Mar 242020

Many of you remember the days when Sarah Palin, aka Bloody Bullseye Barbie, aka Drill Baby Dingbat, accused Barack Obama and the Democratic Party of including Death Panels in the Affordable Care Act.  They claimed we wanted to lower the cost of ObamaCare by killing seniors.  At that time, I made the graphic you see below, because I knew the Republican Party’s penchant for projection, and that if they were accusing us of intent to kill seniors, I could safely predict that they would do just that, when the time they deemed appropriate arrived.  That time has come.

In a blistering column for the Daily Beast, conservative Matt Lewis ripped into the Republican Party for demonstrating it really does stand for putting profits before people if its response to the coronavirus pandemic is any indication.

According to the author of “Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Went from the Party of Reagan to the Party of Trump,” the GOP has joined the president’s “death cult.”

Starting with a blunt, “In the last 24 hours, it has become clear that, despite warnings from experts like Dr. Fauci, Donald Trump is willing to sacrifice lives to try and save the economy and his chances for re-election,” Lewis suggested Republicans are not only backing the president — they’re proudly and publically embracing it.

Pointing to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) proclaiming, “We don’t shut down our economy because tens of thousands of people die on the highways. It’s a risk we accept so we can move about. We don’t shut down our economies because tens of thousands of people die from the common flu,” the columnist expressed his disgust by writing, “I’m pretty sure Johnson just said he was comfortable with millions of Americans dying of coronavirus—so long as it doesn’t disrupt economic activity.”

“This logic is spreading among Republicans,” he continued. “Consider the comments Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick made Monday night on Fox News: ‘No one reached out to me and said as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren. And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in.’”…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says he and other seniors are willing to die from virus to save economy

Like most Republicans, he’s a fool! It is not only his own life he risks, but the lives of all the people to whom he passes Trump* virus.  Did all of them agree to be killed to get Patrick’s beloved Fuhrer reelected too?

The following is not from the horse’s mouth.  It’s from the horse’s ass’ mouth.

Trump Appears To Weigh Saving Economy Against Saving Lives From COVID-19

Barf Bag Alert!!

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich care only about staying in power, and they don’t give a damn how many Americans they have to murder to do it.



  16 Responses to “Republican Death Panels Are Here”

  1. There’s that ditch again.  I’ll just repeat this from my rant on the Open Thread:  “Raise your hand if you ever expected human sacrifice to be seriously advocated as a solution to anything, in this nation, in our lifetimes. I didn’t think so.”

  2. Gawd….
    Mighty dam scary! 

  3. I went to turn on CNN this morning and there these idiots speaking about killing of grandparents/seniors to save the flipping economy. 
    Watching these morons go on about ending this epidemic is a flipping joke. As we know they are the ones who kiss the butt of tRump. They like him, don’t give a damn about the people just this flipping stocks.
    May they all rot in he*l for even thinking of going that direction.

  4. This is who they have devolved into.  How they walk and breathe at the same time is beyond me.

  5. Welcome to the 4th Reich; I was terrified when  saw AG Barrf was going to be in the presser. Bet u have heard that Big Billy wants to be able to indefinitely detain US, incl. pre-trial, bc Nat’l emergency.  Here it comes.—- Re: TX Lt. Gov.—–u 1st, Mr. decider/leader===LOL  Take care all, we wanna be able 2 party as hard as possible when this shiteshow finally ends!

  6. When the Rethuglicans accuse Democrats of setting up “death panels” – qui parle!


  8. I think everyone wants to see their kids grow up in a society like when they grew up.  And I think that goes for grandchildren growing up too!  After all, children and grandchildren are the future.  But unless this virus is effectively dealt with using science and data, there will be no future.

    Perhaps Trump should go out into a hospital ward of COVID-19 patients without personal protective accoutrements  and experience the virus up close and personally.  He might sing a different tune after that . . . if he survives.  Of course the SS would not allow that but you get my drift.

    As you oft say Puddy Tat, what Republicans accuse Democrats of doing is usually straight projection.

    • You know the more I think of what Patrick is saying . . . that is genocide and a crime against humanity.  I wonder if future generations will take the US government to the Hague to be charged with genocide?

      Just thinking . . . 

  9. For many years I’ve tried to understand the American psyche by following American politics closely, but whatever little insight I may have gained through the Obama era has been nihilated by the Trump era. I’m at a complete loss.

    As I understand the demographics of American media, Faux News watchers are generally older and white (“The Average age of a Fox News viewer is 65, making them the channel with the oldest audience.”). Then why don’t they panic when that same channel starts discussing that losing seniors to the virus is preferable to the economy going down? Don’t they understand it’s to them, the viewers, Faux News is referring to? Have they become so disassociated from their own reality that they think they are talking about other people?

    Don’t they understand that it is they who will be denied the ventilator after they’ve packed the churches to the rafters with Easter?

    • The fascist mentality includes a built in belief that they are personally immune from the consequences of their evil behavior.  Narcissistic Personality disorder almost always includes super-optimism. 04

    • There isn’t a single American psyche, so you are likely never going to understand it.  There are Republican psyches and Democratic psyches all over the world, under different names, and which express themselves slightly differently in ways that tend to blook different in different nations but are basically the same.  Both include some magical thinking, but in different ways.    To oversimplify, it’s like the difference between “Good will prevail” and “I will prevail.”

  10. Thanks and painful Hump Day Hugs to all! 19

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