Sep 122019

It’s a crazy day here in the CatBox.  It may be the last day this year in the 80Β°s, and talk about muggy!  The humidity is 97%.  Store to Door is delivering groceries this afternoon.  I want to eat lunch early, take an early cat nap, get up for the delivery, and take another cat nap, when done.  We’ll see how that works.  Today is a Holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The Buccaneers play the Panthers on Thursday Night Football.  Fantasy Football players, make sure you set your lineup before the game.  Tonight I’ll be watching the debate instead of meditating on the Orb.

Democratic Debate:

Click here for an extensive preview from the NY^ Times.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


A blast from the past.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (ProPublica Channel): Here’s How a Foreign Official Ended Up Writing Part of Trump’s Campaign Speech

Barf Bag Alert!!


Is there no nation that has not bought the Republican Reich? RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Medically Fragile Immigrant Appeals To Congress In Fight For Life


Damn all Republican murderers! They say this isn’t a real threat. If that’s true, then the Pope is not Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods. RESIST!!

From BBC: The US Supreme Court has allowed the government to severely limit the ability of migrants to claim asylum.

The policy bars people arriving at the US southern border from seeking protection if they failed to do so in a country they passed through en route.

Legal challenges continue but the ruling means for now it can be enforced nationwide.

The plan will affect tens of thousands of Central American migrants who travel north, often on foot, through Mexico.

Mexico said on Thursday that it disagreed with the ruling.

The Republican Injustices of SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitution VD). Are out of control! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/12/2019”

  1. 4:39  I can’t justify just saiing away.

    Cartoon – 18 years now. Yup.

    With all the scary things happening, can you stand hearing about one more, which appears as if it might go under the radar?

    Pro Publica – Plagiarism runs in the family (by blood or marriage).

    Rachel – I was watching the testimony on Raw Story as you were posting. I may not be Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s biggest fan – far from it – but I’m pleased with what she said in the hearing. Ms. Bueso and Mr. Sanchez spoke well and clearly (Mr. Sanchez had to stop for a cough but picked up nobly.) someone’s chopping onions in here.

    BBC – Because this is not a ruling on the merits, the actual vote is not available. Justice Sotomayor wrote a blistering dissent in which Justice Ginsburg joined.

  2. Cartoon: I’m all for reading upside down, but this young lady was very comfortable reading TO him, vs. the other way around. 
    PPC: omg. Unreal !!! No doubt about it, he said it verbatim. !! A propped-up id of a man too, how scary. 
    MSNBC: Awww….How heartbreaking in how this admin treats people w/disabilities, they have no heart. Kudos to Ms. Bueso and the other folks who are getting the words out, and how they need this medication/treatment here in the US. I hope that Ms.Isabel and her friends, get the help that they need !! 
    BBC: How sad for this to even be happening! I can’t even imagine the pain and suffering that these folks are going through. 
    Hope that you get your nap in. Enjoy the rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “The biggest change in the 18 years since 9/11 is we no longer need to import our terrorists.” ~Middle A.R.~ 
    2. “Wow! If the gov’t is going to ban vaping after they killed 6 people, then just wait until they find out how many people assault rifles have killed.” ~O.D.~ 
    3. “Title of John Bolton’s new book..’I am the Walrus’.” ~ Jim S. ~ 

  3. Thank you for your news Tom 🐈 cat,I hope your day went well.

  4. 3:07 Shipbuilding? It looks like it’s been wrecked.

    ProPublica: You could, and still can, always tell when Trump’s speeches have been written for him by third parties. It’s those instances when he’s not rambling, going off tangents in word salads and making no sense at all. At that time the third parties were the highest bidders, now it should be his advisors, but I wouldn’t bet on it that a lot still goes to the highest bidders. After three years liberals have learned to prick up their ears and hear the alarm bells whenever Trump starts to make sense. Then it’s some extreme right, the 1% or a foreign power doing the talking.

    MSNBC: The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison (Scomo as he calls himself in Aussie style) has been sucking up to Trump big time ever since Trump applauded the Aussie way of dealing with illegal immigrants, i.e. asylum seekers, by inhumanely incarcerating them on little islands in Papua New Guinea without hope ever leaving it. Scomo has been doing some talking on the side with Trump at the G7 when he was invited there as a guest onlooker, and probably bragged about the way people legally staying in Oz, but without citizenship, were told to leave because their, or their children’s failing health was putting, or going to put, too much of a dent in the health system. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Trump must have loved it, and loved Scomo too for it because he invited him to a dinner in the White House when he visits. The only difference between the inhumane systems is that in Australia it’s much less of a racist thing; people from England and New Zealand were also extradited after having lived here for many years.

    BBC: The article didn’t say how the voting went, (JD mentions that this is because it was because it wasn’t a ruling on merits) only that “On the nine-judge Supreme Court, liberal-leaning Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented from the ruling.” I think it’s safe to say that it was a 5 Republican to 4  Democrats vote again. A SCOTUS independent from the government? Yeah, right. 13

  5. Will check in tomorrow. Appointments today. Now watching the Democratic Debate, part that I recorded when I wasn’t home.
    Take Care. Thanks TomCat


    I get to spend my morning at the dentist – and my afternoon drooling from the novacaine.

    Hope to have a Saturday or Sunday Smile.

  7. Thanks and exhausted hugs. 19

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