House Intel Committee Report

 Posted by at 9:08 am  Politics
Dec 042019

Yesterday the House Intelligence Committee completed their their report outlining some of the high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Resident Donald Trump.  I have read the summary and skimmed the document, and it is truly magnificent.  It is a shame that Trump will have Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch protecting him in the Senate.  Nevertheless you should understand the report, so you can teach others, especially those who are not paying attention, with 2020 in mind.


House Democrats on Tuesday asserted that President Trump abused his power by pressuring Ukraine to help him in the 2020 presidential election, releasing an impeachment report that found the president “placed his own personal and political interests above the national interests of the United States.”

The report by the House Intelligence Committee was a sweeping indictment of the president’s behavior, concluding that he sought to undermine American democracy and endangered national security, then worked to conceal his actions from Congress. Democrats left it to another committee to decide whether to recommend Mr. Trump’s impeachment, but their report presented what are all but certain to be the grounds on which the House votes to formally charge him.

“The founding fathers prescribed a remedy for a chief executive who places his personal interests above those of the country: impeachment,” it said.

The intelligence panel adopted it, strictly along partisan lines, hours after its release…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Click here to read the entire impeachment report.

Rachel Maddow has two short segments that explain it well.

Numerous Potential Articles Of Impeachment Sketched Out In Report


The Fastest, Easiest Way To Understand The Impeachment Report


Instead of 78 words, I can sum it up in 12 letters.  The first six are GUILTY!  The second six are…



  9 Responses to “House Intel Committee Report”

  1. Excellent post, love how she (RM), explains, as you do, on what’s going on.
    I’m listening/watching on Roll Call.
    Love your 12 letters, to which I wholeheartedly agree!
    Thanks, Tom. 

  2. Wow – I can’t believe I was ahead of Rachel on anything – yet I’ve been pushing for bribery as an article for, what, a couple of months now? Specifically because it’s named in the Constitution. I certainly was not ahead of her on her summary, though. It’s excellent. I’m keeping a screenshot handy.

    Can we just make that 13 letters? GUILTY! CONVICT!

    Miracles don’t happen often, but, very rarely, they do.

  3. I did watch the impeachment hearing this morning when all of the Professors were stating what tRump did was an abuse of his powers, an illegal act.  
    It’s frustrating to see that the repugs are still standing by tRump. What in the heck does this bas*ard have on them that they do??? Like he has sneaked a secret drug into their water, coffees or whatever that they all have become like zombies with no brains.Liked watching Rachel’s video, especially where she summarizing it into 78 words.
    Plus I also agree with your 12 letters.
    Thanks TomCat

  4. Well, if we’re going to see who can leave the shortest message to republicans – I can cut it down to just TWO letters:

    F _

    I’ll let “U” guys guess the second letter.

  5. This morning on my Aussie news, Republicans, in some committee or other, did it the quickest way. They didn’t read one word of the report and just pronounced it BS because Trump has done nothing wrong. And off they went. Of course, they will stick to that to the bitter end, i.e. the Senate, no matter how many articles of impeachment Trump has been found guilty of by the House.

  6. Thank you all for this information!!🦋🍃

  7. Thanks and busy Hugs to all! 29

  8. Drip! DRIP!!  FLOOD!!!  The dam broke . . . and hopefully Trump will be washed away with the rest of the slime and sludge!

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