Dec 132019

It’s a lazy day here in the CatBox.  I want to get as much rest as I can, in spite of mild Republicosis.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:55 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


It’s That Day Again:

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: For the third year in a row, Donald J. Trump has been named Person of the Year by the magazine Popular Sociopath, the publication announced on Thursday.

“Once a year, we at Popular Sociopath recognize the person who best epitomizes sociopathic-personality disorder, which manifests in antisocial behavior and a total absence of conscience and concern for others,” Harland Dorrinson, the magazine’s editor, said. “We are delighted to bestow this honor, once again, on Donald J. Trump.”

Dorrinson said that Trump bested a daunting roster of competitors for the title, including the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell; the Fox News host Tucker Carlson; and Trump’s own son Donald J. Trump, Jr.

Dang, Andy! He’ll never have trouble winning that one! RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Jerry Nadler Shocks GOP With Surprise End To Trump Impeachment Debate


I love it! John “Limp” Boner and Paul “Lyin'” Ryan did things like this to Democrats so many times that turnabout is fair play. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Creedence Clearwater Revival: Run Through The Jungle


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/13/2019”

  1. Cartoon: How awfully greedy can all the R’s get? ick! 
    FT13th: I had a black cat for years…she was so loving. Happy Friday the 13th to you too! 
    NYer: Andy gets better and better at his ‘reporting’. Love this guy, and I (actually) found this article very funny and truthful. 
    MSNBC: Gawd, this is awesome!!! Payback is fair game, right R’s? Excellent, Mr. Nadler. Great job. 
    BFTP: Love this band, and the song. I always thought that this song was about the Vietnam War, but it wasn’t. It was about the sheer number of guns in the US, (gun control), and the proliferation of them.

    Hope that you start feeling better, but in the meantime, get you rest, and drink lots of fluids. Have a great day/evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Expect Bill Barr to start an investigation of the investigator that was investigating the investigator of the Russian collusion investigation. He has reached a point of somewhere ridiculous. ~ Loreli E. ~ 
    2. “It’s fun to watch a grown fake-as- bully meltdown over a teenager. ~ Hoarse W. ~
    3. “All dt had to do was move Seoul with a sharpie about 600 miles from the border.” ~ Ramin S. ~
    4. “dt is one trick pony and everyone is on to him. The days where he could control the headlines and narrative via his twitter account are long dead and buried. Nobody gives a dam- except maybe the likes of Ms. Lindsey. 
    ~ Kevin D. ~ 
    5. Now dt wants to skip the 20/20 debates!! wth? pb

  2. 5:36 Wrappings for humans are presents for cats – but I’d make them stick to the boxes to avoid a veterinary ER trip.

    Snow expected here Sunday. Only 3″-5″, but that doesn’t account for drifting. Most could melt before Friday, I hope.

    Cartoon – I was going to propose an exception, but never mind.

    TNY – He wants a “title-for-life.” Well, here it is.

    MSNBC – I don’t listen to loud noises deliberately, and I assume that’s all the last two minutes were. Seems like is was the right thing to do.

    Past – Don’t remember this cover.

  3. ‘Toon: Nailed t!
    13th: Happy, Happy!
    New Yorker: Andy nails it!
    MSNBC: Collins is nought but a tool…for the fool!  Boehner and Ryan did whatever the hell pleased them, whenever the hell they felt like it.  In childhood it was called “If you don’t like it, lump it!”
    CCR: As previously, I love their music, and I do not tire of it.

  4. Friday the 13th: We had a black cat as kids which my brother and I, displaying our budding originality, “Midnight”.  But you have to remember I was about 7-8 y/o, and that’s when “Andy’s Gang” was a big hit on TV (~ 1955-60) – and he had a black cat named Midnight.

    And I’ll never forget the catchphrase: “Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!” and Froggy would magically appear in a puff of smoke.

    Absolutely loved, Loved, LOVED how Chairman Nadler handled Doug Collins.  Rethuglican shenanigans dragging the hearing on for 14 hours were clearly designed to force the vote in the dark of night – but it needed to be done in broad daylight! Nadler was correct in the adjournment – and a bonus for royally pissing off Collins & his cronies!

    I think we will always remember Collins as the screaming toddler throwing another temper tantrum:

  5. 4:06 I got all wrapped up.

    Cartoon: Sadly it is a wet reality for too many.

    Cartoon: I forgot all about it being the 13th. Aussies aren’t the superstitious kind ‘caus nobody mentioned it.

    TNY: “Popular Sociopath”, the best oxymoron I’ve seen in a while, Andy.

    MSNBC: I’m sure I must have missed something, but I don’t understand why Nadler pulled this Republican stunt. He lowered himself to GOP level and also gave the Republicans an example of their new favourite expression, kangaroo court, to rail against. Trump voters will be all too happy to believe it, especially after this move. Was it really necessary to have the vote delayed, just to torment Trump?

    BFTP: Another reminder of why I was such an ardent fan of CCR.

    • I’ve read up on Nadler’s decision to adjourn the final vote and now have some understanding of his reasoning. Republicans have kept the commission from voting by dragging the meeting out by more than 12 hours by introducing a never-ending series of nonsense amendments and revisions which each had to be voted down. The usual Republican way of dealing with a problem they can’t handle, I suppose. So Nadler’s reaction is understandable, but it feels like his hand was forced to do so.

      • There was a little more to it.  What Republicans were trying to accomplish with all their stalling is to force the “breaking news” of judiciary passage to the middle of the night, when most people would not notice.  What Nadler did defeated their scheme. 03

  6. Cartoon: Sick R’s.
    Cartoon: Happy Friday the 13th.
    TNY: Good one Andy. Perfect one for tRump  “Popular Sociopath” fits him perfectly.
    MSNBC: Glad to see Nader giving back to the R’s. Especially when they weren’t expecting it.
    BFTP: Like I mentioned before, CCR was one of my favorites. Still enjoy hearing their songs. 
    Hope you did get some rest. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. Thanks and pooped weekend hugs! 19

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