May 032019

I’m sicker than I was yesterday, so I’m going back to bed.  TGIF Hugs.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 5:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From The New Yorker: Attorney General William Barr on Thursday proved unable to give honest answers to a drive-thru window at a Bethesda, Maryland, Arby’s restaurant.

Barr, who drove up to the window just after noon, appeared evasive and halting after the drive-thru attendant asked to take his order.

“I cannot recall what I would like to order at this time,” Barr said, according to the attendant.

When pressed repeatedly to name a sandwich, drink, or side order that he preferred, Barr stonewalled, the attendant said.

“The questions I was asking him couldn’t have been clearer,” the attendant told reporters. “I asked him if he wanted to order a Smokehouse Brisket sandwich. He refused to give me a yes-or-no answer.”

No doubt about it, Andy. That was Barrf! RESIST!!


Godwin’s Law – a common meme used by Republicans, other fascists, pseudo-intellectuals, and people with their heads in the sand or in smellier places, whenever anyone points out the verifiable commonalities between today’s Republican Party and Germany’s National Socialist Party.


  8 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/3/2019”

  1. Hilarious!!! omg….his lies are unbelievable, whether it’s at a congressional hearing or a fast food place. Man needs to resign, now!! LOL, Andy.

    Gee, I hope you get feeling better real soon, Tom. Take good care, and get your rest. Thanks!!

    This just in: “A man who you can bait w/a Tweet is not a man we can trust w/the nuclear weapons button.” ~ Hillary Clinton ~
    2. “I’m living rent free in Trumps’ brain.” ~ Hillary Clinton ~

  2. Comparing any group you don’t like to the Nazis, or any leader you don’t like to Hitler, is unfortunately common. Thus, honest comparisons between truly evil people and Der Führer, or truly evil groups and the Nazi slime, are easy to scoff at.

  3. 5:15

    TNY – You are what you eat. I’m betting the mystery dish contained chicken.

    Cartoon – The key word is “verifiable.” As in, it’s verifiable that, as long as we have history recorded of Europe, Jews have been call “baby-killers,” and that the Third Reich was no exception – indeed, ramped it up. As a certain non-President did in his remarks about “executing” babies. Even some Republicans have begun to suggest that Godwin’s Law is obsolete.

  4. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    But more importantly – take care of yourself & do what you have to do, health-wise.

  5. 3:38 I just had to set that pretty butterfly free to enjoy the rest of its very short life.

    TNY: 🤣 I doubt that was Barrf at that drive through window, Andy. He doesn’t exactly look like he’s starving, does he. He’ll probably send his wife around to order “the usual”, because she lost patience long ago asking him what he wanted.

    Good to know you’re taking care of yourself, TomCat. Get better soon.

  6. TNY: Insane fool. Maybe he Can’t answer questions, because his stinking leader didn’t tell him what to say.
    So sorry to see that you aren’t feeling better.Do take care of yourself and get better quickly.
    Praying that you have a speedy recovery.

  7. Do feel better!  
    Andy lays it right out there, doesn’t he?  Boy, do we ever need to take over at the Senate, and send McTurtle to some back row seat!  There is no good reason Bill De Chickensh*t ought to have been approved for the AG. spot.
    ‘Toon: If the shoe fits wear it!  Just because of the odds Godwin’s Law references, does not mean that the claim is mistaken!!

  8. Thanks and sick hugs. 21

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