Oct 282019

It’s another crappy day, here at the CatBox.  The problem that’s causing the Republicosis is that I’m taking more aspirin than I should in the Alka-Seltzer I need and consuming far more dairy products than normal.  I’ve talked to my doctor about it, and she said to cut down on both.  I’m going to try an aspirin free antacid effervescent.  It’s on the way.  Sleepy OGIM Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:22 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Religious Agony:


Another bad call put the Colts in range for Vinatieri’s winning field goal.  Although a Bronco tackled a Colt, that hit was NOT a horse collar!  Damn Ref!  Damn Orb!

Short Takes:

From Nation of Change: …A church in Columbia, Missouri teamed up with non-profit organization RIP Medical Debt last month. Together The Crossing Church and RIP Medical debt paid off more than $43 million of medical debt. The Crossing was able to raise more than $430,000 through donations from members of the church.

Churches in several other states have also partnered with RIP Medical Debt to help pay off past-due medical debt for local residents. Pathway Church in Wichita, Kansas, spent $22,000 of their budget to eliminate $2.2 million in medical debt. Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church in Champaign, Illinois, used $15,000 of surplus money from a building renovation project to eliminate $4 million of debt for more than 3,000 families. Revolution Annapolis church in Maryland raised $15,000 to erase $1.9 million in medical debt for nearly one thousand families last year. And City Church in Evansville, Indiana, raised $15,000 and wiped out $4 million in debt.

Most recently in Texas, Lake Pointe Church paid off over $2.5 million in medical debt as part of their “Pay it Forward” campaign. The campaign encourages community members to commit acts of kindness in celebration of the church’s 40th anniversary…

This illustrates the pro-social behavior of authentic Christians. It’s the opposite of the the hateful behavior of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Elizabeth Warren Channel): 100 Days Until the Iowa Caucuses


Now think of the contrast between these fine people and deplorable Republican Sheeple! RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the Past): Crosby, Stills & Nash – Southern Cross


I’ve dreamed of crossing the equator, but I’ve never seen the Southern Cross. I loved the song, though. Ah… The memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/28/2019”

  1. 5:45 Frizz for shizz.

    I’m not a medical professional, so all of this is subject to correction from Nameless. But in getting allergy treatment there are a few things I have learned which might be pertinent. Apparently, when an allergen is attacked by the immune system, something happens to the body’s pH balance” it moves to the acid side, and particularly at the site of the symptom. As a result, one home remedy for a reaciot is “tri-alkali salts,” a combination of NaHCO3 (baking soda), KHCO3 (potassium bicarbonate), and CaCO# (calcium carbonate.) All of then neutralize acid, and apparently they synergize each other. I forget the proportios (Either 2-1-1 or 2-2-1) but I’m not advising you to go there anyway. What I am getting to is that this combination of alkalis can itself bring republicaosis. When using it as a home remedy, I (and hubby and friends) were advised to stay close to facilities. And baking soda alone can do the same. And Alka-Seltzer gets its fizz from baking soda (reacting with anhydrous citric acid.) So I kind of wonder whether the asprin is really the culprit. I mean, if you’re taking it in large quantities, yes, it could, but if you’re talking it in large quantities through Alka-Seltzer, you’re also taking in large quantitles of baking soda, and that could also be the culprit. OTC Alka-Seltzer makes an aspirin free product (“Alka-Seltzer Gold”), but I would think you’d be better off with calcium if republicosis is the problem. Most calcium on OTC antacids is calcium carbonate. One can overdose on it too. It also exists as calcium citrate, calcium lactate, calcium acetate, and calcium ascorbate. (“Lactate” sounds like dairy to me, and “ascorbate” sounds like aspirin,) Also, using it purely for antacid effects, I don’t know how much you wold need to absorb it, but any calcium requires vitamin D to absorb. You probably don’t get much more sunlight than I do, so you might want to ask Megan about Vitamin D if the product you get is heavy on calcium.

    Cartoon – Also for shizz.

    NoC – I can’t add to your analysis.

    Liz – They are fine people, aren’t they? Iowa does have some very fine people indeed. It’s sad that SOME Iowans give the state a black eye. (I teared up a bit at the ened because of the similarity betweem he “opportunity” remarks and the story about Elijah Cummings’s dad.)

    I have traleled some, but I have never really enjoyed travel, and I think that’s largely because I had indiagnosed endometriosis most of my life. Travel becomes a lot less fun when it’s that time of the month virtually ALL the time. But it’s an amazing world. I wish more of us could see as much of it as we want to. Nice song. (Richard Rodgers wrote about the Southern Cross too, it’s in “Victory at Sea.”)

