Dec 162019

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox, as I prepare for tomorrow’s needle biopsy.  I will be leaving at 7:00, and I won’t be home until supper time, so I will be posting only a brief Personal Update, prepared the night before, except for my puzzle times.  If you play Fantasy Football in our league, I will be at least a day late in posting the results, so please visit the League to see who you will be playing this weekend and prepare your lineup.  Oh God, It’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:31 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Religious Agony:


The better team won in the Snow Bowl.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Rep. Maxine Waters: Lindsey Graham Has Thumbed Nose At America

Trump met with the Russian Foreign Minister to give him instructions to pass on to Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch. Lindsey Poo needs on Russian middle man. He gets his instruction directly from Trump’s asshole.  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: The reason Republicans are allowed to do things like obstruct Supreme Court justice appointments and ignore all of the evidence in an impeachment trial is pretty easy to see when you watch this interview on ABC’s This Week where George Stephanopoulis steps off the reality train into Obstruction Desert, where one side is solely responsible for the other side’s unconstitutional, unethical, fantasy-based, cult embrace of Dear Leader.

In this interview it is the job of the Democrats to teach pigs to dance bring Republicans to a place where they can set aside their decision to put their party over their country and instead weigh the evidence and convict Trump of the high crimes and misdemeanors for which he is charged.

As if there is some murky doubt about any of the evidence. As if confessions were not publicly uttered by Trump himself, defiant and just as criminal as if he had whispered them behind closed doors.

Far too many so-called journalists of note, goose-step with the Fuhrer and the Republican Reich! Thank God for the good ones!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/16/2019”

  1. 6:52 It’s so cold here my fingers won’t move.

    We had our snow yesterday. It stopped. They thought there might be a little more today but now they think not. But we are expecting a high of only 29°F, and the room my computer is in doesn’t get much heat from the rest of the house, so it’s only 59°F in here now.

    The Senate actually does have standing rules in effect for conducting an impeachment trial. They were apparently originally written for Andrew Johnson, and last revised in 1986. Here’s a link.

    Cartoon – He sounds just like the “howler monkeys.” In other words, very realistic.

    MSNBC – Auntie Maxine is spot on. Apparently America needs black women to explain the Constitution to us – no one else seems to be doing it quite so emphatically.

    C&L – But we still have to do the right thing. (And then do every thing we can to protect our elections, and particularly kn key swing states. In those states, protecting the election is more important even than campaigning.)

    Past – I often felt like that then … and I often feel like that these days too.

  2. Cartoon: Yep. Pretty much. 
    RA: Sorry about your team, bummer! 
    MSNBC: Love these two ladies. Ms. Maxine tells it like it is, doesn’t she? Gotta love her!! 
    C&L: Thank Gawd!!! that we have our Dems who are working hard every day, to keep this id accountable. 
    YT: A very cool song!! 

    Best to you tomorrow, and that all goes well, and that you have a safe trip to & fro. Get your rest, and take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “New Survivor Series.: 16 politicians teaching in a Title I school and living on a teacher’s salary.” ~ Anon ~ 
    2. “Obviously…Fox realized that being truthful is survivable even in the Trump era, and they smay sense the tide has turned.” ~ Debbie C. ~ 
    3. “On our first day in office, through Executive Order, we will over turn all of Trump’s racist executive orders.” 
    ~ Senator Bernie Sanders to a crowd in Las Vegas ~ 
    4. “Putin is one hell of a ventriloquist to be able to handle 50 dummies and speak for them.” ~ John W. ~ 

  3. Cartoon: Sad but so true.
    RA: Like i mentioned before, I’m not into football since the Chargers left. Did notice when they were doing the sports news, your team didn’t do too well…sorry.
    MSNBC: Appreciate Rep. Water’s opinion on the matter. She speaks such truth of tRump’s cronies doing all of their evil acts especially not following the rules of our constitution.  They should be prosecuted for what they have done and for what they say they won’t do.
    C&L: We must do the right thing. If the Democrats don’t follow through with this impeachment ordeal, we are saying that tRump and his cronies can do more illegal things and get away with it. These R suck. Like they’ve signed their life away with the devil tRump. 
    BFTP: Great song by the Animals. We need to get out of this negative political place by removing tRump and his cronies, so we can turn it back into a positive direction.
    I will be praying that everything goes well for you tomorrow, TomCat. That’s starting with you getting picked up on time, getting into your appointment on time, and you biopsy going well. Plus getting home safely too,
    So take care. Thanks TomCat

  4. Good luck with the needle biopsy, TomCat. I hope your ride is on time and delivers you to the correct hospital.28

    Cartoon: Yes, how can they! It must be a plot.

    MSNBC: Maxine is absolutely right, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    C&L: Most excellent responses by Nadler and Schiff to in the tainted questions of George Stephanopoulis. The impeachment is beyond politics, beyond partisanship, it is about saving democracy and the constitution. It is all too obvious that Republicans are all about tyranny and all about being above the law. For Republicans only, that is.

    BFTP: Remember this song by the Animals very well. I share feelings with Joanne on this one.

  5. MSNBC: Lindsey and McConnell are the evil twins!  Schumer was talking about evidence, and facts earlier today, said that no one on the GOP side has been able to refute anything, presented no exculpatory evidence, that they have, instead engaged in personal attacks, (a favorite Trump tactic).  These GOPIGGIES are the embodiment of their frigging St. Reagan, who insisted that “Facts are annoyances.”  

  6. Best Wishes WRT your needle biopsy!

    Today I spent a good chunk of the afternoon snowblowing  the driveway & walks.

    It was cold – but not miserably cold.  One of my best investments was my snowblower!  I love that thing!

    I might be a bit scarce the rest of the month, due to my fault.  I forgot my Medical License expires next month & I’ve got to earn my CMEs this month so I can renew by 12/31/19.  Thank God I can earn them online!

  7. Thanks and Hugs to all. 26

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