Dec 272019

My heartburn is extremely severe today.  I am unable to concentrate on research.  I’m sorry, but I need to take the day off.  Hopefully, I’ll be back tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:50 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Personal Update – 12/27/2019”

  1. Horrible!
    Great sense of sadness when Ms. Fossey was found murdered. 
    omgosh! Hope that you get better and quickly too!! Get your rest, and take good care, TC!!! 
    *This just in:
    “Jon Voight said we should pray. I hope that ‘thoughts & prayers’ will help trump exactly as much as they have helped mass shooting victims.” ~ Philo B. ~ 
    2. Meanwhile – (in regards to above comment..”I guess Clint Eastwood wasn’t available because he’s still talking to an empty chair?” ~Ernesto D.M. ~ 
    3. “When threatened, the common North American Trump (anus tangerinus) inflates it’s neck pouch and emits hostile tweets.” ~ Jennifer A. ~ 

  2. 5:57 Frankly, it doesn’look the least but tempting to me

    YOu just take it easy and get all the rest you need. We’ll be here.

    Cartoon – They probably all breathed a sigh of relief. One less uppity woman to worry about.

    Jill Wine-Banks appears to think Chief Justice Roberts will have more power in a hypothetical impeachment trial than meets the eye. She is pretty sharp, and has seen both Watergate and the Clinton impeachment, so I’m willing to listen.

    • That may be true, but the question is whether Roberts will use this power to make it a fair trial.

      • I am betting that, if he is a praying man, he prays multiple times daily that the House will keep its promise NOT to send over the Articles without seeing a fair set of rules from the Senate.

    • Actually, Roberts will have very little power, because Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch can override any ruling he makes, as long as half the Senate concurs.  So how much power Roberts has depends on whether 50 Republicans goose-step in lock step. 13

  3. But don’t eat these when you start to feel better, TomCat, your heartburn may come back with a vengeance then.

    3:40 This one would give anybody heartburn. It must have sent you straight to bed.

    Cartoon: Wildlife conservationists are a scourge according to Donald Jr. Trump who loves to shoot endangered species when on holiday.

  4. First & foremost: I hope you have a quick recovery!  And I suspect you agree that Tuesday can’t come soon enough!  Plus I hope the Tuesday endoscopy provides a simple answer AND remedy.
    I had a delightful visit w/ my 91 y/o Aunt.  We went to Christmas Eve candlelight service, as well as Christmas morning service.  (Been decades since I’ve gone to Xmas morning service!)  Then had dinner with church friends we all grew up with.  (Their kids now have kids – lord, I’m old!)
    I was flabbergasted how SPARSE the traffic on both I-35 & I-80 was going and returning – but especially going!  It was like I had the road to myself!  I’ve never seen I-80 that barren.
    Some TV news program said that given that most schools were out the entire week because of Xmas coming on Wednesday, it gave folks a wide window of travel opportunity.  Sure seemed that way to me.
    Plus we had simply spectacular (and atypical Midwest) travel weather.  NO snow & temps in the 60s!
    Hope you all had as pleasant a Holiday time as I did.  And Nike was very happy to have me back home!

    • Nameless that endoscopy isn’t until Tuesday 2/18.  At the rate things are going, I may end up in the ER first. 21

    • Not a bit surprised that Nike missed you, and glad he didn’t decide to punish you for leaving.  With cats it’s always a crap shoot how they will react.

      And – you feel old?  A friend I’ve known since we were both 12 just became a great-grandmother – for the second time.

  5. Cartoon: Sad. Sick to think that we had ones who really didn’t care then and still don’t give a damn now.
    Sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling better. Plus for it to get so bad on a Friday/Weekend. When you can’t get help.
    Sure hope that you were able to rest today.  
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Thank you all and queasy weekend hugs! 35

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