Aug 282019

Today is the last day of the worst part of the heat wave with 96° forecast.  I slept poorly and feel very tired.  Yesterday the tech did a great job on my power chair!  I’m out $330, but the chair is whisper quiet, and I no longer have to hide from neighbors.  Tonight is a WWWendy night.  That’s a good thing, because the TomCat is in desperate need of destinking.  Hump Day Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 4:52). To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Admin Looks To Eject Medically Vulnerable Immigrant Kids


Dear Mon and Dad. Here’s our gift to you. Your kid’s going to die. Love, the Republican Reich. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: 9 Ways to Stay Sane During the Primaries


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. Just remember, when the primaries are over, vote against the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich! Vote Blue, No Matter Who! RESIST!!

From Raw Story: In a video posted to Facebook this Tuesday morning, a Mississippi voter showed what appeared to be a glitch in a voting machine being used for the state’s GOP governor primary runoff, the Clarion Ledger reports.

In the video [Facebook delinked] posted by Sally Kate Walker, the voting machine’s touch screen changed the selection from Republican candidate Bill Waller Jr. to his opponent and fellow Republican Tate Reeves.

The two are in a GOP primary run-off to face Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood in the November general election.

Republicans are just practicing for 11/2020. RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/28/2019”

  1. Cartoon: AMEN !! 
    MSNBC: Boy, how low and cold do you have to be, to deny these children or anyone? medical attention in order to LIVE?? This is beyond my comprehension and it’s sickening. This is downright brutal. One wouldn’t treat an animal like this, so why a human child? 
    RR: Thanks, Mr. Reich. I’ll have to view this daily. Good advice!!! 
    RS: Good grief, already!!! The R’s are ironing out the kinks!! 
    Hi, Wendy! Hope that you get a chance to get a nap in, do take good care, and Thanks, Tom. Enjoy your day! 

    *This just in: “There’s NO Country in the world that would give a security clearance to a person with loans to a sworn enemy. Get him outta there!!” ~ Robert H. ~ 
    2. “Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans co-signed by Russian oligarchs.” ~ Sharman G. ~ 
    3. GO, Kim Olson (D-TX), 24th District! Running for Congress.

  2. 5:54

    Cartoon – There are at least as many people working on keeping it alive as there are people working on killing it.

    LOL! Great idea, great execution.

    MSNBC – I am reminded of the amnesty-seeking man who was deported to Honduras and, of course, killed. Just about the time he was killed, ICE was on the phone to his case worker offering to “reuite” the family by giving his US CITIZEN children one-way tickets to Honduras too. Yes, Nameless, I’ll try not to forget to keep saying it:

    RR – All good advice. Some of it is tough to take (by which I mean difficult to actually do.)

    RS – Yes. IIRC he was eventually able to vote for the candidate of his choice, but he had to repeat touching the screen several times. No wonder Rethuglicans think the DNC “rigged” the primaries in 2016 in favor of Hillary. It’s what they do all the time.

  3. ‘Toon: You Betcha!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rachel: I have begun to believe that the issue with Trump is no longer politics, but simply EVIL!
    RRC: I’m with Warren.  Unless something goes haywire, I plan to sty with Warren.  I will not watch the debates, because they are only mildly relevant to me. IF something goes haywire, I will certainly hear of it.  I like Harris and Bernie.  WHOMEVER is the final candidate will get my vote.  There is a great quote from a movie, “The only way to win is not to play!”  I win, if I follow RR’s advice in my own way.
    RS: The ONLY rigging has been by the GOPIGGIES!

  4. Cartoon: We Must Do It.
    Rachel: tRump is a cold heartless no good bas*ard. To start choosing which kids can stay and who can’t because of “health issues” is pure evil. 
    RR: Wise words indeed. 
    Glad that your power chair got taken care of. 
    Hope it cools down some for you. It’s been hot and humid here too. 
    Take care. 

  5. 3:18 Not bad at the end of the day after schlepping my groceries and animal food to the house.

    MSNBC: The Gestapo had more compassion.

    RR: I hope Robert comes up with a plan to stay sane for foreigners who are/were interested in American politics. Soon.

    RS: Republicans have become so Trumpian that they now cheat on each other. If, as a Republican, one sees a vote given to oneself being changed into a vote for a fellow Republican, one can be sure that one’s party has hit rock bottom.

  6. Puzzle — 4:47  Well at least I am under the average for a change.

    MSNBC — I saw this on Tuesday evening and I was gobsmacked!  What the hell is that brain dead bastard Trump trying to do, grow his enemies list by killing children?  Someone needs to take him out behind the woodshed and kick him in the ass so hard he turns inside out!

    Robert Reich — Excellent advice for Americans but I also agree with Lona.

    Raw Story — Bloody ridiculous!  It is not foreign terrorists that are the enemy of the US but rather Republicans at all levels.  Practice indeed!

    Cartoon — May MLK Jr’s dream become reality!

    I am so glad your chair was fixed because now it is very quiet here. I didn’t know what the squeaky sound was until it disappeared when you said your chair was fixed. Today, the temp went to 34C (93 F) but with the humidity, it felt about 5 degrees higher.

  7. Thanks and Hugs to all. 23

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