Presidents Day Cancelled

 Posted by at 8:47 am  Politics
Feb 172020


Politics Plus will reinstitute the holiday,

when and if we actually have a President.



  10 Responses to “Presidents Day Cancelled”

  1. Most definitely!
    SPOT-ON for sure!! 

  2. Fortunately for the USPS, the employees of which definitely deserve a one-day break (actually they deserve more but we need them), this only applies to members of the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  Thank you, Right Reverend TomCat.

    Here’s something we can read while doing without mail which may help motivate us to keep on.

  3. As the bumper sticker, T-shirt, button, etc. all say: Any functioning adult 2020!

  4. I agree with you 100%. 
    Like the video Freya listed. Tried to go to Mitch’s link and it came up that it’s private?

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