Jan 272019

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox  I overslept.  WWWendy is in the community kitchen preparing beef stroganoff.  That’s almost good enough to give up eating dawgs.  This is today’s only article.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:04 (average 7:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Tucker Carlson Cold Open


Kate McKinnon is amazing.  The real Republicans are far more pathetic than the cast, and not as funny. RESIST!!

From USA Today: Despite President Donald Trump ending the government shutdown, his State of the Union address is still up in the air.

One thing is for sure, however: It’s not going to take place on Tuesday as originally planned.

"It’s not happening on 1/29," said Drew Hammill, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

After a series of bitter letters back-and-forth, Pelosi postponed Trump’s Jan. 29 address due to the longest shutdown in U.S. history , citing, among other things, security concerns as those tasked with the high-profile event were not being paid.

Woooo Hoooo Nancy! No TV for poor Widdle Donnie sphincter! RESIST!!

From NY Times: Was this the shutdown to end all shutdowns?

The answer could be yes. The toll exacted on government operations and federal employees by the record 35-day stalemate — not to mention the political costs to those in the White House and on Capitol Hill — was so punishing that it is giving momentum to a longstanding call to prohibit the government disruptions that have become a regular facet of Washington hardball.

“Shutting down the government should be as off limits in budget negotiations as chemical warfare is in real warfare,” Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee, said on Friday.

He was not alone in expressing those sentiments. Members of both parties said it was past time to enact legislation that would essentially mean the government would remain open at existing spending levels when an impasse such as the fight over the border wall was reached, rather than shuttering parts or all of the government. That’s an outcome that virtually everyone agrees is costly, unnecessary and even embarrassing.

Unlike the Republican hypocrites, responsible for all the shutdowns, Democrats have pushed this for over a decade. I support the idea. Republicans would still oppose it, if their sphincters were not so sore. RESIST!!



I wonder why the two perverts aren’t sitting together.


  23 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/27/2019”

  1. The government should never be shut down again. The damage was much too far-reaching, and many wounds will never heal.

    Good for Pelosi, standing up to the Tangerine Toddler and his hissy fit! The Republicans and the Right can blame Democrats all they like – never mind that the Shutdown began when Republicans still had control of the House of Reps.

    On the cartoon, does anybody notice the irony of putting a Nazi swastika on an African-American?

  2. 6:08 This thing again.

    Beef stroganoff is not kosher, but then, I am not orthodox (or even Jewish). Have you ever tried it leaving out the mushrooms and instead adding fresh cranberries? Yum!

    A new entry in AlterNet’s “What Fresh Hell” series covering news which got buried this week by larger “sensations” but which could be important

    SNL – Doesn’t look much like Tucker, but certainly makes up for it. The Jeanine impression was really on this time – hurt my ears. Kate, of course, continues to amaze. “Roger,” of course, can’t help the fact that he has a complete head, unlike the real thing, but made the best of it for sure.

    USAT – Well, it will certainly piss Donnie off. And spare all of us from the feces coming from his orifice.

    NYT – I believe a bill has been drafted to provide that, if there is no agreement and the authorization to continue government expires, a continuing resolution will automatically go into effect keeping all spending at pre-impasse levels. That’s what we used to do back in the day, when some Republicans still had honor, and those who didn’t still cared about looking like they did.

    Cartoon – Splendid. (but – only two perverts? well, my impression was that they put Sonia and Elena between Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to intimidate them. Don’t their smiles look a little forced?)

    • Update:  I can always count on Mazie Hirono to educate me.  Did you know that iDJiT’s “presidency” has been 100% “shibai”?  (Shibai [she-buy], Hawaiian – hypocritical, pretentious)

  3. SNL: Great show, with Steve being Stone(d). lol See that Roger is hitting the media news shows….ugh!

    USAT: Nancy has more B’s than this clown….AND..she has more experience with style and grace in her little finger, than all of donnie’s ….

    NYT: Read (somewhere) that his shutdown cost to the tune, (close to) of $6B, more than the wall price. Yes, Joanne I read that too. Good call re: shutdown.

    Cartoon: Strong ladies!!

    Hi, WWWendy! Beef strognoff sounds delicious! Enjoy! Hope that you have a relaxing day, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: re: dt – “I could have done the wall…I had the House & Senate for 2 years. Instead, I did tax cuts for ME!” ~ Anon ~

  4. SNL: Great, saw it “live” last night.  On the news, Stone was wearing a tee-shirt that read “Roger Stone has done nothing wrong!’  I wonder whether, or not, they will allow him to wear that under his orange (so fitting) jump suit.
    USA: Keep the thumb screws tight, Nancy!
    NYT: We will see how far this goes.  If it needs a vote in the senate, it might run into a McTurtle block!
    ‘Toon: Too sad!

  5. SNL: Great, saw it “live” last night.  On the news, Stone was wearing a tee-shirt that read “Roger Stone has done nothing wrong!’  I wonder whether, or not, they will allow him to wear that under his orange (so fitting) jump suit.
    USA: Keep the thumb screws tight, Nancy!
    NYT: We will see how far this goes.  If it needs a vote in the senate, it might run into a McTurtle block!
    ‘Toon: Too sad!

  6. One of Mitch McTurtle’s favorite aphorisms is “There is no lesson in the second kick of a mule”.  And yet today, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney announced Twitler is ready, willing and able to Shutdown 2.0.

    I have NO doubt that Speaker Pelosi is ready, willing and more than able to do more dog walking:

  7. i got ‘video unavailable in my country’ for the SNL vid ?

    Absolutely, government shutdowns should be forbidden OR if they must continue then all those in government should not be paid during a shutdown, i can’t believe the entire nation isn’t screaming for this after so many working people were put into extreme financial difficulty during the past 35 days!!

    Great graphic, now i can tell who’s who!!!

  8. 4:47 A Rubik cube with numbers instead of colours?

    SNL: I’m in Animae’s land down under.

    USAT: After his embarrassing defeat to Democrats, and the rest of the country, and no wall to show for it, I doubt Drumpf is in the mood for a Union address. Last year, besides making up most of his accomplishments, some thing seemed to go well for him, such as the economy. This year his tariff wars have failed and the real economy is slowing down, and Mueller is closing in on La Famila. I think he’ll be very happy to blame, uhm hide behind Nancy for not allowing him to speech.

    NYT: Even if Democrats would get legislation to ban shutdowns from being used in budget strife passed in the senate, Mr. Shutdown himself will never sign it.

    Cartoon: Do you think they embroidered those emblems on their robes so nobody would take their robe by mistake?

  9. Puzzle — 4:59  My thoughts too Lona!

    SNL — Not available in Canada either!

    USA Today — Diaper Don was not going to give a SOTU speech anyway.  He was going to give a speech on the state of his mind and use the time to attack the Dems for the shutdown.  BTW, on Meet the Press, McCarthy (R-CA) claimed that Diaper Don did not shut down the government but Chuck Schumer (D-NY) did.  I am sure that would be part of DD’s speech.

    NY Times — If only the US had a system of non confidence votes like Britain, Canada and Australia, you could retire the government and hold another election.  Perhaps that would force the administration to to play fair or not play.

    Cartoon — They are all in black dresses so perhaps it was thought to be wise to separate the two perverts lest their hands wander.

    Sorry I was not in yesterday.  I felt so lousy yesterday that I stayed in bed for much of the day.

  10. Thanks and Hugs to all. 12

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