Dec 262018

Yesterday was a lazy Christmas, but today is a busy one, here in the CatBox.  A nurse from my health care company is stopping by.  I need to prepare an order for as Store to Door is closed for two weeks for the holidays.  And tonight is Christmas dinner with WWWendy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:36 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:
From YouTube (Media Matters Channel):
Awful commentary on race and diversity: 2018 edition


I disagree with the Republican, who said there’s nothing worse than being called a racist. What’s worse is being one. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): CNN analyst: What to look for when Democrats take control of the House


The Democrats in the House will have one major disadvantage. They will obey the law. The Republican Reich will not. RESIST!!

From NY Times: Here’s what President Trump said to a child about Santa Claus on Monday: “Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at 7, it’s marginal, right?”…

…“Yes, sir,” the child, Collman, responded twice. She had spoken with the president for at least 10 seconds before he suggested that her parents had been lying to her all her life.

Isn’t it enough that the Republican Reich steals everything else? Must they steal childhood too? RESIST!!



  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/26/2018”

  1. 4:26 Prickly pear is quite tasty … and not all that prickly on the fruit. Kitties probably wouldn’t like it, but I do. But Squatch and/or Lona may take it from me.

    We will all be agog to hear what you cooked.

    Fucker Carlson – I’m betting she has more NDN DNA than I do. But who cares.

    CNN – You’re right of course. But they plan not only to obey but to enforce the law to the extent that they can, which may help. And some of ours are pretty sharp and will anticipate Republican lawlessness, which will also help.

    NYT – There’s an old saying – “he comes by it honestly” – meaning he really is the son of his father (honest) in the old sense of “chaste”). Probably the only honest thing in his Presidency to date (in the modern send of “honest”).

    Cartoon – “I NEEDZ THIS!”

  2. MMC: “Is that President trump’s fault, or….”  It’s the society’s bigoted, Faux News supported, fault, dunderhead!!  Carlson is nothing but an ass, and I can not listen beyond the fool’s comment about fault!  Social-Dominance Orientation: “Those with the most INTEREST in prestige and power seem least likely to feel for those less fortunate.” (emphasis mine).  From “Behave-The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst,” R.M. Sapolsky, pg. 440. 
    CNN: TC, your assessment of the situation is spot on!
    NYT: Dumphy is capable of emotional abuse aimed at anyone, at anytime!
    ‘Toon:  Wonderful, I see that you have impeccable manners!!!

  3. MMC: Didn’t get through the whole thing, I don’t watch faux. Question though, why wasn’t this a BBA?

    CNN: Your comment is forthright and spot on! Tom.

    NYT: dt: He’s the guy who goes to a party, and sits by himself, mumbling incoherent things. Just as he said to this little girl. What a cad!!

    Cartoon: Such a sweet cutie!

    Enjoy your Christmas dinner with WWWendy, relax and enjoy your evening, and take good care. Thanks, Tom.

  4. MMC: Never watch the tRump driven channel fAux news. Same reason….I can’t stand them, always blaming others.
    CNN: Supposedly they are planning on hitting tRump with lots of subpoenas. Hope them hit him good and are successful.
    NYT: Disgusting. He loves destroying people’s happiness, no matter what age they are. He makes me think of the Grinch. ‘Certainly fits the role in more ways than one.
    Cartoon: Love it. So cute.

  5. 2:55 Now how to get to that lovely red fruit.

    MMC: I know I shouldn’t have done it; I shouldn’t have started watching this video right before dinner. I got halfway through and it has completely ruined my appetite. The demure, righteous faces they pull when spouting al this racism turns the pH of by poor stomach to nearly zero.

    CNN: I think most of us here at PP never expected world-shattering change after Democrats took the House; we wouldn’t have even if Democrats had taken the Senate as well. But it is one thing Democrats need to manage extremely well, because many others may have (had) unrealistic expectancies which need to be addressed carefully and with empathy to avoid a great backlash. It must be clear to all that Democrats will do what they can, but that if they fail on certain points, it’s not because of weakness, but from the strength of integrity and fair play. Even when Congress and the presidency have returned to normal, the fight isn’t over with so many judges and justices appointed by Drumpf to suit his own needs.

    NYT: “It’s marginal” isn’t a phrase that comes natural to Drumpf and it must be something that was talked about during his briefing, trying to give him a feel for when children stop believing in Santa Claus because he wouldn’t have a clue. As usual he got stuck on that and with no sense of how to talk to a 7-year-old, he just blurts it out. Dementia does that. Luckily she was only a seven-year-old and didn’t understand word. She’s still happy in her belief.

    CArtoon: I’d have thought you’d at least eat your Christmas dinner with knife and fork, TomCat ?

  6. Thanks all.  Hugs! 19

  7. Puzzle — 4:26 Well JD, you and I could share, but the Napster beat us to it and quite handily I might add!

    Media Matters — I have two things to say: 1) Coulter says that Dems are dividing the country?  I don’t know how she justifies that statement; and 2) to the entire bunch I say:

    CNN — AMEN Lona!  I totally agree with you.  An we know that at the first sign of things not going the way Dems want, Republicans are going to jump all over them with lies etc.

    NY Times — Who would know better than the Liar-in-Chief about lying.  However, how dare he destroy her innocence in childhood and try to destroy her faith in her parents when “…he suggested that her parents had been lying to her all her life.”  Judging by how his 3 oldest kids turned out, he does not have a clue about parenting!  Trump is such an asshole!!!

    Cartoon — Yum!!!  I hope you ate every scrap . . . except any bones!!!

    I had physio yesterday afternoon and then teaching.  I didn’t get in until 2300 hours after having dinner with Sareena and her family so was very tuckered last night.  All I could do was listen to the Christmas Day music as I fell asleep.

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