Jun 202020

I hope I found everything  Here are four clips fram last night’s show  Enjoy.

Monologue – Cute. And he touched on just about everything.

Susan Rice – She certainly beats the bejaysus out of Condoleezza. (I’m not surprised to hear that DC’s population is larger than that of Wyoming. I already thought it probably was.)

Monumental Issue – I’m with Malcolm Nance. Andrew Sullivan, not so much.

New Rule – The kids are all right. I hope they stay all right, and I hope we keep all of them. I think Bill’s being reckless. There is just too much we don’t know about the CoViD-19.


  5 Responses to “Bill Maher from Juneteenth, 2020”

  1. W/watch later on..this evening. 
    Thanks, Tom. 

  2. Bill #1: I resent having to see McConnell having such a good time, as it was, almost certainly pleasure over having screwed some segment of the public!
    Bill#2:  So, her advise would be to support the guy; simple.
    Bill#3: I don’t know which of them is which, but I think they both have some points in their favor.  My understanding is that some of the statues in question were put up for the sole purpose of intimidating African-Americans, and, if so, these ALL need to be removed, at the least.
    Bill #4: Reckless, indeed.  If I were a young’un I still would not like to get the damn virus, and go through whatever it brought.  also, there appears, so I’ve read, anyway, some long lasting effects of it.  We just do not know enough.

  3. Maher’s examples of how little the coronavirus kills
    young people were all from areas that have strong
    well-enforced protocols for cleanliness and/or testing
    and/or contact tracing and/or social distancing and/or
    mask use and/or health care for all.  The United States
    is deficient in all these.

  4. Thanks so much, JD.  I hope I have the time and energy to watch these later 04

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