Bill Maher from 1/31

 Posted by at 9:42 am  Politics
Feb 012020

It’s that time of week again, so here are 3.5 video clips, 2.5 of which are good, from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

YouTube did not release Bill’s Monologue, but I found part of it on Alternet.  Click through.  It would not embed here.

Very well said!

Mayor Pete Buttigieg

I like former-Mayor Pete, but I cannot support him for the nomination. He still has major problems relating to Black Voters, because of his own behavior as Mayor. More progressive candidates than Pete also have a vision that the majority of Americans can support. Their problem is that media figures, such as Bill, misrepresent them as “far left”.

Michael Eric Dyson: Made In America


Kudos to Michael Eric Dyson. I’ve always liked listening to him. Criminal (in)justice in the US favors the rich and is racist.

New Rule: Do the Wrong Thing


I agree, but only up to a point. We can be dirty, but legal. Otherwise, people will be unable to tell us from Republicans, who are dirty and illegal. Love the ad and debate plans! Democrats at the State of the Union should turn their backs on Trump* for the entire shit session.  Are we sure Bill’s pee-pee tape isn’t real?

While I strongly disagree with Bill’s cavalier dismissal of Liz and Bernie, his New Rule was hilarious!






  8 Responses to “Bill Maher from 1/31”

  1. Bill – Monologue – I watched it from the full show vid since the clip wasn’t available separately. Clever but depressing.

    Buttigieg – Hmmmph. The New Deal is in the past. Republicans have dismantled it, and we need to put it back together. I don’t want to get so focused on the future as to forget that. I also, though, don’t want to badmouth any of our candidates. New rules are for the other side.

    Dyson – A very engaging interview. I get very upset with cultural snobs who don’t think rap is or can be comparable to other forms of communication. I see that as straight up racism. Personally I felt uplifted when Kendrick Lamar wan the Pulitzer Prize. Of course the correctional system issues are old news to yo and me.

    Update – this might be a good time to point out that “Porgy and Bess is being performed today on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera, where it belongs. (And that popular demand resulted in the Met having to schedule two three more performances than originally planned.)

    New Rule – The commercial does write itself, granted. I don’t like the idea of playing dirty, but I can live with it as long as we stick to truth. The commercial is acceptable. Filling a debate audience with accusers is actually a good idea. Calling him a liar out loud when he lies – I’ll go for that! The deepfake is not acceptable.

  2. We The People need to rise up and get our arses to the polls in November. This upcoming election is absolutely vital to the survival of this country. Make sure you are registered to vote, make sure your progressive kith and kin are registered, help at a voter registration drive, and above all, Vote Blue No Matter Who! Unless we turn this country around with ballots, our future is grim – very, very grim.

  3. Watched snippets of Bill, I really enjoyed listening to what Mr. Dyson had to say. I did hear about how the prison system is set up. WOW! Pretty bad !! 

  4. Mayor Pete: Not having seen him speak before, I was quite impressed, and believe that Bill is right, he’s do fine in a debate with Asshole.
    Bill’s monologue was wonderful, and you can bet that the SOTU speech will be full of braggadocio.
    Dyson: Brilliant!  The entire prison thing in the U.S. has been subverted by the old Confederacy.  Once, again and it’s been a long time now, go read “The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” by Michelle Alexander.
    New Rules: I’ve written something like where is Congressman Joe Wilson when we need him?  Well, he’s on the side of the devil, but I’m sooooo for the idea of yelling at Asshole!  Ads like those Bill showed would be perfect, not in a necessarily demeaning way , but to show how little command Asshole has over whatever is left of his brain.

  5. Did watch Bill’s show last night. Great show.
    I enjoyed listening to Mayor Pete. Wasn’t aware of him not supporting black voters.
    Mr. Dyson was outstanding. I’ve always liked seeing him on Bill’s show.
    New Rule: I agree with your comment. We shouldn’t even want to think of being as low/rotten as the r’s.

  6. Monologue: “Republicans have nothing left to do but dot the i’s, cross the t’s and f*ck the yous,” sums up the sham trial nicely.

    Thanks for posting but I will have to watch the rest later.

  7. LOVED the commercial featuring a “Leader”!

  8. Thanks and tired Huggy Hugs to all! 26

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