It’s Not Just the South

 Posted by at 9:03 am  Politics
Dec 242019

The Republican Party has little to offer in programs and policies.  Therefor, in all but the most brain-dead areas, they would lose any fair election.  As a result, Republicans have become expert at preventing fair elections, and it’s not just in the South.


Democrats in a key battleground state have a plan to use state open records laws to fight back against Republican voter suppression.

“Last week in Wisconsin a county judge sided with a conservative legal group in a lawsuit that will remove more than 200,000 voters from that state’s voter rolls,” Velshi noted.

“Democrats for their part are doing everything they can to push back against these Republican efforts,” he reported. “In Wisconsin, the state Democratic Party plans to use the open records law to find the names of everyone who’s been purged and then work to re-enroll likely Democratic voters.”…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Ali Velshi has more.

Democrats Strategize Against Renewed GOP Vote Suppression Efforts


Kudos to Wisconsin Democrats.  As a response to Republican harassment, bullying, and intimidation, they are working hard to meet voters at the point of their need!



  9 Responses to “It’s Not Just the South”

  1. WooHoo! for WI !
    I would love to see this in Texas too. 
    I don’t mind standing in long lines either, and to get the job done. 

  2. Your title – “It’s not just the South” – I think it’s actually worse outside the South than in it in many ways.

    I would love to see all 200,000 of them get re-registered, but it does make sense to concentrate on the voters Republicans target.

    Ben in Wisconsin has his head screwed on straight, hasn’t he. Wisconsin Dems are lucky to have him. There’s a meme somewhere of “If your vote doesn’t matter, then why are Republicans trying so hard to take it away?” I’ll see if I can find the original of that.

  3. Voter suppression is just one dirty trick Rethuglicans use to win elections. Here in Georgia, it helped Brian Kemp steal the gubernatorial election from Stacy Abrams, who could have become the nation’s first black female governor – as well as Georgia’s first female governor AND first black governor. We need to fight voter suppression, as well as gerrymandering, tooth and nail. Persistence is what counts!

  4. This voter suppression is a bunch of hogwash by these ill minded Repugs. It definitely needs to be stopped.
    Bravo to Wisconsin Democrats for what they have accomplished. We do need more states to step up and follow in their footsteps to fight hard and to put an end to voter suppression. 

  5. Kudos to the Winsconsin Democrats for their excellent response. A short but precise rebuttal of the purge and then fast forward into action and undoing the damage.

  6. Democrats for their part are doing everything they can to push back against these Republican efforts.

    About time! Can’t help but think Democrats have been in a malaise for a number of years. Republican authoritarianism has been growing since the Reagan years with Democrats saying next to nothing.   

    • Too many of us weren’t scared enough.  Most people are paying attention now, I think (and hope).

    • I fully agree.  I love Jimmy Carter, but he was such an ineffective leader that Democrats were afraid to elect a moral leader for years afterward, and when they finally did, Republicans sabotaged everything Obama tried to do. 13

  7. Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all.  🎄

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