Dec 122019

Here is the one hundred seventieth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Trump sycophant white supremacist pastor, Rick Wiles. He is so honored for the typically Republican anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories he employs against impeaching his Fuhrer. This is his second parade. He earned the first on 6/26/2018 for accusing Democrats of plotting to murder Republicans.

1212Rick-WilesRick Wiles, the far-right Christian fundamentalist pastor and radio host who founded TruNews, has a long history of bigotry — and that includes a lot of anti-Semitism to go with his anti-Islam, anti-gay and anti-feminist views. Regardless, Wiles has enjoyed media credentials in the Trump White House, but two Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives want those credentials revoked.

Wiles’ anti-Semitism was much in evidence in a video that was posted on TruNews’ YouTube channel on November 22. In the video, Wiles claimed that Jews are behind efforts to impeach President Donald Trump: Wiles described Trump as the victim of a “Jew coup” and claimed that Jews will “kill millions of Christians” after they succeed in removing the president from office.

YouTube banned TruNews’ channel from its video-sharing platform following Wiles’ anti-Semitic rant. And Rep. Ted Deutch of Florida and Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia, in a letter sent to Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Monday, asserted that Wiles should be banned from all White House media events… [emphasis added]

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I know that’s hard to believe, so here it is.

Pastor Rick Wiles Says Impeachment is A Jew Coup

Barf Bag Alert!!

I figure that rates a parade, because it’s hard to get more Republican than that!




  8 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 12/12/2017”

  1. I saw that a White House pastor had said that, and assumed it was Paula White.  (Not that she wouldn’t, and Laura Ingraham definitely would.  The ignorance – the willful ignorance – is simply breathtaking.  Full Nazi.  Today’s Germany wouldn’t have him.  Could we send him to Russia?

  2. Rick Wiles is an example of how mixing government and religion is poisonous to the entire culture!  His presence, for my money any pastor’s presence, in the W.H., or attached to congress, is what the religious would call an abomination.  His words are toxic, sick, and dangerous.  For me, this brings up the concept that has been floating around that “I can believe whatever I want to!”  No, sorry, because beliefs lead to actions and have consequences…like shootings at synagogues, etc.

  3.  A wolf in sheep’s clothing, and not a person to be trusted. 
    He’s not a man of the cloth either. Vile words too. 

  4. I fully agree with Mitch on the toxicity of mixing government and religion, though I don’t think Trump, a sham believer at best, gave Wiles media credentials as a man of faith but as a white supremacist with a useful following of voters. However, I think everyone is allowed to believe what they want, but privately. No enticing of hate, no demonizing, no scapegoating, no dehumanizing, no hurting, no killing.

  5. Great choice for this months R O P. 
    Can’t stand watching or even looking at him. Calling himself a pastor is a flipping joke. If he is, it must be for the evil devil down below. 
    Shameful that we continue having these type of fools running our country. Instead of doing good like they should, he’s out to destroy just like his leader.

  6. Fully expect Lona is right about Trump’s thinking about this POS!

  7. Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all. 35

    In defence of authentic Christianity, I have no trouble with a Chaplain that gives equal deference all beliefs including the belief that there is no God, as long as those beliefs respect the beliefs of others.

  8. I wonder if Wiles knows and understands that Jesus was a Jew?  I suppose he would point out that the Jews crucified Jesus and use that as an argument that the Jews would come after every Christian.  I have news for Wiles — it was power that crucified Jesus.  And it is power and greed that pushes people like Wiles.  Wiles is no authentic Christian.  He does not follow the teachings of Jesus.  If there is a coup in the US, it is coming from the alt right and Republicans.  You could give him 100 parades and I don’t think that would be enough.

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