Apr 032020

Democrats and Independents trash criminal Fuhrer Trump* on a regular basis.  It’s a completely natural thing to do.  Trashing Trump is as obvious as peeing in a toilet.  Republicans, on the other hand tend to fall between brainwashed and braindead, so they tend to love their criminal Fuhrer Trump* to the point of their own destruction.  So I was very surprised to discover that even some Republicans are trashing their Fuhrer.


Republicans for the Rule of Law, a group of anti-Trump conservatives who backed the president’s impeachment, has released a brutal new ad that features longtime Republican voters hammering Trump’s leadership on the coronavirus pandemic.

The ad features Republican voters from all across the United States taking turns reading from a script describing their disillusionment with the president’s actions during the pandemic…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Graphic credit: Decaffeinated Politics

Crisis of Leadership: Republican Voters Denounce Trump’s Coronavirus Failure

To be sure, since these folks are conservative Republicans I will agree with them on very little indeed, but I can agree with them on impeachment and on his lethal Trump* virus response.  I can also respect them for having more integrity than over 99.44% of their fellow Republicans.  Finally, I can thank them for their courage.



  7 Responses to “Even some Republicans are Trashing their Fuhrer!”

  1. Thank Gawd!! Finally!!!!
    Love the video. 
    Thank you for standing up to the pretend president. 

  2. They are not totally alone.  The Lincoln Project is another group, also Republicans, doing the same thing.  But I agree there are too few, too late.  Also that it’s still encouraging to see.  Let’s hope they don’t get swamped with death threats.  Trump supporters love death threats.

  3. The Liar-in-cheif is talking as I write. That channel has been turned off.  He had difficulty mouthing the words “New Jersey,” which, he said got hit harder “than anybody would have guessed.”  No, people with working brains might have expected that the state with the closest connection to N.Y. might just have been in the danger zone. It is a good thing that N.J. has not got a Rethug Governor, now.

  4. I’m sure Democrats spirits are lifted a little with Republican ads like this, but it is unlikely other Republicans will take this to heart like Democrats. But we sure can do with some positive news in these dark times, so thank you Republicans for the Rule of Law and thankyou, TomCat, for posting it.

  5. Wow….are they finally waking up? 
    Too bad that it took something as dreadful, the COVID-19, to do it. 
    Better late than never.
    Maybe they can knock some sense into some of their R buddies.

  6. I’d add the Republican Governors calling out the lies on testing availability, and other untruths on supplies to address the pandemic.

  7. Thanks, pooped hugs, and Amen to all! 23

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