The Trump Virus

 Posted by at 10:32 am  Politics
Feb 292020

Criminal Fuhrer Donald “Blame the Dems” Trump* and criminal Vice Fuhrer Mike “The HIV Guy” Pence have so badly mismanaged the federal response to the rapidly growing epidemic of COVID-19, it’s time to change its name.  It is now the Trump Virus.


On Thursday, a whistleblower revealed that the U.S. personnel who greeted potentially infected arrivals from Wuhan, China, were not given either the protective gear or the training necessary for the situation. Despite being exposed to these evacuees—some of whom have since proven to be carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus—the workers have still not been tested for COVID-19.

That might seem like a bullet that was dodged, except that just two days ago the CDC confirmed that a U.S. patient who had not traveled outside the country or associated with someone known to be infected was infected with the COVID-19 virus. It was the first case of “community spread” COVID-19 in the nation. And that patient lived in the same county as the location of the incident the whistleblower described.

It’s clear now that the very first time this White House was forced to confront this threat, it fumbled the response. One time may be all it took… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The health workers who treated arrivals from Wuhan and did not take precautions when testing and treating them should have been quarantined.  They were not, because “the workers did not exhibit symptoms”.  Of course they didn’t, as it was before the incubation period could finish.  Now they are loose in the population.

Because of Trump* and the Republican Reich, the disease has now spread to California, Washington, and Oregon.

Window Of Opportunity For Containing Coronavirus Rapidly Closing

To sum this up, all the information were getting from criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich 100% pure unadulterated bullshit. All they care about is protecting the economic improvements Obama built and Trump* pretends to own.

Michael Moore: Trump Calling Coronavirus ‘Hoax’ Is ‘Dangerous’

Last night I learned that it is now in the Portland area. Given my stage III cancer, I’ll probably be spending a lot of time at the hospital getting chemo and radiation therapy. This puts me at at much higher risk for infection than most. If it kills me, please send the bill for my funeral to the asshole in the White House responsible for Trump Virus!



  12 Responses to “The Trump Virus”

  1. I hope and pray that it doesn’t spread in your area, or where you’re at. This is very concerning.
    The incompetence coming from this administration is breathtaking, at the risk and lives of hundreds/thousands during this epidemic. 
    dt’s lying, and walking away from reporters asking questions about this, is typical of his behavior in nulling and voiding this situation at hand.

    He has lacked leadership and not taking control of the helm or responsibility,  in many areas, and this is one of them. All he gives a sheet about is himself, and not the nation who is in the throes of this, and lives being lost. 
    Thanks, Tom for this post.

  2. America has now recorded our first death.  A female in her late 50s w/ apparent underlying medical issues.
    Paraphrasing, but Trump rudely opined that “Healthy people should be able to fight it off”.  What an A-hole!
    Boy, do I miss the compassion of Pres. Obama!

  3. This in a post by CNN today: 

    The President said at a rally in South Carolina Friday that Democrats are now “politicizing” the virus. “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can’t even count their votes in Iowa.”
    “This is their new hoax,” Trump added.
    On Saturday, Trump said he doesn’t think coronavirus itself is a “hoax,” but the criticism is. Asked if he regretted calling it a hoax during Friday’s rally, Trump said he didn’t.
    “Hoax referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody,” the President explained. “I’m not talking about what’s happening here, I’m talking about what they’re doing.”
    Trump called it the “continuation of the hoax,” and mentioned the Russia investigation and his impeachment.
    “I don’t like it when they are criticizing these people and I don’t like it,” he said. “That’s the hoax I’m talking about.”

    That last sentence — “I don’t like it when they are criticizing these people and I don’t like it,” — actually means “I don’t like it when they are criticizing ME and I don’t like it,”.  Trump has not provided the necessary sane rational leadership needed at this time.  Anyone who thinks he has, that is the real hoax!

