Jul 022019

It’s a muggy day here in the CatBox, and I’m back in the saddle after all.  WWWendy came earlier than expected yesterday.  I have a lot of work to do, so please pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Should We Abolish Billionaires?


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The existence of billionaires is not the problem. The problem is the existence, advantages and policies of the greed-besotted Reich on the right, the Republican Reich. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Jesse Dollemore Channel): Ivanka Trump Pesters World Leaders at the G20 – Republicans Make Lame Excuses to the End!


Jesse nailed it. Remember though that Putin’s Pervert thinks Ivanka is so hot that she would be on his pussy-grabbing list, were she not his daughter. A grabbable pussy is all the qualification she needs for privilege in the Republican Reich! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Setting foot in North Korea for the first time, on Sunday, President Donald Trump praised that nation’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, for his efforts on immigration, telling Kim, “No one is trying to get into your country.”

After crossing into North Korea from the Demilitarized Zone, Trump remarked to the North Korean leader, “Your border is amazing! There are no people whatsoever trying to get in. You should see our border—it’s a complete mess.”

Barely containing his envy, Trump continued, “Of course, you don’t have Congress to deal with, like I do. They’ve caused all the problems I’ve had on immigration. You’ve got a much better deal. You want to build a wall, you build a wall. No one can tell you you can’t.”

Straight News, Andy. If the Fuhrer and the Republican Reich get their way, it will be just like that here.  RESIST!!



  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/2/2019”

  1. RR: Your comment is spot on, Tom, and I certainly agree with it.

    The other JD: Well said video too. She had no reason to be there at all. She lacks any skills in this arena, I mention her in my ‘This just in section too’. Two left thumbs anyone? Glad she is getting the attention she needs, lol.

    NYer: Word.
    Cartoon: Oh, but of course!!!

    Glad that all is good, it’s been muggy here too. Hope you have a good relaxing day, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: Ivanka – “She tried too hard. Looked great. Miscast. Knowledgeable world opinion maker. Diplomat. No one was buying it. Trump using his daughter to score points. There’s a job title for that. ‘Pimp'”.  ~Judy B. ~
    2. Trump said that “bone spurs stopped him from joining the brawl that injured Stephanie Grisham at the DMZ, but that doctors are hopeful that the bone spurs will resolve itself in time for his next golf outing in the U.S.” ~Breaking B.~

  2. No, we don’t need to abolish billionaires – just make them pay their fair share in taxes, and eliminate as many loopholes and tax shelters as possible.

  3. 6:20 Your horsies, I guess.

    Reich – Call me lazy – I saw this yesterday, knew you were going to use it, knew what I wanted to say, and didn’t look up my source. But I have read, and I believe, that J. K. Rowling takes great care to make charitable donations sufficient to prevent her from becoming a billionaire, which she certainly could be if she wanted to. You’re right – it’s not the billionaires as such – it’s the billionaire attitude that is the problem.

    Other JD – The pictures spawned by this have been hysterical. My favorites so far shows her in the newsroom from the movie “All the President’s Men.” Ouch!

    TNY – Straight news indeed. Not sure Traitor Tot was quite ready to express it this publicly, but there’s no question the news is straight.

    Cartoon – What can I say, after I say “Yup!”

  4. RR: Agree with your comment TC.
    Other JD: Don’t understand why tRump’s daughter and her husband went on his last trip. Neither one of them have the experience or knowledge.
    TNY: Despicable the way tRump speaks such garbage of our country. Shame on him.
    Glad that Wendy made it over yesterday. We have been having muggy weather here too Close to 90. Suppose to cool down some here for the rest of the week. Hope it gets better for you too.

  5. RRC: Saw that, and love it, but Freya is right.
    Dollemore is spot on!
    New Yorker: Yes, straight news.
    ‘Toon: They sure did!

  6. I really am not fond of Reich’s title: “Should We Abolish Billionaires”.  All it is, is misleading click-bait.

    I really like his points – and can think of a few more to add.  

    But “Abolishing Billionaires” really smacks of a fascist approach.

    • Can you think of a better way to get American fascists to watch it, and maybe learn something?  No, many won’t, they’ll just project, but some will.

  7. RR: Personally I draw the line at billionaires. Millions should be enough, billions is excessive greediness. But we should never abolish people, just prevent them from ever becoming billionaire by distributing their excess wealth for the common good.

    JD: Ivanka has gotten it into her head she is the one to continue Trump’s dynasty. Madness obviously runs in the family. And the G20 leaders not ignoring her completely will only feed her delusion.

    TNY: Andy’s becoming too much of a prophet these days. Let’s make sure his visions of the future as seen through Trump’s eyes will never become reality.

  8. Thanks and Hugs to all. 23

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