Feb 022019

It’s a very busy day here in the CatBox, because it’s January Report day.  The groundhog saw a Republican.  He reacted normally and retreated to his burrow to clean the feces from his fur.  He muttered something about hell freezing over.  Tomorrow is the highest holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  May the blessed Orb deflate Brady’s balls.  Go Rams!  Therefore please expect no more than a Personal Update from me, and I won’t be sending links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:55 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Trump Hands Vladimir Putin Gift In Missile Treaty Withdrawal


Quid pro quo. By withdrawing, the Republican Reich gives Trump’s boss free reign to deploy nuclear weapons. It also gives 0.1% so-called defense contractors an arms race. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Virginia governor Ralph Northam’s yearbook has people in blackface, KKK robe


This wasn’t high school. "Coon man" was an adult. I appreciate that he has now apologized and acknowledged the harm he did, but unless he steps down as part of taking responsibility, he is no different from a Republican. Now, even after apologizing, the damn DINO is denying it. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Partially confirming Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s theory of divine intervention in the 2016 election, Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos, discord, and strife, revealed on Friday that she had wanted Donald J. Trump to be President.

Speaking from her temple on Mt. Olympus, the usually reclusive deity said that Trump was “far and away” her first choice to be President in 2016.

“I’d been following his career for years,” the goddess of disorder and ruin said. “The bankruptcies, the business failures. There was a lot for me to love.”

Dang Andy! If that’s the case, we need to get the Erinyes to Erinyate on Trump! RESIST!!



  15 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/2/2019”

  1. 5:06 Now, these are the kind of straw that we DON’T need.

    Hoo-boy. Dr. Corey gets both passionate and ironic about treason.

    MSNBC – Such a deal maker. All he’s done since being in the White House is BREAK deals.

    Northam – I realize it should NOT matter. But what is the law in virginia if a Governor resigns? Does the Lieutenant Governor succeed for the remainder of his term? Or is there a special election? Northam is definitely a DINO and needs to go (he must be a leftover Dixiecrat, ya think?), but it’s interesting to me that no one is saying anything about this. Daily Kos, among others, have called for his resignation, but the only petition I can find is this one, from DFA

    TNY – ROFLMAOAPMP !! (Erinyes will be up later today, but not on this topic.)

    Cartoon – Permanent indeed! (And a GoT winter at that!) Sigh.

  2. MSNBC: Very, very foreboding news. Putin must be ecstatic over this, as dt bends the knee in submission. What a traitor.

    CNN: Good grief. Resign, NOW!!! On his page, he mentions ‘so I think I’ll have another beer.’ Reminds me of BK. ugh!

    NYer: Yep! It’s a shi- show for sure, now that he’s in office.

    Cartoon: Poor Phil. That’s not good to scare him like that!

    Yep, GO Rams! Family get together, with chili, chips, and lots of Cheer. Enjoy LIII SuperBowl, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: 1. “Went to a bar today, and ordered a White Russian. They gave me a picture of Trump.” ~ Larry F. ~
    2. “In breaking news, Trump’s personal library has burned down today. The fire consumed both books and in a tragic twist, he hadn’t even finished coloring the second one.” ~ Mitzi H. P. ~

  3. WTF?!?!?! So frump really wants nuclear war!!! Scary sh*te!!!

    “My belief that I did not wear that costume or attend that party stems in part from my clear memory of other mistakes that I made in the same period of my life,” Northam explained. “That same year, I did participate in a dance contest in San Antonio in which I darkened my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume.” 

    “I had the shoes, I had a glove and I used just a little bit of shoe polish to put under, or on my cheeks,” Northam said, using his fingers to show where he smeared the polish on his face. “The reason I used a very little bit is because, I don’t know if anybody has ever tried that, but you cannot get shoe polish off.”


    “….but you cannot get shoe polish off.”  Isn’t that proof he’s done it before!!!

    “Went to a bar today, and ordered a White Russian. They gave me a picture of Trump.” ?

  4. I really didn’t care about the Super Bowl even though I live in LA until I heard that Robert Kraft said Trump was “working very hard to serve the best interests of the country.”