  2. Cartoon: Sadly….yes. 
    Sorry about your wild horses…my guys came though barely.. Texans 27 – Raiders 24. 
    NOC: Boy, this sure is great story about removing medical debts for folks. What a wonderful and helping gesture. Through and through. 
    YT: She’s a bad as- !! She’s awesome. (wish I had her energy). lol
    BFTP: Excellent and great memories. 

    Glad to read that you talked with your doctor, and told you what to do. It sure can make for a long day too. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, stay hydrated, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Clinton – a Rhodes Scholar. Obama – Harvard Law. Trump – Points to head.” ~ Anthony C. ~ 
    2. “What American father goes to a World Series !! baseball game and not take his son? OR Bevis and Butthead, or Princess, let alone Tiffany? ~ Gretchen B. ~ 
    3. “re: Bill Barr – Now seems a good time to point out the AG who ordered Chelsea Manning back to prison for refusing to comply with a subpoena.” ~ Lori J. ~
    4. “A president who does NOT comply with Congressional requests for information is subject to impeachment.” 
    ~ Lindsey Graham ~ 

  3. NOC: That is wonderful!
    Joanne, very nice explication!
    Y-Tube: She is my choice, has been from the get-go, and it is nice to see the enthusiasm…but, of course, it is at a rally for her.
    ‘Toon: Indeed!
    CSN: What a marvelous sound!

  4. Like JD, I’m no medical expert, and I don’t think I can give such a wonderful explanation, but I also think aspirin isn’t the real culprit here. It sounds more like you’ve become lactose-intolerant, something that happens to a lot of white people later in life if they haven’t done so in childhood. Lactose-intolerance expresses itself in Republicosis, so you might do well cutting down on dairy products or replacing them with lactose-free products.

    2:50 Just couldn’t leave that frizzy ball of loyalty to be eaten you, TomCat.

    NoC: It sounds wonderful, but I don’t understand how they can pay off those millions with so little budget.

    YT: That looks so much healthier on many levels than those hatred-filled Republican ads.

    YT: Not very familiar with this song. It took us a long time to identify the Southern Cross from our South facing veranda because, in the knowledge that it is used in navigation much as the Northern Star (Polaris) is, we were looking for a single bright star. Pretty dumb, considering it’s called a cross, right?

    • Yes, I forgot about lactose intolerance.  Thanks for reminding me.

      In the NoC story – my guess is that the debts had been sold to collectors for less than a penny on the dollar, and the churches were able to bargain on that basis.  You’ll notice that in more than one case the amount used to pay off the debt was exactly a hundredth of the outstanding amount.  Organizations have bargaining power that individuals son’t have.  The collectors will make it up on other debts.  I’m actually very glad that you haven’t been seeing that happening for decades, as it gets depressing.

  5. Cartoon: Sad. But sounds like something that tRump consumes all day long.
    NoC: Amazing how and what they did. Agree with your analysis too.
    YT/ELC: Wish we had more like these fine people everywhere. I’m for Elizabeth too. Power to her.
    Blast: Yes I remember the song very well. Always been into music all of my life. CSN&Y had a lot of songs I enjoyed. 
    Sorry to hear about your stomach not doing well. I personally take Kirkland Lactase caplets to help my stomach since I eat dairy. I take one each morning.
    I never cared for taking aspirin. Plus with all of the negative medical stories about it not being good for you, I would avoid it. So I’m glad that you ordered the Alka-Seltzer that doesn’t contain it.
    Have you ever tried papaya enzymes? This is what it’s suppose to help.
    Digestive enzymes do more than aid digestion. … Papain, an enzyme extracted from papaya (Carica papaya) fruit, stimulates the appetite and aids digestion. It is good for relieving indigestion and heartburn, and helps the body digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
    I buy them from the online vitamin stores that sale them at a reasonable price.
    So take care. 
    Thanks TomCat

  6. Thanks and pooped poop hugs to all. 💩

    I expect a call back from my doctor this afternoon  I said we need to do whatever is necessary to find out why I keep getting sicker and fix it.

  7. Haterade – yep, that’s the official drink of the Greedy Old Pr*cks.

    Religious agony – let’s face it, this ain’t the Broncos’ year. Keep the faith, though, as better times are coming. Heck, they did win Super Bowl 50.

    Southern Cross – OMG I love that song!

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