOPLE WHO WEAR MASKS ARE AFRAID. (We Wish You Were Afraid, Too.)

Amen! All John’s arguments are valid, but will Republicans listen? I doubt it! As JD at out site said, I wear it, because I’m exercising my right to wear what I want. Republican Sheeple have no answer for that one.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Santana – Black Magic Woman 1971

Love that guitar! Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread–6/26/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Yep! That looks about right…
    TVU: Got the #’s last night: 391,with 136 recovered, and 6 deceased. Gone up for sure. 
    NYer: Exactly what you said. Gotta agree with you, TC. 
    JP Channel: Good point. Yes, I wear a mask every time I go out, or in close quarters with visitors who come to the house. Wouldn’t have it any other way, (and others) to do the same for me and my family. 
    BFTP: Swoon. What a song!! 

    Hope that your meeting went well. Hope that you get a chance to rest too. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “23 Republicans are up for re-election, including Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. They all enabled Trump’s corruption and are complicit in today’s chaos.” ~ Ro Khanna ~ 
    2. “Donald Trump isn’t a President. He’s a motivational speaker for racists.” ~ John Pavlovitz ~ 
    3. “I’m ready for an AG who understands that they are the attorney for the American people, not the President.” ~ Pete Buttigieg ~ 
    4. “Daily covid cases (US) 2.3 million diagnosed cases. A sharpie isn’t going to fix this problem.”
    ~ The Lincoln Project ~ 
    5. “Trump gets pleasure from chaos.” ~ Marcia J. ~ 

  2. Meidas Touch

    Priorities USA

    The Lincoln Project did one on the same theme, but we’v already seen it.

    Cartoon – Exactly.

    Map – Still in the first wave.

    TNY – Oh my. How is he taking it>

    John – One thing that’s really sad is that not all medical professionals are specifically experts on immunology, and there aresome who dring the Trump Kool-Ade. Of course that makes it even more important to get the real fact -even if we tell idiot we are just exercising our freedom (and Thanks)

    Past – Yes. That’s why Carlos is a legend, not merely a musician (not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

    • It’s also true that some so-called professionals will say anything, if well paid, and others wikll lie to goose step with their Fuhrer! 13

  3. ‘Toon: Into the garbage heap of history!
    TVU: Not looking good, with 2 1/2 million cases, and climbing.
    New Yorker: Orange Barrfffffffff!
    JPC: “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.” -Jonathan Swift  We went to Wally World, earlier today (Wal-Mart), here in spiking Florida,home to Wanna-Be Trump, DeSantis, and were impressed with all but one person there wearing masks.  One fool had his nose above the mask, but still it was impressive.
    BFTP: Love me some “Black Magic Woman.”  We saw Santana a number of years ago, in N.J., and he was almost a 2nd thought on he program, sadly, featuring, as it did, others in his entourage.  But, don’t get me wrong, I love his music.
    TJI: Wonderful!
    Joanne’s Meidas Touch: That was one instance of him not lying: He is constitutionally incapable of kidding.  We’ve seen him doing his veal thing for 4 years now, and he does not know sarcasm, either.  If you look at his face, as he says that he told his people “…to slow the testing down, please,” there is no the smallest wiff of a hint of a smirk, smile, or any “tell” that he was nothing but totally serious.  Look at his lips, immediately after the “…please.” He’s DEADLY serous!

  4. Not “veal,” darned spell check, but VENAL!

  5. TJI of a different sort: Florida has reported over 8,000 new cases.  Florida and Texas are shutting down the bars!
    The House has voted to give statehood to D.C!  Now the Senate will weigh in with a, probably, negative vote, but that will be a blot upon their heads.

    • Republicans cannot filibuster this.  Therefore, Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch has already said that he won’t allow a floor vote on it! 30

  6. I hope everything went well with your talk with the doctor, TomCat.

    Cartoon: Very telling for a party that has gone completely off the rails.

    Update: Actually it appears to be much worse so I’m repeating myself with the comment on COVID-19 Fact and Fiction #16 with a little update from EuroNews:

    ‘BEST ESTIMATE’ At least 20 million people in the United States may have had COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Our best estimate right now is that for every case that’s reported, there actually are 10 other infections,” said CDC director Dr Robert Redfield. This would mean a ten-fold increase from the currently confirmed 2.4 million cases to roughly 24 million, or 7% of the US population. [emphasis mine]

    TNY: This satire comes so close to the truth that it isn’t funny.

    “Compared to our country’s new worst lawyer, Rudy demonstrated the utmost respect for the Constitution and the rule of law,”

    JP: At the moment I don’t wear a mask when meeting people because Queensland hasn’t had a new case in 10 days and the area where I live for almost two months (only 3 cases in total), but I have bought a bag of masks and will start to wear them when a second wave is coming this way.

    BFTP: Fantastic song, lots of memories of early years at uni. But the title isn’t referring to the doctor you spoke with today, I hope, TomCat?

  7. Thanks and way pooped Hugs to all! 19

  8. I wear the mask and self quarantine.  Only foolish people are ignoring these precautions.

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