Feb 012019

It’s a very busy day here in the CatBox.  I swapped out the poll and made that graphic.  I collected all the data and made all the graphics for tomorrow’s report for January.  I worked on SSL to make the site more secure.  I tried to fix Cluster Map Again.  Needless to say, I’m way behind.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:20 (average 5:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Says He Summoned Intel Chiefs After Hearing They Contradicted Him


Either Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten is intentionally lying to cause confusion, or he’s stoned out of his mind. Are his Russian hookers taking THC before his showers? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Fox News claims that the left supports "infanticide"

Barf Bag Alert!!


The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, is fomenting violence from Republican terrorists. Of course, I would never support this idea, except as humor, but "aborting" Faux Noise talking heads years after birth is sphinctercide. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Sen. Cory Booker announces 2020 presidential run


Booker is not my favorite for President. He has a history of corporatism. RESIST!!



  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/1/2019”

  1. 5:45 These “red” cleats look more orange to me than the “orange” tulip from last week, which looked more “red.” Someone must be addicted to color filters.

    This from Wonkette: “If we were Erik Prince and Donald Trump Jr. right now, we’d probably be a little bit worried, or maybe a whole lot worried, but we are not stupid, so there’s that.”

    Interesting. Ugly, but interesting.

    MSNBC – I will believe he “summoned” them. I will never believe they “groveled.” I could make some humorous remarks about some things Swalwell and Jason said … but that’s not really the point, is it.

    Fox – Oh, I suppose this is why the FBI is said to have determined that there are “pro-choice extremists” who are as dangerous as “anti-abortion extremists.” I mean, since there is no evidence of that anywhere in reality (for the simple reason that it is untrue.)

    CNN – He’s not my favorite either. I will concede that he handled himself well during the Kavanazi hearings … and also with Meghan McCain when she attempted to mock him about those hearings.

    Cartoon – How well I remember. (I also remember some of the threatening lunch counter counter-protests.)

  2. MSNBC:  I wish we could blame his stupidity and lying on being stoned.  He will do anything to stay on Putin’s good side.

    Media Maters:  I watched for one minute and had to stop.  People that believe these turkeys need to watch something beside faux news, but they won’t.  Maybe pick up a book from time to time but I’m not sure if they can read.

    CNN:  Booker isn’t my favorite either but if he is the nominee, I will vote for him.

    Thank you TomCat.  Have a pleasant evening.

  3. GO Liz!!!

  4. MSNBC: Can a day go by w/o the lies, distraction, and denial of what this id does?? ugh! Liked what Congressman Swalwell’s comment about the ‘wall’. Good video, and guests.

    BBA: :33 seconds out for me. Love your comment, it said it all, TC.

    CNN: W/have to do my homework, and check them out before I make a decision. That little slice of info is very helpful, though.

    Cartoon: I remember my family talking about this, and reading about it. It’s only one of many stains on our history in this country. Sad.

    It’s take alot of time, and energy to get this post out every day. For that…I’m grateful, and of the folks who visit here. You’re amazing. Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Trump ‘disagrees with Intelligence’ is a headline that sums up the last two years.” ~ Anon ~

  5. MSNBC: It is too bad that anyone has to even consider anything the clown has to say!
    MMC: A bucket of barf!
    CNN: I like Booker, but would prefer Warren.
    ‘Toon: We have not come far enough from the days.

  6. 5:15 Got caught in the ropes.

    MSNBC: There are times I just run out of comments so:

    MM: Too gross to watch, I want to cut back on plastic bags. Faux News is really scraping the barrel looking for “news” that doesn’t involve Drumpf and diverts from his unfathomable stupidity.

    CNN: Booker seems to want to see himself portrayed as the next Obama, but, even though he’s am African-American male, he reminds me more of Hillary.

    CArtoon: Very brave young men indeed.

  7. MSNBC: The Mango Muttonhead makes less and less sense day by day. Anybody who wrote a story or play about someone doing this kind of stuff would be ridiculed.
    MMC: I wonder how many anti-choice people have ever actually read their Bible. If they did, they would realize that their god regularly commits mass infanticide. How many babies and pregnant women died in Noah’s deluge? How many babies and pregnant women died in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? How many babies and pregnant women were among the 70,000 who were put to death just because David ordered a census? How about Egypt’s innocent first born, or the 42 children ripped to shreds by she-bears just because they teased a minor prophet for being a chrome-dome?

  8. MSNBC: It’s a flipping joke…each and every day, is full of chaos. Ever since the idiot has walked into the W.H. we haven’t had one day of peace. He stirs us so much with all of his lies and torture of others.If he doesn’t like criticism, he has no right being in the position he’s in. A man takes it and learns from it, not just make lies about the truth that others have spoken.
    BBA: Despicable garbage.
    CNN: See him on the view this morning. We will have many to pick and choose from this coming election.
    Cartoon: Brave indeed.

  9. Puzzle — 4:37  I was rather hung up!

    MSNBC — Herr Drumpfenfarten is such a stupid nitwit!  As Lawrence said, who are you going to believe . . . the nitwit or the Senate hearing transcripts and video?  Certainly not the lying nitwit!  Further, there is no way that those intel people would grovel to the Liar-in-Chief.

    Media Matters — “…”aborting” Faux Noise talking heads years after birth is sphinctercide.” . . . and  sphinctercide is not a crime as far as I know!

    CNN — I need to know more about Cory.  However, I still prefer Liz and Bernie if he runs.

    Cartoon — I was 8 years old in 1960 and as a child, I never understood why African Americans were not allowed to eat at the same establishments as whites, use the same bathrooms, or use the same water fountains.  Just a few short years later, my maternal grandfather showed his racist side to me and I would have nothing to do with him after that.  People are people no matter the colour of their skin.  These young men were very brave, but they were right!

  10. Ahhh, DonnieNO! NO! NO!  

    Your Intel Chiefs were NOT misquoted.  The media did NOT mischaracterize it.  It was NOT taken out of context.

    It was shown on LIVE TV, you A-hole.

    Americans will no longer disbelieve what we see and hear because you ask us to.  Plain and simple, you are a LIAR.

    How far America has fallen!

  11. Thanks and Hugs to all! 04

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