May 102019

The excessive heat is setting off my COPD.  I need to go back to bed.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:24 (average 5:36).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From NY Times:

[R]esident Trump escalated his trade war with China on Friday morning, raising tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods and taking steps to tax nearly all of China’s imports as punishment for what he said was Beijing’s attempt to “renegotiate” a trade deal.

Mr. Trump’s decision to proceed with the tariff increase came after a pivotal round of trade talks in Washington on Thursday night failed to produce an agreement to forestall the higher levies. The White House said talks would resume again on Friday but it remains uncertain whether the two sides can bridge the differences that have arisen over the past week.

In his comments at the White House on Thursday afternoon, Mr. Trump vacillated between threatening China and suggesting a deal could still happen. The president said he had received a “beautiful letter” from President Xi Jinping of China and would probably speak to him by phone, but said he was more than happy to keep hitting Beijing with tariffs.

To be clear, China pays nothing for Trump’s tariffs. YOU pay it all, and the Republican Reich gets the money. RESIST!!



  8 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/10/2019”

  1. He’s evil!!!

  2. This tariff is unnecessary for the US/China relations. Gee, no thanks! Trump. “Tariffs are taxes, plain and simple. And they’re paid for by U.S. consumers, workers and businesses — not by China,” said Gary Shapiro, chief executive of the Consumer Tech Assn. Many experts believe the trade battle is just a part of a widening escalation of bilateral tensions between two nations with fundamentally opposing ideologies that will play out for years to come. *LATimes
    Is this a diversion of what’s going on in the WH day to day?

    Hope that you start feeling better. Get your rest, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: I saw this headline, and it hit home (to me). Can’t remember which paper it was from, but here it is and spoke volumes..”Students who charge shooter are Heroes. It’s shameful they’re martyrs too.”~ Elizabeth B. ~

  3. NYT: Whatever he says, including “Beautiful letter,” is horse pooh!  Mr. Greatest negotiator could not negotiate his way out of a prophylactic, pri*k that he is! 
    ‘Toon: Boy, oh boy, would they love that!

    • Perhaps the letter is in Chinese calligraphy and he thinks it looks beautiful.  Oh, wait – that would require him to have taste.  Never mind.

  4. 3:37 He’s all yours, unless Lynn snatches him away.

    NYT: Talks did resume, but for now that only prompted Drumpf to threaten to slap on even more tariffs soon. Meanwhile the stock exchanges in Europe and the Pacific are falling. We were warned that (a worldwide) economic collapse was imminent, but what would Drumpf care. He wants what he sees as a personal victory, so what if he hurries a recess along, Just another tick of the long list of what he’s destroying.

    Sorry to hear about your COPD flaring up. Take good care of yourself, dear TomCat.

  5. 5:02 Just be careful not to become the prey yourself.

    NYT – China still doesn’t like them, because they goose prices enough to lower the sales volume Basic economics.

    Cartoon – If there were any in Germany at the time, they did. I’m sure of it.

  6. NYT: tRump is causing so much havoc with his bullsh*t with his tariffs.
    We are going to be the ones who will be paying even more for our products like electronics, televisions, etc.
    Our stock market was down all week. Like Lona mentioned, tRump wouldn’t give a hoot.
    Sorry to hear that the weather is causing you so much health problems, especially with your COPD.
    Did you ever get the air conditioner you were requesting a month ago?
    I wish I could send you the weather we’ve been having here in San Diego, which has been overcast May Gray and we’re expecting rain tomorrow. I want some sunny weather here.

  7. Thanks all.  Hot Wheezy hugs.

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