Dec 242018

I surprised myself.  I actually found a full slate of articles for today.  If you’re driving, please stay safe.  Holiday hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Less than two hours after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis went to the White House on Thursday to hand a resignation letter to President Trump, the president stood in the Oval Office and dictated a glowing tweet announcing that Mr. Mattis was retiring “with distinction” at the end of February.

But Mr. Trump had not read the letter. As became apparent to the president only after days of news coverage, a senior administration official said, Mr. Mattis had issued a stinging rebuke of Mr. Trump over his neglect of allies and tolerance of authoritarians. The president grew increasingly angry as he watched a parade of defense analysts go on television to extol Mr. Mattis’s bravery, another aide said, until he decided on Sunday that he had had enough.

In a tweet later that morning, the president announced that he was removing Mr. Mattis from his post by Jan. 1, two months before the defense secretary had planned to depart. Mr. Trump said that Patrick M. Shanahan, Mr. Mattis’s deputy and a former Boeing executive, would serve as the acting defense secretary, praising him as “very talented” and adding that “he will be great!”

That means tiny hands can reach the button two months early. Duck world! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): AWAY IN A MANGER in 2018 – Parody


Amen Don! Republican Supply-side Jesus is the invention of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians to justify their gospel of injustice, hate and greed. He is the exact opposite of the real Jesus, and if the real Jesus were here in the flesh, Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians would crucify Him all over again! RESIST!!

From YouTube: Track Santa Claus on Christmas Eve with NORAD (live)


Don’t let this fool you. The REAL Santa is a cat! RESIST!!




  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/24/2018”

  1. Mattis may have been the last voice of sanity in the tRump cabinet. Between the trade war playing Old Scratch with our stock market, the Orange Ogre’s continued incompetence, and Democrats holding the House but not the Senate, 2019 is going to be an interesting year – as in Chinese curse “interesting.”

  2. 4:41 Bleached blond bimbo. Here’s a reproduction of one of the oldest likenesses of Saint Nicholas in existence (14th century).
    And here’s a forensic reconstruction.  (A video, yes, but less than a minute, and no dialog.)

    Oregon Leads The Way (Again/)

    NYT – Yes. Well, he tried to give the Dems some time. Sure too bad someone explained the letter to him.

    The Other PP – They would indeed crucify him all over again. But he might get a chance to whip the bankers first.

    YouTube – A long and honorable tradition … which as started by a kid dialing a wrong number and getting NORAD on the line.

    Cartoon – Just learned Santa will be missing a reindeer this year. Apparently Comet needs to clean the kitchen. Well, at least she’ll be safe.

  3. NYT: I think it would be really cool if Mr. Mattis went on a speaking tour, to tell all. Wouldn’t that be great??

    PPC: Word.

    YT: Cool!! as in a kitty cat!!!

    Cartoon: Holy moly!!! LOL, Joanne! 😉

    *This just in: “Nothing celebrates the birth of Jesus like flying your 3rd wife to your rich resort, leaving 800K Americans without pay, and children & parents in tent cities at the border. ~ Melissa BP ~

    Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    Happy, Merry Christmas to all !!!

    • Pat, your “This just in” reminds me of “Through the Looking Glass”:

      Hatta:  There’s nothing like hay when you’re thirsty.

      Alice:  I should think a glass of water would be better.

      Hatta:  I didn’t say there was nothing better; I said there was nothing like it.

  4. “… tiny hands can reach the button two months early. Duck world!”

    LOL!!! ?

  5. NYT: Yeah Pat,, it would be nice. He was the only one left that knew what was going on with the military/war territories..
    Really a shame, that tRump throws his tantrums where he thinks he know everything. Sorry to tell him…he knows Nothing.
    PPC: Shameful the way our leader and his buddies have changed our caring country.
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to All. Please be safe too.

  6. Thank you TomCat. Have a merry Christmas or Happy Holidays everyone.

  7. 4:55 (average 5:00) Christmas day lunch was too good today…

    NYT: You can leave it to Drumpf to make an utter ass of himself.

    PPC: Wouldn’t it be lovely if Don could sing a lovely parody about peace on earth next year?

    My first Christmas day is nearly over, but have a very merry one if you’re starting or half way through.

  8. Merry Christmas Hugs to all! 22

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