Pithy Progressive

 Posted by at 10:59 am  Politics
Jan 312020

I haven’t put up a “Pithy Progressive” for a while, but then, until now, Jeff Merkley hasn’t inspired me to.  So this one’s for Jeff.

I have a name I want you to remember, Joanne:

Raphael Warnock.

A community leader. A champion for civil rights, affordable health care, and a living wage.

He’s the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist, where he preaches from the same progressive pulpit as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did.

And today, he’s announcing that he’s running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia.

This is our chance to strike in a state Donald Trump narrowly won in 2016; to tip Georgia into the blue column.

Donate $3 right now. Let’s help launch Raphael Warnock’s campaign and mine to victory in 2020.

Mitch McConnell is in full panic mode: reports say Republicans and their allies are going to spend tens of millions of dollars in an attempt to save this seat.

That’s because we could legitimately win here in 2020. If we win in Georgia, we will almost certainly flip control of the Senate.

Want to sideline Mitch McConnell? Want to rebuild our democracy? Stand with Raphael and me as we take back our country and pave the way to a progressive future.

We need a change. We need leaders like Raphael Warnock in the Senate.


Of course I realize not everyone is in a position to donate, and Jeff does too.  But Rev. Warnock’s is a name which deserves to be known.



  9 Responses to “Pithy Progressive”

  1. Sounds like a worthy candidate. 
    Just donated, ActBlue Express.
    Thanks, Joanne for the info. 

    Thank you for your contribution!

  2. I just sent info. about Warnock to Freya, of C2, who lives in Atlanta.

  3. Thanks for giving Raphael Warnock the attention he deserves, Joanne.

  4. It would be great for us to get the Georgia seat.
    Wish Raphael Warnock the best for achieving the important goal. 
    Thanks Joanne

  5. I think I speak for us all that we endorse him! 03

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