Bill Maher from 5/22/2020

 Posted by at 10:00 am  Politics
May 232020

Since TC only promised a Personal Update, I got this prepared – and then he asked for it. Great Minds. There are four videos available this week.

Monologue – Not that Bill isn’t witty, but whoever put together his virtual (and visual) laugh track deserves an Emmy.

Friedman – Friedman is the expert on how tightly connected we all are globally – and ties together several events with global effects, and addresses information overload. (This clip wouldn’t give me CC.)

Moore – It surprised me that the possible need to drag Trump* out of the White House didn’t come up, since both are keen on that idea (not without reason.) But the things that did come up are probably more likely,\.

New Rule – Bill is correct, of course. Well, except his implication that liberals don’t notice. A lot of us do. If he knows how to get legislation past #MoscowMotch, that would be constructive! I do think he estimate the complexity of the situation, though. For one thing, I have shopped exclusively on line for years, and maybe my needs are different, but it’s very rare that I can’t avoid Amazon. For another, much of what one can buy at amazon, one is actually buying from small businesses through Amazon. What are the economic implications of that? I am old enough (as is Liz, and probably Bill) to remember when Ma Bell was broken up. That was challenging enough – and at that time they were only selling one service.  Now – now that all the companies have merged and need to be broken up again, and bundling is a thing – I shudder.


  10 Responses to “Bill Maher from 5/22/2020”

  1. Excellent! post!!
    Thanks, Joanne for getting this out here, w/watch ltr. 

  2. All good ones. As for Amazon – I haven’t patronized them in years. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives. Its monopoly definitely needs to be broken – where’s Teddy Roosevelt when you need him?

  3. I may be cynical, well, I know I am, but I think the reason churches are so hot on reopening is that people aren’t sending in their weekly pledges in those little envelopes, they only do that in person. And, hey, someone’s gotta pay for the jet fuel for those mega church “pastors”. They’re not like Trump, they can’t make America do it. It’s about money, not faith. 
    I absolutely do not worry, as Bill does, that Trump won’t leave. That would be a military coup. I took an oath that is still valid when I enlisted, it is the same oath all current military members take. It is to the nation, the constitution, not to a person. Suggesting that our military would NOT remove him if he refused to go is to say that WE are all traitors and that is simply insulting and untrue. It would also spark another civil war. It’s the height of irresponsibility to suggest this is even possible. I can’t begin to tell you how much it pisses me off.
    So annoyed, I’m just going to stop here. And may not be back. 

    • It’s anbout money for the pastors, I think.  For the flock, possibly partly about faith, partly about socializing, partly about being cult zombies.

      I’m a veteran too, and swore the same oath.  And I know the military is not all traitors.  But there are traitors in it.  Look no farther than “E-7 Eddie” Gallagher.  Or that Coast Guard guy with all the guns and explosives.  It’s just not possible for any group to keep all crazy people and all liars out, even if they screen, and screen well.  Sociopaths often have charm, and are generally master manipulators, and will fool you.

    • Gene, I agree with JD.  While I doubt criminal Fuhrer Trump* could succeed in refusing to honor an election, because the vast majority of our soldiers are faithful to that oath, I don’t doubt for a minute that he would try. 07

  4. Did watch it last night. Bill was good as usual.
    I have to agree with Gene, that it’s insane the way tRump decides to push for all faith churches to fall under, essential place category. If a person wants to pray, they can do it in their own home. I don’t need to go to a church service at this time, to be surrounded by many others with the Covid-19 pandemic going on. Like they have been pointing out, it just takes 1 single person who has symptoms and the entire group of parishioners could end up infected with the stinking virus. The pastor can cry the blues all they want because they aren’t getting a basket full of monetary donations. Would they rather get sued for not obeying the law? 
    As for Michael Moore, I honestly hope that when it’s time tRump is told to leave the W.H. he will. Otherwise, like you mentioned, Joanne, I feel the military will escort him out.
    Thanks for the posting, Joanne.

  5. Thanks for getting Bill Maher to us, Joanne. Much appreciated. We do need our weekly doses, don’t we?

    The added laughing tracks work well. Somehow we appreciate humour more if others laugh with us, perhaps because we were conditioned to that by a few “mishaps” when we were the only one laughing in a room full of silent people.

    Amazon is taking over here too, importing stuff from wherever often at much lower prices than on the Aussie market. If you live out in the country, the postage will kill any joy on saving a few bucks, though.

    I’ve missed out on Trump wanting to open all churches this weekend; I couldn’t find any Aussie news on it. So I’ll ask my question here: does he want places of worship of all religions to open like mosques and synagogues? Or is it just aimed at the Christians (Evangelicals) for financial reasons?

    • This headline from AlterNet may amswer your question: “Trump demanded churches re-open after polls found ‘staggering decline’ in support from Christian conservatives”

  6. Thanks, JD.  I’ll watch them as soon as time permits. 35

  7. thanks, personally I think Michael Moore needs to be quiet and just go back to making documentaries……glad to see so many I recognize here…..

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