Jan 242020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  I didn’t sleep well last night, but I kept my food down all day yesterday and this morning.  I’m going to do my best to force a week free of Medical Mayhem, before I let them perform more in their endless barrage of tests.  Pardon my frustration, please.  I’m just sick of sick.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:52 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: George Conway and his new group called The Lincoln Project created a second negative political ad targeting the vulnerable Senator from Maine, Susan Collins.

In the ad, they highlight the supposed “independent” credentials negated by her actions. They demand that Collins do her job during the Senate impeachment trial.

Amen!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Adam Schiff Ends Day With Powerful Argument For Trump’s Removal 

I think Schiff was speaking more to the American people more than to the Senators, whose ears and minds are closed. The real trial is the one in November. The onus falls on voters to send criminal Resident Trump* and the entire Republican Reich the way of the Whig Party!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a change of pace): Patsy Cline – Sweet Dreams

I’m so old that even this brings memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread–1/24/2020”

  1. 4:59  Roar.

    Cartoon – Oh, yes, indeed.

    CNN – Yup.

    MSNBC – The last nine minutes of Schiff’s closing statement is inspiring. People are saying things like “Speech for the ages” and “needs to be embedded on every Dem candidate website and played over and over again.” I think I got CC into this clip.

    Past – Her death was so sad,

    Please let’s not disparage this noble Zodiac animal by comparisons involving Republicans.  Thank you.

  2. Cartoon: Why of course! they do. Wouldn’t have it any other way! 
    C&L: Pretty good commercial. Should play it every hour on all channels. 
    MSNBC: Good video. I liked Adam S. and his comments. I hope that folks listen to what he had to say. 
    BFTP: Loved Patsy! and love this song. ‘I fall to pieces’, ‘Walkin’ after midnight’, ‘She’s got you’, are my other favorites. 

    I’ve not been in your situation, but I can certainly understand your frustration of you being tired and feeling ill.  Glad that you kept your food down, that is good news! Get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “Trump did nothing wrong in his mind”, said Lindsey G. “This can be said of every psychopath serial killer.” ~ Tea P.~ 
    2. “Man who speaks with forked tongue will use it also to eat their own lies.” ~Confucius ~ 
    3. “Right. I remember the time Col. Vindman invited Serge Lavrov and Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak to the WH to yuck it up and spill US intel and the time he spent standing next to Putin in Helsinki and announced he trusted Putin more that US intel..Oh…wait!! ~Mika W. ~ 
    4. “One desk in the US Senate Chamber is always filled with candy. Since 1968, one desk drawer has always been stocked w/candy & sweets. Too bad there isn’t one filled with integrity and compassion.” ~ C.C. ~ 
    5. Prince Charles refused to shake hands with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, thereby “snubbing” or expressing a negative comportment towards Pence, at an event in January 2020. *Snopes –  False. 

  3. ‘Toon: Their frigging brethren!  Not that Dumpy, or others of his ilk, would shy away from fratricide if it seemed to benefit them.
    C&L: Get the bitch!  I hear the dust bin calling her name.
    MSNBC: “The dangerousness of the president,” said Rachel: From “The DANGEROUS (emphasis mine) Case of Donald Trump, by Brandy Lee, M.D., and associates-  “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump”:
    From the Prologue, pg. 7- “By speaking out as mental health professionals, we lend support and dignity to our fellow citizens who are justifiably alarmed by the president’s furious tirades, conspiracy fantasies, aversion to facts, and attraction to violence..”
    “An important and relevant question that the public has been asking this: Is the man simply crazy, or is he crazy like a fox? Is he mentally compromised, or simply vile? When he lies does he know he’s lying, or does he believe his own lies? When he makes wild accusations, is he truly paranoid, or is he consciously and cunningly trying to deflect attention from his misdeeds?
    We believe that we can help answer these questions by emphasizing that the two propositions are not mutually exclusive. A man can be both evil and mentally compromised-which is a more frightening proposition. Power not only corrupts but also magnifies existing psycho- pathologies, even as it creates new ones. Fostered by the flattery of underlings and the chants of crowds, a political leader’s grandiosity may morph into grotesque delusions of grandeur. Sociopathic traits may be amplified as the leader discovers that he can violate the norms of civil society and even commit crimes with impunity. And, the leader who rules through fear, lies, and betrayal may become increasingly isolated and paranoid, as the loyalty of even his closest confidants must be forever suspect.” pg.7.
    “Delusional levels of grandiosity, impulsivity, and and the compulsions of mental impairment, when combined with an authoritarian cult of personality, and contempt for the rule of law, are a toxic mix.” pg. 9
    How many times did Schiff call him dangerous?  I love that he hit on the oath of impartiality!!  And then the Turtled Traitor gets up to speak. If right matters Mitch needs to be sent to hell!
    Music: Old, me?  Sure, but county was never my music choice.
    Pat: Did L.G, really say that?  Hell, in his mind, neither did Hitler, Mussolini, etc!  that imbecile comment speaks directly to Schiff’s point, that “If right does not matter, we are lost.”

  4. It’s good you can keep your strength up by keeping your food down, TomCat. Keep your frustrations to a minimum by laying low this week and avoid further medical mayhem. Health takes priority over the blog.

    3:25 I love cats, big and small.

    Cartoon: They keep those promises so they can rest easily becoming and being millionaires themselves.

    CNN: The show’s hosts were right to point out that the ad, aired for a conservative group, puts the pressure on concerned Collins from two sides: one from conservatives right now but also from her voters in November when she doesn’t do the right thing (for once). The ad has her pinned to the T, so she will know exactly where she’s at.

    MSNBC: I also had a look at Schiff’s closing argument, put up by JD (thanks, Joanne!) and I was moved by the integrity, the sensitivity and the brilliance of this speech. It was a speech both for the GOP senators, whom he addressed but not attacked, and the American people, i.e. mainly those Democrats who watch C-SPAN. And that makes it sad too because the Republicans in Schiff’s audience will have done their darndest to not hear his message and those Trump voters outside of Congress will not be watching it but through the very selective filtering and contortion of Fox News. If I had any faith in trickle-down mechanisms I’d hope that Schiff’s heartfelt message trickled down the Republican base. The election in November will show how much of this speech has reached America.

    BFTP: I’ve heard of Patsy Cline, of course, and I’m familiar with Crazy, one of her classics, but not this one.

  5. Cartoon: Ain’t that the flipping truth?
    CNN: Good commercial. I agree with Pat that it should be played hourly.
    MSNBC: Adam Schiff’s closing speech was very powerful. Just too bad the stinking r’s are being so deaf and blind toward this serious matter.
    BFTP:  I remember Patsy Cline song. This was a great one.
    Happy to hear that you were able to keep you food down. Just wish you’d be able to sleep. I know it can really drain you. Hope you got some rest today. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Thanks and queasy hugs to all. 21

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