Bill Maher from 10/11

 Posted by at 10:58 am  Politics
Oct 122019

It’s that time of week again, so here are four fine video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Full Stonewall


I feel sorry for the people in California. What about disabled people like me, who need to run O2 concentrators or more critical medical equipment? Actually Kurds did help us in WW2. Kurds fought under several allied flags in Russia, Greece and Albania! Dang Bill!  Karen Pence did that?!!?

Howard Stern Comes Again


I remember him from the old days. He was the original radio shock jock, whose crude, in your face style has been copied by innumerable Republican shock jocks, who were and are both deranged and evil.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar


I like Amy more than some, but I don’t think she has a snowball’s chance in hell to get the nomination.

New Rule: SCAMerica


Here in America, we have street crime and real crime. Real Criminals, mostly Republicans, get paid to add to the price of everything they can while providing no value.

That was a pretty good week.



  9 Responses to “Bill Maher from 10/11”

  1. Enjoy watching Bill.
    Looks to be pretty good this week, as always. 
    W/tune in this evening w/hubs…
    Thanks, Tom 

  2. Bill – Monologue – The “dick pic” analogy is genius, because anyone can identify with that. From one viewpoint or the other. Memorize that one for any Republicans you may still have in your life. “Treasonal allergies.” ROFLMAO!

    The rest will have to wait until after the opera (actually an oratorio this week.)

    • Stern – Howard seems to have mellowed – unlke his ugly Republican imitators. “Winning, that’s for losers.” You know, that’s profound. Bill doesn’thave the first clue about therapy – which makes me wonder whether he has the tiniest clue about mental health. “Cured”? Not even in the same universe with mental health.

      Klobuchar – I agree that she doesn’t have much of a chance. I also think she really misrepresented Warren’s positions, at least one not in a totally honest way. And, no, we do not need someone “in the center” – because what people think is the center is not the real center. But ahe does have a sense of humor, and that’s a necessity.

      New Rules – Sure. But a discussion of this needs to cpme with a discussion of how much of it is directly attributable to changes in the system – most of which most people would not recognize as political changes – since let’s say 1980. And most of that is directly due to Republicans overrunning government. And Bill’s didn’t.

  3. Did watch Bill last night. Was good as usual.
    Agree with Joanne, that Stern has mellowed out. I know I never cared for his filthy mouth in his earlier years.
    Amy was good. I like her too, but like you, don’t feel she will make it through to the end.
    New Rules: Despicable how companies especially in the health insurance field can hike prices. Something needs to be done and that’s NOW.

  4. Bill #1: Full of excellent one-liners. I especially liked the reason for Trump’s constant sniffing: “treasonal allergies”. By the way, isn’t it time for Democrats to go looking for that stash of coke in Trump’s bathroom? His sniffing during debates and rallies has been remarked upon so often…

    Bill #2: Wow, time sure has changed all of us. I used to dislike Howard Stern because of his crude and over-the-top style but I thoroughly enjoyed this ‘interview’. Over time Stern has mellowed enormously and I’ve become more hardened to the crude style which is now the dumb Republican’s halmark, so now I could see the man in an interesting new light. (I don’t mention Trump here, because Stern has always put a tenfold and more of Trump’s intelligence into his shows). Stern made this interview also into an excellent ad for psychotherapy in dealing with mental illness. Good on him.

    Bill #3: She’d be so much better than Trump as a president, yet I don’t see the presidential material in Amy Klobuchar. Apparently others don’t see it either until she points out her good moments and qualities to them herself. She may yet pick up on that – Liz Warren had a slow start too – but I don’t think she’ll be ready in time.

    Bill #4: The least funny segment because it was so spot-on true.

  5. Thanks and Ellipsoid Orb Hugs to all. 46

  6. “treasonal allergies” — LMAO!!!

    The rest will have to wait.

    Seems I forgot to click submit.  A blonde moment, or should I say a senior moment!

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