Feb 292020

It’s become a busy day here in the CatBox, as two days missed has me way behind in research.  I was also sick most of the night, and today, and I have thrown up four times since breakfast.  I really think it’s pills blocking the passage.  Then food and saliva collect and fill the esophagus.  ARGH!  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, and normally I would publish only a Personal Update, but I’ll try to add a piece on the SC primary.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:57 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



That is the machine I was in yesterday.

Short Takes:

From Alternet: According to a report from the Star-Telegram, a senior member of the rightwing paramilitary group Oath Keepers who moved to Texas in 2015 is actively recruiting local law enforcement employees while telling them a “bloody civil war” against the U.S. government is on the horizon.

The report states that John D. Shirley, the national director of the Las Vegas-based Oath Keepers finagled himself a job as a county constable in Hood County which provided him with access to other police officers and now he is using his position to recruit.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Oath Keepers organization is “one of the largest radical antigovernment groups in the U.S. today” with, reportedly, thousands of members made up of former law enforcement officials and military veterans.

The Oath Keepers are Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian terrorists.  Because of the group’s treasonous activities, membership in Oath Keepers ought to be a court martial offence for military personnel and cause for termination for other government employees, especially those in law enforcement. RESIST!!

From NY Times: President Trump announced on Friday that he intended to nominate Representative John Ratcliffe, Republican of Texas, as his director of national intelligence, choosing someone he considered last summer before senior Republicans in Congress deemed him unqualified for the job.

When even Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch’s prime lackeys consider this bozo unqualified,it shows that he’s only sycophant that criminal Fuhrer Trump* can find to be his  Barrf in the DNI position.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Moody Blues – Tuesday Afternoon (1970)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread–2/29/2020”

  1. 5:41

    It’s overcast today, but no precipitation expected till late tomorrow.

    I think it was Pat B who mentioned a day or so ago that maybe if you took your pills after eating instead of before, the food could get down? I thought it was certainly quite possible.

    Bryan Stevenson is the attorney whose story about the chocolate milk shake has touched so many of us so deeply.  This is one of the things he’s been up to lately.

    Cartoon – Hey, I don’t see a PET either. From your remarks I gather there isn’t one inside and blocked from view either. Darn.

    AlterNet – Yes, I’ve been reading about this. Vicious people in groups – the groups don’t even have to be that large to be hugely dangerous. The irony of tis dude seeking and getting a GOVERNMENT position in order to destroy the GOVERNMENT is – definitely not delicious. Repulsive rather.

    NYT – Well, they turned him down once. Let’s hope they have whatever it takes to turn him down again. I wish I could be confident.

    Past – Don’t remember this one. Of course I remember the group, though.

  2. Cartoon: Yikes! I sure don’t see a PET, but I know I’d have trouble in there, as I’m caustrophobic. 
    AN: This is up the road a piece from where I live, Granbury, near up by Dallas area.  They have no business nor need for this right wing militia to incite or recruit anyone for this rhetoric and violence. They certainly don’t help with community matters in a positive way either. 
    NYT: Good grief. 
    BFTP: Have seen the Moody Blues in concert a few times here. I love this band, and their music. ‘Nights in White Satin’ is my all time favorite. This one is too. 

    Throwing up is not good at all for anybody (daily).  I hope that you can re-hydrate yourself when this happens. Can your pills be given to you in liquid form? (using a blender and pulverized with juice or water?) for easier intake? I hope that this can be alleviated for you, as this sounds very, very uncomfortable, and it shouldn’t be. Hi, WWWendy! Hope all is good with you. Take good, good care, get your rest, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “American scientists and those of other Nations should team up and create a conoravirus remedy. dt is too corrupt and should be discarded if he objects. ~ Lynn K. ~ 
    2. Sign – “Don’t worry America. Coronavirus is NOTHING compared to Windmill Cancer.” ~ Starlett M. ~ 
    3. “Calm down everybody. I’m sure whatever shortcomings Pence may have in this crisis, the addition of Mulvaney and Kudlow will make up for, since they are world renown public health experts. We’ve got the best of the best fighting for us.” ~ Elyse C. ~   *sarcasm served cold – pb
    4. “38% of people said they will not drink Corona beer because they think it will give them the virus.”
    “Sigh.”  ~Ramesh Y. ~ 

  3. The first architect for my current home was an Oath Keeper.  And when I learned that (he was “recruiting”) he became my former architect!

  4. AlterNet — The US concentrates on foreign terrorists when it should really be concerned about domestic terrorists who are in a better position generally to inflict greater damage on the nation.  I think of people like Timothy McVeigh, Richard Spencer, various militia groups, white supremacists etc.  Oath Keepers should be listed as a domestic terrorist group.

    NY Times — If Republicans in the Senate considered Ratcliffe unsuitable the first time, let’s hope they maintain the same stance.  I won’t hold my breath because I am sure Moscow Mitch has Trump covered.  The whole damn bunch of Republicans need to be shown the exit and kicked through it if they don’t exit on their own.

    Moody Blues — I remember the name . . . or is it Moody Blues wine that I remember?  The song however I do not remember.

    Sorry to hear that you’re feeling poorly today.  Myself, I have had a cold this week and stayed low Thursday and Friday.  Seems better today though.  Take care!

  5. 3:00 Most native Kangaroo Paw growing here is red.

    Cartoon: Only a little doughnut hole; must have felt rather claustrophobic.

    Alternet: Surely all of these Oath Keepers hove sworn allegiance to Trump, which is an oath they’ll value much more than one to serve their country and its people. Good luck to you, Americans and the rest of us. With COVID-19 messing with just about everything 2020 is going to be a very interesting year.

    NYT: All attention is now drawn to COVID-19; Trump couldn’t have come up with a better diversion himself. Before you know it all Bananarepublicans will no say that John Ratcliffe has learned his lesson and will now be the perfect candidate for the job. Before you know it, he’s your new intelligence director. Number three, is it?

    BFTP: Ah, the times when songs still had a melody and the musicians were good enough to pull off a good live performance too. The Moody Blues could pull that off with all their wonderful songs.

  6. Happy Leap Day!

    Puzzle – 2:59

    Cartoon – Bless you for enduring that awful machine.

    Alternet – The FBI has indicated a severe increase in domestic Terrorists since the Drumph took office. 
    Arrests of white supremacist terror suspects increased by 40 percent in the past year, the official said, though the FBI would not provide exact statistics to back up the numbers.
    The FBI is investigating about 5,000 active terrorism-related incidents in the United States and abroad. About 850 relate to domestic terrorism, while another 1,000 are tied to the Islamic State or affiliated groups.

    NYT – Oh goody! Another incompetent toady to serve the Orange Highness.

    I love the Moody Blues! Thanks Tom.

  7. WWWendy just got here.  Thanks and Rush Hugs to all.  26

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