Aug 242019

It’s a quiet day here in the shiny new CatBox.  I learned that the parts for my power chair will arrive Monday, so the tech is coming back to fix it on Tuesday morning.  It will be nice to drive down the hallway without getting dirty looks from the neighbors.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update tomorrow.  It’s a WWWendy day, and as usual, we have lots to do.  Weekend Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:28 (average 5:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Chris Hayes On The Inception Of White Terrorism In America


Although most of those here at PP know, these things, this a part of US history and current events that few people understand. All have a civic duty to do so and to teach those who don’t. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: Two thing have to happen in the 2020 election: a Democratic president and the end to Mitch McConnell’s Senate leadership. He makes that clear in an op-ed in The New York Times Thursday. He explains how he destroyed the Senate as an institution and installed “Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and 43 new lifetime circuit judgesβ€”the most ever at this point in a presidency,” to own the libs. Literally. This is the follow up to that sentence: “The consequences of taking Senator Reid’s advice will haunt liberals for decades.”

He’s throwing down the gauntlet to all the Democratic presidential and Senate candidates, threatening all-out war if they have the temerity to break his iron grip on the Senate by getting rid of  the legislative filibuster. He throws some stuff in about the sanctity of the Senate as an institution, even invoking Madison and Jefferson. But it’s clear that this is about raw power. His raw power.

Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch [R-KY] has made it clear that we need to do four things: keep the House, win the White House, win the Senate, and nuke the filibastards.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/24/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Good grief! Sad! 
    MSNBC: Good clip. I don’t see dt extending his vision in protecting the people, but, rather…to exhort the violence by these people, and continue to hurt the heart of America. imho. 
    YT: Awesome song!! 
    DK: What you wrote. That man (Moscow Mitch) needs to go…and for all of us to get out and vote BLUE!! 
    Amy McGrath’s new video: A group of coal miners with black lung disease rode ten hours to Washington to see Mitch McConnell—he only gave them 1 minute of his time. “10 Hour Bus Ride”

    Hope that you have a good, relaxing day today. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “DT at G7 in Biarritz, France. “What could possibly go wrong?” ~pb~ 
    2. “The G7 shouldn’t be an ego trip. Even those who think they are chosen..needs friends.” ~Madeline Albright~
    3. RBG!!! You Rock! (beating her cancer!) pb

  2. I did this one yesterday. Please don’t make me do it again. Today’s: 4:36 (average 4:37) busy as a bee.

    Cartoon – All too true!

    Chris – And this is why so many are saying, “what is WRONG with people?” We don’t want to believe that sane, mentally healthy people can think like this, behave like this. But it we truly want it to stop, we are going to have to bite that bullet.

    Animals – I do remember this one. Very applicable to the United States today.

    DKos – There are two ways to defang this turdle, and I’m for both of them. Of course preventing his re-election will remove him from the Senate. But, even if we can’t do that, taking back the Senate will make him no longer the majority leader.

  3. AlterNet: ABSOLUTELY! Abso-f###ing-lutely! If we change just two seats in 2020, they must be McConnel’s and the Oval Office. (As a resident of Georgia, I hope a third is changed: Senator Dumbfart Perdue’s.) Get out the Progressive vote: make sure all your progressive kith and kin who are at least 17 1/2 are registered, encourage high school and college students to register since you can do so at 17 1/2 and then vote when you turn 18, get people in marginalized communities registered, offer to drive people to the polls, fight voter suppression tooth and nail, pester your government representatives to make it easier for all to vote – just keep raising hell! Remember, We The People have a superpower, and it’s called the ballot – but it works ONLY if we use it.
    Make It Blue

  4. Puzzle — 7:29  I’m glad I fell asleep at my keyboard before I could embarrass myself even more than today.                    5:15  Bug on purple.  Well that’s a bit better.

    MSNBC — “… white supremacy as a force can never be eradicated as a force permanently but with the will of the state, violent terror can be vanquished.  And our government’s job, the president’s job, our nation’s job is to vanquish it.” — AMEN Chris!!!  The problem right now is that one half of the government (the bloody Republicans) and the pResident are not on a road to vanquishing white supremacy but are instead inflaming the violence and hatred.  Chris is correct that after 9/11 changes were made to fight against foreign terrorism.  But nothing has been done to fight homegrown terrorism, which in the age of Trump has skyrocketed.  Excellent piece that should be mandatory for all school kids and adults.  No more Republican revisionist history (nor Democrat either, although it is less pervasive).

    YT — I remember the Animals but not the song.  Having said that, the movie footage (I recognised actor Don Cheadle) is spot on and reminds me of the television news we saw in the late 60s and early 70s.  That the world should not return to such bullshit is my wish, but unfortunately it has over and over and over again.

    Daily Kos — “…we need to do four things: keep the House, win the White House, win the Senate, and nuke the filibastards.” — Actually, there are 5 things that MUST be done . . . #5 being put Moscow Mitch in the permanent unemployment line and kill off his power.

    Cartoon — Yup!  I notice that the sprinklers are on — are they trying to make the cannon grow larger or trying to induce it to spawn?

  5. Thank you for the news Tom Cat 😽

  6. the goals of young turnout, persons of color and other marginalized communities improbable if a candidate accepting fossil fuel and other corporate donations is who the DEM Party nominates—and it is important that the majority of newly elected people be real progressives and not corporate, too, to actually change the policies which created most of the problems now viewed as important campaign issues….and it will mean the country ensures the world cannot meet what scientists tell us is needed fast enough to keep this planet livable

  7. Cartoon: Sad, that it’s so true.
    MSNBC: Have to agree with Pat and Lynn on this one. He’s not one for protecting the people. Really a shame that tRump and his cronies love igniting the violence/hatred in these white terrorists minds.
    YT: Great tune by the Animals. 
    DK: Agree with Lynn. Will be great if we did all five of them.
    Glad to hear that the guy will be back on Tuesday to repair your squeaky power chair. Hope you had a good Saturday and that your Sunday will be a great one.
    Take care.

  8. Jigsaw: Bug on Purple should be Saturday’s jigsaw, so I did that one. 2:56

    Cartoon: Only for flies with left wings, or a Jewish community centre in Ohio.

    MSNBC: Excellent lecture by Chris Hayes, a piece of history many of his viewers probably were not familiar with. The only remedy will be voting Trump and every one of his cronies out of office, but then NOT thinking that all will be well now. Millions of people need to be re-educated. Of course, I don’t mean that in a communistic/Russian/Chinese sense, but programs need to be set up to have people of diverse background meet and learn to understand and respect each other.

    YouTube: The Animals, a British band, protested against the workman’s fate with this song, but set to images of the Vietnam war, it obtained a whole new meaning in the US.

    DK: I agree with you, TomCat, that more than two things need to be done if America is ever to return to what we’d call a democracy. And while I don’t like single-majority rule very much, for your country one of Democrats seems to be the best option for now.

  9. Thanks and busy Hugs to all! 23

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