Aug 012019

Well, here I go.  It’s moving day.  Bye bye crappy old CatBox.  Hello shiny new CatBox.  If everything goes as planned, I’ll be back tomorrow, I hope, but it may take mw a few says to be fully up to speed.  Keep on resisting!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:31 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



  12 Responses to “Personal Update – 8/1/2019”

  1. Excellent news TC, can we see some shots of the new place once you’re in & settled?

    🎁 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joanne! 🎂

  2. Good luck with moving, TC, and take good good care too! 

    Happy Birthday, Joanne, hope that you have a Wonderful Day! 

  3. 4:59 JigZone misspelled the acronym, but my graphic has it correct.

    Since you are the one doing all the hard work, the only reason I can think of that I am so sleepy must be that I sent you all my energy. Heaven knows I’d be willing to. If so, I hope it worked.

    Thanks Animae and Pat, and thanks in advance to any other well-wishers. I’m honored to share my birthday with TC’s move, and cannot think of a gift that would please me more than him getting new digs.


  4. Happy Birthday, Joanne! Good luck with the move, TC. First day of Care2’s move into the void. Though the messages are still working and Causes is still up, I have no idea why. 
    Did not watch the debates. I was at a class last night and talking to another old veteran, both commiserating that all this starts so soon. The “season” really starts practically after inauguration, for Trump literally as he filed paperwork two hours after his “inauguration/theft”. Who is going to remember these debates in 16 months? In roughly 12 we’ll have a formal candidate, a presumptive one a bit before that, I hope a good bit so there’s time to really build momentum.
    I was talking with a friend in Bavaria, I did get as many email addresses as I could from people I have known for so long, and things aren’t good there either for those who aren’t already wealthy. They have things we don’t, like health care, but she’s struggling with her car not meeting regulations and affordable housing while working for IKEA. It’s like the whole world is going to hell in a burning handbasket. Which we managed to set on fire ourselves. I was going to insert a green star here, but it’s on my desktop. Which is not a source apparently. :^) So green stars of the imagination, all around.  

  5. Happy Joanne Day! Happy Moving Day. Elvis …uh, TC…. has left the building.

  6. Hoping all goes as well as you hope for!  Pretty exciting – even if only vicariously!

    Happy B-Day Joanne!

    I’ll bring the beer, sausage and pumpernickel.  Someone else will surely bring a cake.

    • LOL!  No cake for me thanks, I’m allergic to wheat.  For a special treat I found as small container of organic Prickly Pear Sorbet, and am happily anticipating it.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joanne! Hope your day was a super one.
    Glad to hear that your move is going forward today. Hope it’s a smooth one for you, TC.

  8. Puzzle — 6:04  Hrumpf!

    Happy Birthday JD! . . . and many more!!!

    Instructions: 1 Take each string at the ends of these balloons and tie above your favourite chair.

                        2 Sit in the chair.

                        3 Smile!  There will another one next year!

    Moving is such fun! . . . NOT!!!  Happy and successful moving!  Please take care.  Rome was not built in a day, unpacking will not get done in a day.

    TC, I totally hop all went well with your move.
    Yes, pictures would be welcome.

  10. Thanks and exhausted hugs for all.  Pics coming in a few days. 29

  11. 17  Happy Birthday Joanne

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