    Here is a report from the CBC on the virus efforts in Russia:

    “CBC News recently joined Gorbunov and Kovalov, who are both in their sixties, as they led a team of younger volunteers around Russia’s fourth-largest city, handing out masks and dispensing free medical advice on how to avoid contracting the coronavirus. 
    The masks and information they hand out about the spread of the virus are approved by Russian health authorities. The holy water blessed by Orthodox priests, which Gorbunov and Kovalov claim will prevent people from getting sick, is not.”

    Now if Trump gets on that Russian bandwagon, we’ll really know there is a pandemic! . . . and we’ll know for sure that he is in league with Moscow.

  4. And, Don Jr. is spreading his very own BS!  Is he being groomed to take over after Emperor Dumpy dies?  Is he practicing? The phenomenal imbecility encamped in the W.H. is now, literally, endangering possibly millions of people with its malfeasance.  Who in hell sends people to greet evacuees in a situation like this, without proper anything?  
    When one has no idea about how the world works, of its history (thinking of what Rachel’s guest said about the Spanish Flu), expecting a reasoned response to a game of Tiddlywinks, no less a real crisis, there is no way that such a one can be in charge of anything!
    Michael Moore: gives voice to a simple, a stunningly simple, question: “Which is more dangerous?”  My spin is, as I believe his is, that Dumpy is the true danger.
    TC: Your cancer is bad enough.  Who would have thought that you’d have to worry about dying, directly, of this Trump virus instead.  It’s a bit like older men dying of a heart attack and doctors finding, on autopsy , that they had a slow growing prostate cancer that may never have killed them…because something else would, first.
    Speaking of death, as you have been lately, are you aware that there are much cheaper, and environmentally saner ways of burial than the traditional 6 feet under, as well as cremation?  Look up “Natural burial.”

    • The plan is to have my remains sliced and sold at Safeway for $1.59. lb.  12

      Seriously, I plan cremation, and if Republicans are in power, I want my ashes spread at sea, outside US territorial waters.

  5. And one of those, one in Washington, has died. But California, Oregaon, and Washington are BLUE states.

    When people die during a pandemic, most don’t die from the pandemic disease itself. The four main reasons people die are delays in seeking care, delays in diagnosis, inadequate or incorrect care, and secondary infections. Not much individuals can do about the last two, but we can do something about the first one, and maybe that would help reduce the second and even the third somewhat.

    What can you do? Don’t hesitate to treat even vague physical symptoms. If you work and have symptoms, take the time off. Make sure you have a good supply of clean water (or water filters), anti-inflammatories, and food (yes, it’s like preparing for a blizzard or hurricane.) Have (or get) a good thermometer, and learn to check your temperature, pulse, and respiration. If you feel unwell, track a few times a day and record results. Take notes on anything unusual. Keep an eye on family and loved ones too.

  6. A lot more people have died from this year’s brand of influenza than from the Big Bad Coronavirus – but which one is the bugbear? All too often our fear greatly outweighs actual peril.

    The Coronavirus could have some positive affects, though – it could bring about, if not an end to Communism in China, at least less oppression and more openness there (we can hope, can’t we?); and maybe even be a factor in toppling the tRump regime.

  7. We thought that Trump was the most dangerous because of his access to the nuclear button combined with his trigger-happiness. It turns out that his general incompetence as a president and a human being combined with his usual egotism is what we should fear most.

    We’ll know that he has reached a point of understanding how bad the situation is when he no longer attends those big rallies of his. Not out of fear that people may infect each other but that they may infect him. He’ll then, by decree, block any Democratic rallies because of the contagion risks and use Faux News to do his own campaigning.

    You probably had your “normal” flu shot, TomCat, which usually gives you a little resistance to colds and other flu strains too, but the secret in avoiding contagion seems to be washing your hands extensively for 20 seconds as often as you can and not to touch your mouth. A mask apparently doesn’t do much unless you can get your hands on one that the medical staff is wearing, but wearing it does prevent you from touching your mouth, which is the way to infect yourself. And stay away from sneezers.

  8. Thanks, hugs and Amen to all! 28

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