  5. MSNBC: If tRump has withdrawn from a nuclear weapons agreement that Reagan of all people signed, head for the hills! (Anybody interested in joining me to construct Knowledge Arks to preserve our scientific and artistic achievements just in case the worst happens?)

    CNN: I admit that I’m on the fence about this. Yes, that little stunt was blatantly racist and execrable; but that was 35 years ago. Are you the same person you were 35 years ago, even if you were an adult then? I’m not the same person that I was even 10 years ago.

    NY: So Eris backed tRump? (Tee hee!) Now that would be fitting. I’m sure Loki had a hand in it, too.

    Cartoon: Let us hope that the winter isn’t nuclear winter–

  6. MSNBC: pUtin is certainly having the fool tRump kissing his as*, tRump loves doing exactly the opposite of what we the people want for our country.
    CNN: He needs to resign. All of his democrats partners are asking him to, wish he’d listen.
    Cartoon: Poor Phil indeed.
    Hope you enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow, Hope the Rams win.

  7. 3:28 Ban plastic straws!

    MSNBC: People can stop wondering what Drumpf and Putin discussed during their last meeting without anyone else in the room but a translator who made sure that Drumpf understood his orders. Both countries want to expand their nuclear power now China is putting up some serious competition in the arms race. So it was easy for Putin to get Drumpf to step out of yet another deal, because he loves the idea of getting the bigliest, best nuclear defence system. Meanwhile the Russians can build their biglies and best AND has Europe destabilized at the same time. Your megalomaniac “president” has sold out one of his allies (Europe) again, as well as a large portion of Americans who are going to pay for the ridiculous costs of this insane race with cuts on welfare and healthcare. Only the bookies will do well for as long as it lasts: will ignored global warming destroy the planet first or will a nuclear war do the job first?

    CNN: That DINO should step down before he harms the Democratic party even further. I can’t remember where i read it, but some reported Notham would then be replaced by the Lieutenant Governor, who – oh, irony – is an African-American.

    TNY: I think Eris must have conspired with other gods of Chaos like Kronos (Greek), Set (Egypt) and Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Japan) to have such a devastating effect on the US.

    Cartoon: Stop scaring the wits out of that poor animal year after year; let him see Bernie or Liz for once.

  8. MSNBC: Anybody else old enough to remember the phrase “A Commie dupe?”  Well, they are not Communists in Russia, any longer, but Drumph is Putin’s dupe!  He can couch his decision in all the sweet talk he wants to, but, like all else out of his mouth, it is pure horse pooh!
    CNN: So, who “broke” this story, and has just what to gain from unseating him?  
    New Yorker:  “Chaos, discord and strife,” aren’t those the things that Bannon was in the WH to help president “Schmuck and a quarter” to spread?

    • Oh, and he’s talking about dropping out of NATO? Putin and the Military Industrial complex win…BIG!

  9. Puzzle — 4:31  There are several restaurants here in Metro Vancouver who have converted to paper straws which I am glad to see happen.  More will follow but it is up to consumers to demand the change.

    MSNBC — WTF???  Trump is such an idiot!  If there is a nuclear blast from a bomb, nothing will protect.  For all his talk about using precision targeting etc, I wonder if Trump has heard of Chernobyl? . . . and that was an accident.  I wonder if he thinks his golden throne etc in New York will save him!

    CNN — Here is Don Lemon on the subject with additional info. 

    An apology from Northam is not enough.  He must resign NOW!  Further, the Democrats must denounce him.  Some have (Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and other presidential candidates), but where are the party leaders?  Get it in gear!

    The New Yorker — “…we need to get the Erinyes to Erinyate on Trump!” — LMAO!!!

    Cartoon — “Punxsutawney Phil [Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania] emerged from his burrow around 7:30 a.m. ET and did not see his shadow, predicting an early spring for us all.”  That does not square with the polar vortex that is hammering the US.  Has Phil been imbibing?

    Hope you enjoy your church service!

  10. MSNBC: Putin must be dancing in the streets. He definitely has Drumpf under his thumbs.
    CNN: Northam needs to resign.
    NYer: ???
    Enjoy the Superbowl TomCat.

  11. Thanks and hugs to all.  Thinking back to the poll, this is what happens when a politician makes staying in power His ultimate priority. ?

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