Nov 072019

It’s another day, here in the CatBox.  I’d like to finish early enough to get a partial nap before Store to Door delivers groceries this afternoon.  I also have a delivery of O2 tanks coming.  I’m very tired, so instead of a third article today, I’ll post Samantha Bee’s clips tomorrow.  Way pooped Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:41 (average 5:27).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Surprisingly high turnout among smart voters in Kentucky on Tuesday has left Senator Rand Paul “terrified and shattered,” one of Paul’s aides has revealed.

As the election returns came in Tuesday night, it became clear that intelligent voters, who had never played a prominent role in any of Senator Paul’s electoral contests, were making their feelings known in unprecedented numbers.

“What we were seeing was huge participation by voters who apparently both consume and comprehend verifiable facts,” the senator’s aide said. “As far as Rand Paul is concerned, this is the doomsday scenario.”

As the night wore on, the aide said, Paul stared at the Kentucky election returns on TV in a near-catatonic state, finally moaning, “Where are all of these smart people coming from, damn it?”

Andy, this must be straight news! I can imagine Idiot (Rand Paul), Son of Idiot (Ron Paul), Named after Idiot (Ayn Rand) doing exactly that.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Dems Announce Public Hearings For Impeachment Probe As GOP Searches For Defense For Trump


Even Barrf is starting to read the wall. It says to Trump and the Republican Reich, “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.”  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Moody Blues – Nights In White Satin


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/7/2019”

  1. Cartoon: YAY! What FABulous news.
    NYer: Good reporting….Blue Wave!
    MSNBC: Yep, agree w/you, and I can’t wait !! Excellent news !!! 
    BFTP: One of the best bands and songs around. Saw the MB’s in Jax while in the Navy, and two years ago, saw them in concert up in Austin. Gotta say….brought back great vibes, and melodies. 

    Get comfortable, relax! and get lots of rest. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “To be an R in 2019 requires they be racist, rich and spectacularly uninformed.” ~ Greg M. ~ 
    2. “Does it seem to anyone else, besides me, that the R Senate has stopped ‘senate-ing’, and is doing nothing at all? ~ Sandra S. ~ 
    3. “Rudy G. is and always has been a paper tiger.” ~ Jeanie C. ~ 
    4. “Rudy was dt’s personal attorney, so of course he should get a pardon from Traitor Trump. Wait. Cohen was trump’s personal attorney too… Oops! Good luck, Rudy!” ~ Bill K. ~ 

  2. 6:47 Quarters. Right. Except for the scoop.

    Cartoon – Damn right it is, we damn sure did, and we’ll damn well do it again. Get over it.

    NYT – Except he’s never think of it himself. That aide must have tipped him to it. Because that’s clearly what happened.

    MSNBC – Barrf may have declined that press conference, but he still went on a shakedown tour trying to get other countries to say that s**t. If we want to stop talking about quid pro quo (presumably because Republicans are too stupid to get it), fine. But if so I think we need to start pushing the idea that extortion is bribery with menaces – because bribery is specified in the Constitution as impeachable When they start talking about Orange Judas’s actions “don’t rise to the lever of high crimes and misdemeanors,” it’s handy to be able to respond, “They don’t have to. We are talking about bribery. With menaces.”

    Past – Such a beautifully ambiguous title. I forget how long it took me to grasp it wasn’t referring to titled soldiers.

  3. New Yorker: Yes, TC, I can see the fool doing that, as well.
    MSNBC: “Democrats are becomingly increasingly….”  That’ all can take of his face, voice &/or horse shit diatribe!
      “…becomingLY?”  I do not even want to know what adjective(s) he used.  I think he’s becomingly increasingly lost in the vacuum of his head!  Public hearings, which the GOPIGGIES have clamored for are coming to haunt their collectively ,sad, asses!
    Moody Blues: “…just what you want to be, you will be in the end.”  So, Dump’ys life has been a quest to be seen as a piece f human feces?  Boy, has he got some bigly momentum going in that direction!
        John Lodge is touring in the U.S.!  I might have more Moody Blues albums than Bob Dylan albums; just love them!  
    Thank you, TC, I expect that my B/P dropped a good way after having to deal with the Empty Orange, above, once the mellifluous sounds of MB hit my brain.  But, all the music with which you treat us does that, in truth.  And, it’s ok that you were not familiar with The Incredible String Band.  
    So, I went to find a song of theirs, one I heard on my Google Hub, yesterday, and though that it was something of a precursor to the Mindfulness movement in the U.S.  Imagine my surprise to find Baba Ram Dass involved. It is long, but mostly due to repetitiveness, so that once through can be enough to get the gist.  Nonetheless, if one wants to stay in “This Moment” with it…enjoy.…0.2..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz.T-sQVzXBzM0&ved=0ahUKEwjt1cb5jdvlAhVSPn0KHUj3BZMQ4dUDCAs&uact=5
    P.S.: They were at Woodstock.

  4. Cartoon: Glad they are. Like seeing the positive actions when they do.
    NY: Yes they are getting smarter. Go BLUE.
    MSNBC: He’s starting to see that he’s in deeper sh*t now. Nothing is going to save him now.
    BFTP: The Moody Blues was a wonderful group. Enjoyed listening to their music.
    Hope you got time to rest today. You’ve had a hectic weeks so far.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. This just in, tonight:
    “Schadenfreude” may become my favorite word, over the next year!

  6. 4:17 Overbearingly sweet.

    TNY: “Where are all of these smart people coming from, damn it?” Rand Paul will have said that; after all his father and him and all their fellow cronies have done their utmost to dumb-down the voters in Kentucky.

    MSNBC: Oh boy, public hearings start next week and Republicans haven’t come up with a line of defence yet. The most laughable defence in this video: If it was a quid pro quo it wasn’t a very effective one…13
    I’m sure America will be glued to the different media outlets, following all the hearings and the discussions on the hearings and the discussions on the discussions on the hearings and… But I’m sorry to say that I’m already bored with the whole thing. It’s crystal clear what has happened, how Trump abused his office and state departments to have a foreign entity get dirt on a political opponent. That’s impeachable and it’s the tip of an iceberg of impeachable offences. The next weeks will have little to add to that, no new insights are expected, most witnesses will ignore their subpoenas and it won’t change the GOP’s backing of Trump. Oh, and Trump will become even more erratic by the day. Just don’t forget to keep an eye on what’s going on behind the screens in The White House, Congress and in the rest of the world.

    BFTP: Absolute topper, even a notch above Procol Harum. Thanks for posting, TomCat.

  7. Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all! 18

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