Feb 062019

I watched the whole thing so you didn’t have to.  Thank God it’s a shower day with WWWendy!  After that, I feel like I’ve been living in an outhouse basement.  It’s also a very busy day, as I have to unpack and stow my groceries, when they are delivered.  It’s also a frigid day: currently 27°.  Brrrr!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:31 (average 6:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address and Hannity commentary mirror each other

Barf Bag Alert!!

It looks like the Fuhrer stole half his SOTU lies from a Faux Noise sphincter. RESIST!!

From The Borowitz Report: Vice-President Mike Pence has begged Donald J. Trump not to make him sit next to a woman during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, sources confirmed on Monday.

According to those sources, an emotional Pence came close to breaking down in tears as he explained that being seated next to a woman other than his wife was a violation of his personal code of behavior.

Pence offered Trump a variety of solutions to the problem, including introducing a third chair between him and the woman where his wife, Karen Pence, could be seated for the duration of the speech, “to make sure that that woman doesn’t try anything.”

“Let Mother sit next to me, or let me sit on Mother’s lap, but don’t make me sit next to that woman alone,” Pence reportedly sobbed.

Oh, Andy! Trump made him do it! The poor, pseudo-Christian misogynist! RESIST!!

From Alternet: Senator Lindsey Graham once said, “It’s really American to avoid paying taxes…It’s a game we play.”

There are many good reasons why Americans should be paying those taxes, and why there should be even higher taxes on the richest individuals and corporations. Of course, these arguments have generally been ignored. But there are several good personal reasons for wealthy Americans to reconsider the tax issue, to start focusing on the importance of a more equal society, and to trust the democratic system to make that happen.

1. They Should Be Scared to Death about Potential Threats to Their Personal Safety

A new industry has developed in doomsday shelters for rich people awaiting Armageddon. But bunkers and security forces won’t be much defense against viruses and microdrones. Or against all-out war or revolution.

Lindsey Poo is a turd. I shared part of the first of three included reasons. Click through for the other two.  RESIST!!



  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/6/2019”

  1. 7:55 Ouch.

    Oh, wow! If I could have candles I’d be looking for these (and the organic soy base actually makes it more, not less dangerous for me, but what a great idea).

    Quote regarding a trailblazing woman Naval Flight Officer (recently passed): “She would say the problem first was that men were afraid [women] couldn’t do the job. And then they were afraid that they could.”

    MM – From what I’ve read, I don’t think I’d better watch this.

    TBR – Hmmmmph. See my Navy quote above for the real problem.

    AlterNet – Well, some of us don’t play that game. Miss Lindsey surely does. Miss Lindsey is also (I have no doubt) being blackmailed. All three are good reasons … but all three require either a head, or a heart, or both, and the super-rich don’t have either.

    Cartoon – Nice enough here today … high in the low 50’s – but snow overnight and we won’t even get up to freezing tomorroqw. And yet, then we bounce back. Go figure.

    • OK – I give up & hope you can help out.

      I LOVE that picture, and I’ve searched high and low – but can’t find who took it or where it was taken.

      It’s easy to find LOTS of places that offer it as a Wallpaper (going back to at least 2009) – but no attribution or location info.

      I saw something that hinted at Wisconsin.  But couldn’t follow through w/ any more than that – so not sure if it’s correct.

      Can you shed any light on this fantastic photo?


  2. MMC: Sorry, I value my sanity too much to watch.
    Borowitz: Is that why Pence is standing in today’s other posting…so he can sprint away if “that woman” tries anything?
    Alternet: The party of “Family values” sees no reason to consider themselves part of the larger american family.
    ‘Toon: Poor puddy tat!

  3. BBA: He sounded stoned, or maybe it was past his bedtime?? idk. I can’t stomach watching faux.

    TBR: Tell me again, ….what Mike Pence does??? Asking for a friend….lol

    AN: What a cad. Through and through.

    Cartoon: We won’t get snow, but anything below 60 is cold to me….bundle up and stay warm!! Hi, WWWendy! Hope you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *Joanne, I watched part of her funeral and her flyover, with the first all female pilots doing so.

    “Navy Captain Rosemary Mariner, one of the Navy’s first female jet pilots and a true Naval Aviation pioneer. In her honor, the Navy conducted the first all-female fly-over, officially referred to as a “Missing Man Flyover”. cnn
    She paved the way for women to pursue their dreams, and occupations that were most done by men.” 

    *This just in: “Wearing white at the SOTU, Tiffany Trump came off as the Sansa Stark of these Lannisters.” Game of Thrones reference. ~ John F. ~

    btw….I also liked Nancy’s power brooch, and her tasteful ‘fu’ clap to dt during the SOTU.  She’s awesome!! 

  4. BBA:  I think, not only is Hannity giving twittler his talking points, they are both using the same orange coloring on their skin.

    TBR:  LOL.  Poor Pence having to sit next to that nasty woman.

    AlterNet:  I agree Joanne.  I think Miss Lindsey is being blackmailed too.

    TomCat you definitely do need a good scrubbing down today if you watched that entire poop show.

  5. BBA: I’ll pass on that one too. Can only imagine them speaking highly of him since it’s his channel.
    TBR: Maybe pEnce needs to read the rules again. 
    Alternet: I also agree with Joanne
    Cartoon: Yes we are going to have cooler weather for this entire week in San Diego. Down in the 40’s/30’s during the night, low 50’s during the day. I freeze here with these temps. Could image what I’d do where you are TC. Plus would of locked myself up inside somewhere warm if I was going through what were experiencing with the Polar freeze last week.

  6. 4:29 The gravel was a help.

    MM: We all know that Drumpf never had an original thought in his life – except that he’s the greatest deal maker in the world; nobody else would come up with that – and we know he watches Faux News for inspiration. Add to that there’s hardly anyone left in the White House to help him out but one or two who have no vision but who can put a decent sentence together and you have the recipe for a Drumpfian State of the Union.

    TBR: That explains why Pence kept leaping up all the time. Sad that at his age he was never quick enough to make his escape. Mother will have been so angry.

    Alternet: The problem with this article is that all three reasons for the rich to pay taxes start with: “They should”. But they don’t.

    Cartoon: I hope they also knitted it four mittens.

    I hope you got some rest after having to look and listen to all that ??, TomCat. It must have been hard to get to sleep with all that racing through your mind.

  7. Gawd that’s 2.8 degrees Celsius (in down-under speak), YOIKS, i’d be dead!!!!

    Not goin there with the sphincter face vid, i want to keep my dinner down!! ?

    But i did see the below in passing & smiled joyfully!!!

  8. Thanks and cold tired hugs to all. 19

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