Jun 292019

I’m sorry.  My stomach is so upset that I need to do back to bed.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:59 (average 4:55)  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



  11 Responses to “Personal Update – 6/29/2019”

  1. 6:01 Tangled in the grass

    So sorry you’re not feeling well. Take care of yourself.

    Well, I guess we now know what kind of Republican might possibly have ethics and a spine: “Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), who lost both legs while serving in Afghanistan and has made advocacy for wounded veterans a priority, joined the Democratic majority in supporting the bill.” From Think Progress.

    Cartoon – Nero was passive-aggressive compared to Orange Judas, who is out pouring gasoline and fanning the flames. Coincidentally, Nero will be featured on PBS’s “Secrets of the Dead” series on Tuesday, the second. I think I’ll watch.

  2. Cartoon: Depressing to say the least !! Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

    Gosh, I sure hope that you start feeling better. Get your rest, stay hydrated, and nap frequently. Take good, good care of yourself, Tom.

    *This just in: re: dt – “Making a mockery of Russian interference of our elections in front of a murderous dictator, while joking about getting rid of journalists who Putin has had murdered (26) this year alone, while laughing about it on the world stage.” ~ Deana D. ~
    2. re: Sarah H. Sanders – “Bye, Felicia!” ~ pb ~

  3. Cartoon: Have to agree with Pat that its depressing to know that firs tRump perfectly. He loves starting all sorts of fires everywhere.
    Sorry to hear that you are feeling well. Hope you get to feeling better.

  4. Hope you feel better, TC!!!!!!!
    America burns and so does Europe: I just read tat the temp in a part of France hit 111F!  Several countries are seeing record highs.  Dumpy, Putin and the Saudis are all complicit in screwing the planet and its inhabitants!!!!

  5. Sorry you’re not feeling well, TomCat. An upset stomach and warm weather is a terrible combination, so watch those fluids, please.

    It wasn’t the worst time to try and get some interest back for American/Global politics; starting with a low dose is always a good thing. I can’t promise to be here every day, and commenting may be even less frequent, but it feels good to be among politically like-minded friends again.

    • I’m not sure how many times you’ve said to someone “take all the time you need (or something close) – but it’s good advice.  It’s good to see your name and thoughts here … but take care of you. We’ll be here.

    • Welcome home, Lona.  We have missed you.  Come whenever you are able, but take care of you first. 35

  6. Not sure WTF, we are on opposite sides of the globe TC, yet i keep coming across people on-line & in my community with extreme nausea, including myself, it’s so severe i had to get a prescription for anti-nausea meds recently!!!

  7. Take your time – but I hope you’ll recover quickly!

  8. Lona, it’s nice to see you grace the pages here, and on Care2. 
    I must agree with Joanne also, I echo along with her sentiments, by saying also…
    You take care of you, and that we’ll be here for you! 
    p.s. my personal email carrier changed formats, and I hate the format, tho’ I did write to you on the 
    old one. 
    Blessings and Peace, Lona! 

  9. Thanks and better hugs to all. 23

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