Mar 152020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is due in about ten minutes, so I’ll have to finish this after I am de-stunk.  This is my only article today.

Jig Zone:

Today’s took me 2:56 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Vintage 2018 and unchanged, except Lyin’ Ryan is flushed.

Trump* Virus Update:


Short Takes:

From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Fauci refuses support Trump lie that Obama is to blame for coronavirus testing failures

Whose fault are all of Fuhrer Trump’s* crimes? Someone else’s!  RESIST!!

From CNN: The nation’s top infectious disease expert on Sunday did not rule out supporting a temporary national lockdown of the country’s restaurants and bars in order to curb the spread of coronavirus, saying he’d like to see a “dramatic” reduction in activity in order to fight the disease.

Asked by CNN’s Brianna Keilar on “State of the Union” if he’d like a “national lockdown” where people are being told they need to stay home and out of restaurants and bars, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said he’d “like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction that we see” in those places.

“Whatever it takes to do that, that’s what I’d like to see,” Fauci added.

I think it needs to be done, in addition to locking Trump* in a Mar-a-lago rest room.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the Past): Simon and Garfunkel – Homeward Bound (1966 – Live)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread–3/15/2020”

  1. 5:10 A soggy butterfly

    I saw this here. It is the same graph from the CDC, slightly altered
    so that people who aren’t into graphs can understand it better. From
    the article author’s note, and the comment from the person who found it
    and sent it to her, I gather the alter-er wants it shared to help as
    many people as possible.

    Cartoon – Happy birthday, Edie!

    Cartoon – The only change is they have made more progress.

    Map – Well, New Mexico escalated quickly. (Probably because they are paying more attention and counting more accurately than some states.)

    Fauci vid – Some people will just tell the truth and you can’t stop them.

    Fauci text – Someone somewhere said (was quoted) that you “can’t use such draconian measures in a Democratic society.” Yeah, right. I would virtually guarantee that if we tried them, all the democratically inclined people would comply except in very unusual individual circumstances, and all the authoritarian inclined people would blow it off.

    Past – A couple of thoughts – imagine what they could have accomplished of they had liked each other! – And, what a poignant song. Fits the national mood almost TOO well.

    • Nice graph, Joanne. It speaks volumes. Sadly that cat needs to be flattened to a pancake by buldozer for the healthcare system to be able to keep on coping, especially in rural areas. Here hospitals are normally filled almost to capacity with the “usual” sick, there just won’t be enough artificial respirators to go around when more people with pneumonia are admitted.

    • If only *Rump weren’t such an idiot, worried only about himself in this time of crisis, we could better get this done:

  2. Cartoon: Enjoy your Day! Have a wonderful and Happy Birthday, Edie! 
    CartoonII: Liar, liar, pants on fire, lyin’ Ryan. 
    TVU: Here in TX: As of right now..Currently, the largest numbers of cases have mostly been centered in the Houston area, in North Texas and at a federal quarantine site in San Antonio. At least 60 confirmed cases of COVID-19. (0 deaths – Thank God.) 
    Raw Story: He never takes responsibility/accountability of what he says, how he acts, and blames others for his actions. It’s never his fault, as he’s perfect, don’tchaknow? *snark
    CNN: I agree. I’m with you, TC, wholeheartedly in what you wrote. Absolutely! 
    BFTP: S&G sang awesome songs….loved their music! 

    Hi, Wendy! Hope all is good with you. Hope that you get all your chores done, enjoy your day, and that you get a chance to rest. Take good good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: re: dt – “Why tell the Truth if you love Lying?” ~ Chris S. ~ 
    2. How about turning all of dt’s properties into hospitals? They could fit a lot of people into Trump Tower. In fact, they could start with the penthouse as that is no longer being used? ~ Jane R. ~ 
    OR! House the homeless in NYC there. *pb
    3. “Just be patient…The Simpsons haven’t lied to us yet.” ~ Roland W. ~
    4. “Reporter to DT @WH – “Why did you shut down the pandemic office in the WH? dt calls it a ‘nasty question’. Then says..”someone else shot it down, I don’t know anything about it.” ~ Mike M. ~ 

  3. CAP Action just released a fantastic ad pointing out a few of the lies *Rump has told WRT Coronavirus:

  4. 3:14 We just did this one, didn’t we?

    Have a wonderful day, Edie

    Cartoon: Not much left to destroy soon.

    Update: You’re catching up nicely, I see.

    RS: “I take no responsibility”, that has been Trump’s motto from day one, should be on his rediculous cap and should be his title going down in history. Fauci can’t serve a new master and denounce the previous one; Lindsey Graham tries to do that, but can’t get away with it either.

    CNN: It’s happening everywhere else, so why not in America. Better late than never.

    BFTP: Their music, every song they did together, still makes me hold my breath.

  5. A tad late “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” wish:

    (The spoons are for the ice cream.)

  6. Happy Birthday Edie. Enjoy your day.
    TVU update: It’s spreading. Now we seniors  are suppose to stay home and isolated.
    RS: Seen him yesterday. tRump is despicable.
    BFTP: Great song.
    Hope you had a good visit with Wendy.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. Thanks and hextic hugs to all! 26

    Great graphs and video in comments!

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